If this question has been asked before and answered, please direct me to its location.
I want to attempt making basic css changes or html, not sure which as I'm not a coder but willing to backup a file first, then go after it. I wish to try this instead of hiring out the job. I need help, please.
I'd like to know:
- Is there an illustration/schematic of what the different areas of a template are called i.e., header/footer/right module or position; so that I can locate the file to make changes?
I wish to increase the size of the header for my logo.
I wish to change the colours. I made a change to something and noted the tags are a different colour. *giggle* Not quite what I was after but I like the colour. I wish to change the overall template background colour on ALL pages, perhaps use an image. Things like this.
Where are the files? I see in Admin Panel the CSS for lots but what I wish to know is there a post in the forum which identifies and explains what these are and what they do? Some are no doubt self-explanatory but I'd like to change them on a trial basis with a backup copy before doing it in Admin Panel.
If this doesn't make sense, it proves I need the help. Thanks! *smile*
Best regards,