Tags Settings



I need help with tags settings.


1. Is it possible to change the default tags on the home page? By default, the block displays "Profiles" Tags, I would like eg to default to "Sites" or "Blogs". How to set it?

2. How to remove spammy tags?

3. Is it possible to set the most popular tags, for example, in the last 7 days? 24 h? e.t.c.

4. How to set when adding photos to the tags mandatory?

Please Help

profile tags.jpg · 49K · 351 views
Quote · 18 Apr 2017


Quote · 21 Apr 2017

1. Tag tabs are taken from `sys_objects_tag` db table in the order they are in the table. First record in this table is default tab. You can set another default tab by doing small modification:


2. Spammy tag can be removed upon spammy content removing

3. By default there is no such functionality, but I think it should be small custom modification if you want this.

4. Photos are uploaded without adding any fields, only upon photo editing tags are set. You can set it mandatory on edit page by changing the following code in inc/classes/BxDolFilesModule.php file near ~432 line (but it will affect videos, files and sounds):

                        'tags' => array(
                            'type' => 'text',
                            'name' => 'medTags',
                            'caption' => _t('_Tags'),
                            'info' => _t('_Tags_desc'),
                            'required' => true, 
'checker' => array ( 'func' => 'length', 'params' => array(3, 128), 'error' => _t('_td_err_incorrect_length')), 'value' => $aInfo['medTags'] ),



Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 23 Apr 2017

Thank you AlexT for help.

1. That works for me.Smile Sorry earlier I didn't find this on forum.

2. How can I tell who is causing this spam, and where is the spam content? I always remove spammers. The problem is that when I hit such a spammy tag (mostly imitating html code) in the profile tags, it shows me the information that the page does not exist.

3. If this is not a problem and a small modification then I would very much like to modify it. Perhaps maybe for others will be also useful.

4. Thanks for the solution. Too bad I can not add tag images with multi-uploads. At the moment, I can add mandatory tags only when loading images in regular form.

Quote · 26 Apr 2017

2. Please could you describe this problem in more details, can you explain how to reproduce it on demo.boonex.com ? it maybe there is some bug which needs to be fixed

Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 30 Apr 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.