Traffic inspector from eSASe - part 2

Quote · 21 Dec 2012



May I please have your server accesses to check and fix... need to investigate this issue, not sure what the reason is and how it is possible


Please, provide me with the accesses by email and I'll fix this ASAP



We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 21 Dec 2012




May I please have your server accesses to check and fix... need to investigate this issue, not sure what the reason is and how it is possible


Please, provide me with the accesses by email and I'll fix this ASAP



 Thank you, I think I now have the module working and having the traffic inspector page loading as well.  What I did before was to change all of the isAdmin() in SasTrafficInspectorModule.php to isRole(3).  When I did that, the traffic inspector page would not load and returned the "page not found" error.  Since the error was only showing in line 477:

if ($this->_userId && !isAdmin() && $this->_isTrafficPage() && null != $this->_model->getParam('enabled')) {

I decided to change just the !isAdmin() to !isRole(3).  That appears to fix the problem but the question remains why line 477 is throwing the error:

*Fatal error*: Call to undefined function isAdmin() in */var/www/modules/esase/traffic_inspector/classes/SasTrafficInspectorModule.php* on line *477*

Research shows it only throws the error in the admin backend when trying to access a page with /index.php such as:

The problem is not that the function is undefined but some other thing is tripping PHP error that returns the undefined message. 

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 21 Dec 2012

By the way, I got the error on three different sites, two test sites running Apache, one 7.0.9, one 7.1, and the production site running on Nginx.  Plus, you also have the error report from

This is a great module except for this one little problem that needs to be solved; not just for me but for future customers as well.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 21 Dec 2012

version 1.0.2 was realized - fixed trouble with "isAdmin()" function described above.

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 21 Dec 2012

Thank you for fixing it...

Quote · 22 Dec 2012

Traffic Inspector is monitoring the traffic but allowing people to use over the allotted amount.  Shouldn't it block members from uploading over the allotted amount?  I checked and the member has not purchased additional storage.  So the module is just tracking the amount they use and not limiting.

traffic_inspector_not_working.jpg · 125.1K · 613 views
Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 23 Jan 2013

Please respond to this as I see this mod as a major feature for me!  Geek_Girl if I might if you have the parameters in place send an invoice to the members who are over the limits with a nice warning about being over with a friendly reminder to pay or lose their work in week with reminders each day until you delete the additional storage... You have their email... 

Quote · 24 Jan 2013

Not sure what I should do about current members being over.  The traffic inspector should have prevented them from uploading any more content.  I have set up a new test bed with 7.1.  Will install it there and test.  If it is broken there then I will be happy to send the access to the site to the developer to determine why it is broken.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 27 Jan 2013

OK, I installed this on a current install of 7.1 Final and it is working.  When someone tries to upload a photo or video or file and they have reached their limit, they are not allowed and a message is presented.  So something is wrong with the install on my site.  I will try uploading the files again, and see if that fixes the problem as I don't want to uninstall and have to create the tariffs again.  Sorry for posting without testing it on a new install.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 28 Jan 2013

When a user deletes content; in this particular case, videos, it does not release the space the videos were taking up.  I have a member that deleted the two videos he upload and yet the module is still reporting he has videos using storage space when he does not.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 1 Feb 2013

 Interesting I wonder if he checks these posts?

When a user deletes content; in this particular case, videos, it does not release the space the videos were taking up.  I have a member that deleted the two videos he upload and yet the module is still reporting he has videos using storage space when he does not.


Quote · 5 Feb 2013

Probably not, best to use direct email.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 6 Feb 2013

I have to say that I have had the worst customer experience with this vendor.  I have had better customer service on a $5.00 mod from other vendors than I do on this $79.00 mod from eSASe.  I wish I could put in a dispute with my payment processor on this purchase.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 11 Feb 2013

I wonder how long I need to wait before filing a complaint with Boonxe?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 1 Mar 2013

eSASe; please respond ASAP as I am now ready to take this to Boonex.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 8 Mar 2013

not sure how you gain status of "Trusted Vendor" when your support is non-existant.

Quote · 11 Mar 2013


Not sure what I should do about current members being over.  The traffic inspector should have prevented them from uploading any more content.  I have set up a new test bed with 7.1.  Will install it there and test.  If it is broken there then I will be happy to send the access to the site to the developer to determine why it is broken.

 I'll be glad to check and fix the issue if you contact me by mail and provide with your server accesses


These forum posts are for general issues , bugs and probably ideas. Yes, I do not check forums very often  and common experience, when user has issues with ayn module, he contacts the seller by mail instead of posting issues in the forums and complaining.

The issue could be in any special settings or 3party  modules you use on your website, that's why it is recommended to use mail system to have everything fixed asap

If you have issues on your site it doesn't mean another member will have the same issues

NOTE: please contact me directly by mail if you have any problems with my mods

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 12 Mar 2013


not sure how you gain status of "Trusted Vendor" when your support is non-existant.


There are a lot of users who like my products and get qualified and fast support. You personally do not use a single of my mods so please, do not make any judgements.

And a note for you as well, to get support you'd better contact the seller directly (if your membership allows this). Forums are to discuss common issues, bugs and suggest ideas.



We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
Quote · 12 Mar 2013


Yes, I do not check forums very often  and common experience

 I would have to say this statement bothers me, and should bother other members.

If your selling something here, you should be active here! That's a sorry ass excuse to me!!!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 12 Mar 2013

That must be why you never answered my question about my playlist module...

Since you are NEVER here, and have 90 products in the market, I'll help you find the post which you should be "subscribed" to.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 12 Mar 2013

Should I dig up the old email I sent to you?  I find it annoying that it is always the consumer and not the module developer.  On the traffic inspector, my guess is that the module is only seeing when someone uploads a file and not deleting a file; is that true?  In that case it is an oversight by the programmer; which would be you, and not the consumer; which would be me.

On the Actions Manager, it could very well be me; see, I don't mind admitting that I could be in error.  Humility is a trait that all should possess, even professional programmers.

I will work on getting a test site in place for your testing although I don't see why you can not do so; again placing the burden of this onto your customers.  When it is ready, I will email you the credentials.



Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 12 Mar 2013

This module has a flaw that the developer refuses to fix, calling it a feature and requesting that I pay to have it fixed.

The flaw is that when a user deletes content from their account, the module will not remove the corresponding entry from the inspector table.  Therefore, a member will run out of space even if they remove content.  This will mean a complaint from your users that they removed some content because they were out of space and yet they are still being told they don't have any more space to upload.

The module developer is claiming this is a feature so you can extort money from your users.  It is not a feature, it is a flaw and should be fixed.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 17 Apr 2013
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