The end is near......

We were hoping to launch this weekend, but unserprisingly for dolphin there are issues still to resolve first. Hopefully next weekend will see it happen.

I have attached a copy of our promo video to this post so please watch it.

Building this site has takeen almost a year, most of my hair and all of my sanity, but the light at the end of the tunnel is shining bright. I would like to take this opportunity to personaly thank Richard Mayers whithout who's help, guidance and skill we would have drowned in the sea of dolphin despair long, long ago. the guy is a hero and I appologise for his recent hair loss.

Thanks also go out to esase for his great help, programing skills, ideas and advice. He is a great guy and a real help.

Also we can not forget AntonLv and Modzzz who have both helped out with great custom work when the pressure has been on.

And thanks to Aneliadesigns for her exellent CSS work and design skills.

This whole experience has taught us that to make a grat site takes more that the efforts, imaginations and dreams of a single person. This has been a great team effort by all.

Personaly, and on behalf of Global Dance Network Ltd Debbie and I would like to extend our heart felt thanks and admiration for all involved.


Nathan and Debbie.

GDNpromo.wmv · 44.8M · 461 downloads
Quote · 1 Sep 2011

Nice video. Nice site. Good luck! ... Hosted by!
Quote · 2 Sep 2011

Thanks sky.... now for more marketing...

A word to all you site owners out there.... Think about marketing right from the very, very, very  beginning! Find someone to look after it whilst you get on and build the site. Our site is almost finished, but the hard work is just beginning.

Quote · 2 Sep 2011


Thanks sky.... now for more marketing...

A word to all you site owners out there.... Think about marketing right from the very, very, very  beginning! Find someone to look after it whilst you get on and build the site. Our site is almost finished, but the hard work is just beginning.

 glad to see some one finally understanding what dolphin is all about .. it is a skileton that needs to be dressed and modified .. good work and hope for the best also glad to help if you did need anything ..


if i did help you .. it wont hurt to go to my profile and add a recommendation for me ;)
Quote · 2 Sep 2011

Thanks nazzal,

I will beare it in mind.Its time to see if a dolphin based product can make the break through.

Quote · 2 Sep 2011


Thanks sky.... now for more marketing...

A word to all you site owners out there.... Think about marketing right from the very, very, very  beginning! Find someone to look after it whilst you get on and build the site. Our site is almost finished, but the hard work is just beginning.

 I know where you are comming from!!!

Its hard to get noticed :-) and expensive for marketing.....

Go un noticed ? Please say so if my post helped you in any way.
Quote · 2 Sep 2011
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.