on your screen shots you have right at the bottom:
Home | My Info | Messages | Friends | Search
yet on the Android app I built from the 1.9.0 sources, I don't see that bottom menu.
How did you get it there?
Android app doesn't have this menu.
I've also spent hours going through and trying to understand:
https://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolModMobileso I could add some buttons for third party mods I've purchased, and add the timeline, but honestly am struggling a lot with it.
Do you have any pointers on this?
I would suggest to check install.sql of Articles module, to see how it is added:
-- mobile
SET @iMaxOrderHomepage = (SELECT MAX(`order`)+1 FROM `sys_menu_mobile` WHERE `page` = 'homepage');
INSERT INTO `sys_menu_mobile` (`type`, `page`, `title`, `icon`, `action`, `action_data`, `eval_bubble`, `eval_hidden`, `order`, `active`) VALUES
('bx_articles', 'homepage', '_articles_bcaption_all', '{site_url}modules/boonex/articles/templates/base/images/icons/mobile_icon.png', 100, '{xmlrpc_url}r.php?url=modules%2F%3Fr%3Darticles%2Fmobile_latest_entries%2F&user={member_username}&pwd={member_password}', '', '', @iMaxOrderHomepage, 1);