
I made a copy of /tmpl_uni/ directory, called it /tmpl_buddy/ I changed the 'body_backgr.gif' in the new template directory and uploaded the entire directory to the server..

When I go into ADVANCED settings, it does not appear in the DROPDOWN template selector..
I have seen many people ask the same question, but I have not found the solution?

Anybody :)

Quote · 20 Dec 2009

Open file templates/tmpl_buddy/scripts/BxTemplName.php

and edit this line from $sTemplName = 'UNI';

to $sTemplName = 'buddy';

Quote · 20 Dec 2009

Yes, The new template needs to be given a name.

In your new tmpl_buddy folder, go into the script folder and edit the script named BxTemplName.php

In there you will fine the name uni.  Change it to buddy. And save.

Go back into admin, and you should see it.

Quote · 20 Dec 2009

Of course. Someone else beat me to the answer.

Quote · 20 Dec 2009

Hi, Guys..

Thanks a bunch..
I thought it would read the /tmpl_xxx/ Surprised
will go rename immadiately..

Thanks to you all!

Quote · 20 Dec 2009
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