Timeline Module on Dolphin Mobile Apps

Hello there,


I managed to make the Timeline module appear on Dolphin Mobile Apps (iOS and Android devices). However, the Timeline module on Mobile Apps does not allow me to do POST, LIKE, COMMENTS OR SHARE functions. I can only view all the Timeline that was shared via the Web browser on laptop.


Please advise what I need to do in order to be able to interactively use Timeline module on Mobile Apps. I have attached the images for preview and advise. Thanks




IMG_4371.PNG · 756.6K · 314 views
IMG_4372.PNG · 867.1K · 369 views
Quote · 26 Apr 2016

When you are adding any URL to the mobile homepage/profile/search pages, add it in the following format:


Where URLENCODEDLINK is rawurlencoded link to the page with timeline relative to the Dolphin root folder, for example, if link to the timeline is http://www.example.com/community/page/timeline, then you need to add page/timeline, after rawurlencoding it will be page%2Ftimeline, so the final URL will look like this:

Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 1 May 2016

Hi Jase,

It took me a number of days before I could understand how to build the Android app (haven't started on iOS one yet). I understand the Android one now, but I've found I'm spending a number of days trying to understand a number of things with the addition of items / buttons within the mobile app.

For example, on your screen shots you have right at the bottom:

Home | My Info | Messages | Friends | Search

yet on the Android app I built from the 1.9.0 sources, I don't see that bottom menu.

How did you get it there?

I've also spent hours going through and trying to understand:


so I could add some buttons for third party mods I've purchased, and add the timeline, but honestly am struggling a lot with it.

Do you have any pointers on this?



Hello there,

I managed to make the Timeline module appear on Dolphin Mobile Apps (iOS and Android devices). However, the Timeline module on Mobile Apps does not allow me to do POST, LIKE, COMMENTS OR SHARE functions. I can only view all the Timeline that was shared via the Web browser on laptop.

Please advise what I need to do in order to be able to interactively use Timeline module on Mobile Apps. I have attached the images for preview and advise. Thanks




Quote · 5 May 2016


on your screen shots you have right at the bottom:

Home | My Info | Messages | Friends | Search

yet on the Android app I built from the 1.9.0 sources, I don't see that bottom menu.

How did you get it there?

Android app doesn't have this menu. 


I've also spent hours going through and trying to understand:


so I could add some buttons for third party mods I've purchased, and add the timeline, but honestly am struggling a lot with it.

Do you have any pointers on this?

I would suggest to check install.sql of Articles module, to see how it is added:

-- mobile
SET @iMaxOrderHomepage = (SELECT MAX(`order`)+1 FROM `sys_menu_mobile` WHERE `page` = 'homepage');
INSERT INTO `sys_menu_mobile` (`type`, `page`, `title`, `icon`, `action`, `action_data`, `eval_bubble`, `eval_hidden`, `order`, `active`) VALUES
('bx_articles', 'homepage', '_articles_bcaption_all', '{site_url}modules/boonex/articles/templates/base/images/icons/mobile_icon.png', 100, '{xmlrpc_url}r.php?url=modules%2F%3Fr%3Darticles%2Fmobile_latest_entries%2F&user={member_username}&pwd={member_password}', '', '', @iMaxOrderHomepage, 1);


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 8 May 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.