Tag block still not working

As reported on the beta/RC board, I haven't been able to get my tag block to work.  It looks good, but every tag you click returns the complete member list regardless of what they have on their profile.  I looked at the sys_tags table and it looked normal, except that several of the ObjID field values were identical for different tags.  Does anyone have any idea of what might be wrong?  My site is at www.caltrade.com/community and the tag block is on the right, under the search block.


Quote · 28 Dec 2009

Anyone?  Someone who doesn't like to post here sent me an IM this morning and couldn't get it to work either.  Is Boonex aware of this?  Has anyone gotten tags to work in a tag block?

Quote · 29 Dec 2009

import went wrong somehow...objid is the member id...i would export old version 6 data rework it then insert into new db

lets say you export the Tags table from old 6 DB and Your only worried about profiles so its a little query to run to get them only(phpmyadmin): SELECT * FROM `Tags` WHERE `Type` = 'profile';

you will get only the profile tags ...now you have to **** use the export at the bottom to get them out ****.

with above you get(forget about top stuff):

INSERT INTO `Tags` VALUES ('sexy', 1, 'profile');
INSERT INTO `Tags` VALUES ('hungry', 2, 'profile');

we need it to say:

INSERT INTO  `sys_tags` VALUES ('sexy', 1, 'profile', '2009-12-28 23:10:07');
INSERT INTO  `sys_tags` VALUES ('hungry', 2, 'profile', '2009-12-28 23:10:07');

i use an editor that has find and replace all...non windows based

and do replace all `Tags` with `sys_tags` and replace all ); with , '2009-12-28 23:10:07');

this will do all your tags so you can then simply run the sql after you backup the table.

have fun

I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com
Quote · 29 Dec 2009

Damn - problem is there weren't many tags in my D6 - most have been created since then.  Many were added by admin- maybe that is the problem.   Thanks for the response Mrpowless - still considering how to handle this.

Quote · 29 Dec 2009

ok just hire someone to make a list of whos tags belong to who and you change them by hand lol in any event its going to be fun.

I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com
Quote · 29 Dec 2009

Do you ever get the feeling that there is someone who just loves gigantic, frustrating, time consuming efforts to make this software work for the people who can least afford it :-(

Quote · 29 Dec 2009

I am beginning to suspect that the problem here is that I created or edited the tags with my admin account.   I think other admins will want to do this - to "normalize" the tags when several similar, but different tags are used.  Could someone from Boonex let me know- if a tag is edited by admin on the member's profile, does ownership get assigned correctly?  Is there anything we could do so that when admin edits tags in a profile they get assigned correctly.  It will be almost impossible to do this manually now - can we come up with a patch or something to fix this.   This is a bug - I don't think this has anything to do with my set up.


Quote · 30 Dec 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.