The number of elements in the navigation menu which will be desplayed before the More link for visitors =0
I set this value to 0 or null at ---> Other
but it keeps on showing with the extended one and the search is also showing.
how can this be fixed.
There should be a way none of the links are shown for a guest?
You are looking in the wrong place, I suggest you replace the "0" back to a positive number.
Then go to Builders> Navigation Menu
Here you can control your menu to suit your needs, click on the link name, a popup screen allows you to select Visible for members & or guest, for each the links in the menu.
From the land DownUnder |
Appreciate if you try and see it and reply on this post. I am not a new user to dolphin 
What I mean is to remove all navigation links/ tabs at the top for non members or guest.
Simple, go to Builders and navigation menue like hands said. Click on the navigation heading you want to hide (i.e. Forums). That will bring the popup menu, and on there you will see a selectable option that says Visible for: Guests Members. Unclick the Guests box and that entire menu and sub menu will not display for guests/unregistered users.
Edit: the change you made in advanced settings does not hide menus from people, it jsut controls the layout of how many visible tabs you want to display before putting them into the compressed menu popup. To make the invisible do what I said in Nav Builder.
I am saying again. Try Test what i am saying and try to reply on this post. Otherwise do not give silly answers. |
RE: I am saying again. Try Test what i am saying and try to reply on this post. Otherwise do not give silly answers.
You have been told the correct way of doing what you ask. It is customary to say 'Thank you' when someone gives you proper advice
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I thanks everyone who is looking into this. Sorry if I hurt anyone especially houstonlively.
You have been told the correct way of doing what you ask. It is customary to say 'Thank you' when someone gives you proper advice
I will say thank you for trying to reply on this p
ost but not for giving me good advice. There is no good advice here. houstonlively, seems like you also have not tried the thing which I am reporting and angry over my way of answering to other people.
When I try to unchecked the guest checkedbox for many of the tabs from admin panel, I am not able to update and saved.
This is a D7 bug I am reporting and not a question of how things can be done? I think I am a good troubleshooter and I find bugs like other people do and there is no doubt in that.
I try to update using Chrome and IE8.
When Boonex have had the target to give webmasters the possibility to remove all navigation items completly from view (guest view), then yes, from this point of view it is a bug I noticed a week or so ago. Apart from that searchbox, language etc. left, the graphic looking bad then as well. Up to the last 4 text-navigation buttons it is ok. But latest then starting from 3 and less it looks ugly because the so much stretched width...
I'm not sure if Boonex wanted that before or right now. Maybe they will think about for the future. For me I find a way to left help, about and that buttons and as I said, from minimum 4 text buttons it looks ok and better than just the not removeable ones alone.....
Maybe a so called splash page to join can help me as well. I will wait how it goes on with 7.
Some day I'll learn to stop replying to posts that make no sense.
Good luck with your problem..... whatever it is. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Try to hide the following? Let us know whether boonex give option to hide these two in D7.
1. Hide the Small Search Button which is at the main navigation?
2. Hide the extended Menu, the menu with the green + on the main navigation.
For 1. manually edit the php to take it out, I don't think there is an option otherwise
For 2. either hide all the menus, or go into Admin>Advanced Settings>Other and change the variable for :The number of elements in the navigation menu which will be desplayed before the More link: to the number of menu items you have. If you have 20 menu items then make the variable 20 and the + will not show up.
Also to make the menu items fit better switch to icon view instead of word view.
Anyone looking into this and termed this as a bug and raise a ticket to fix this in later version? |
There is no bug to report. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I am asking if there is a way to remove the entire nav menu for guests. I want it blank, only join/ login visible and the main pic. is that possible?
thank you for any help
I think you guys that want to remove the menu entirely for guests, should think about this a little harder. Dolphin 7 is designed to have a top menu, and to have it removed comletely for guests, is a pretty rare request. It will make a site look like noting is there. Also, the top menu needs at least 4-5 items on it, or it will look lousy.
All menu tabs can be shown for guests only, members only, or both. Might I suggest putting a little bit of work into your sites instead of just obliterating the top menu for guests? If you don't want to show the 'Chat', 'Blogs', 'Videos', or any other page for that matter, instead of just not showing those pages for guests, why not create pages in their place, that are shown only to guests?
For guests, instead of showing the real video page, show your own 'teaser' page that tells about the videos page members will see. You don't have to do this with every single page, just the most important ones. Give visitors something to look at. Something that will draw them in, and entice them into joining your site. Something interesting. Don't just give them a boring splash page with a join button.... odds are they won't click on it.
But.... this is only my point of view. They are your sites, and you are free to render them completely useless to guests, if that is your desire. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I thank you for your thought on the matter of the nav bar. What I am tryin to do is have a site that members feel secure using. Go on sites that you have access for guest and you see that those are easily hacked and spammed. buildinga site where the members are secure from people browsing, they are there for a reason. Go on facebook, if you are not a member you cannot access anything. People feel secure in knowing that. I plan I haveing a description of who we are on the page, but that is it, if you want to join great, but if not, youi cant look around, members will feel more secure in posting stuff. this is not a dating site. not at all, dont want that.
With that, I would like to have a clear page, a logo and a description, with a login/ join section, thats it. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do that.
and houstonlively I know you are really trying to help, I thank you for that, I am just trying to work the site to how I want it to look, I love the dolphin script, and just want to have it stand out from the rest of the sites out there.