Please i need to know how to remove transparency in blocks from the Alt template , as i have a background image and it make it difficult to read the contents of the site.
Thank you.
Hi, Please i need to know how to remove transparency in blocks from the Alt template , as i have a background image and it make it difficult to read the contents of the site. Thank you. Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net |
Add the following to the bottom of templates/tmpl_alt/css/common.css
.disignBoxFirst {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
You should not be modifying the alt template. Your changes may be over written on the next dolphin update. You should be making a copy of it with a new name instead. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Thanks , that's done ! One more question please , sorry Dean , what about the footer ? Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net |