Let me try to explain the URL issue again, for now the Admin thing is not major, I'm already filtering IP's for that, but just wanted another security layer. Us CISSP's think that way. :-)
Here's my DNS/URL problem. I will create some fake domains/IP's.
My registered domain: likealot.com
likealot.com DNS Zone Record:
Public IP: goes to sub.domain.com -> which is the DNS name for the server hosting dolphin.
My DNS register:
A Host Record Points to
C Name Host Record
www.likealot.com likealot.com
Simple as pie could ever be. So, now if you enter www.likealot.com in the address bar of your browser, it will redirect to, load the website, and all is good. Right?
Wrong. What happens is the URL displayed to the end user is sub.domain.com.
Poking around I find sub.domain.com in the Dolphin config file so wondering if that's what's making it revert back because that's the domain it's licensed to. If I unbind the license, now that the domain name is pointing to the server, and then re-license with the domain name will that resolve properly and show the end user the correct domain? I bought the license before I had my domain intact because it's a DEV/QA environment.
This is what's in the header file which made me wonder if this is causing the problem.
This is the line in the header file, which I think is config file for Dolphin, which may be causing my problem. I tried changing host name on servers, et al....... nothing seems to resolve the issue except forwarding with masking and that's not the right way to do it because the URL address never changes to anything but whatever you mask it to. ie - www.likealot.com/<will shows nothing after this point> so can't troubleshoot if you don't know folder, file, et al.......
1. $site['url'] = "http://sub.domain.com/";