Ultimate Gifts Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Ultimate Gifts mod.  See http://www.boonex.com/unity/extensions/entry/Ultimate_Gifts

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
9 Sep 2010

Patch 2.0.2 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

a) Fixes problem with Gifts main page not displaying properly in IE browser

b) Fixes problem with javascript error when there are no friends in the friend select block

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 Feb 2011

Patch 2.0.3 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.3 folder in zip file)

Fixes problem (noticed in Dolphin 7.0.5) with main gifts page not displaying properly when Gifts is integrated with Points or Credits.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 Mar 2011

When you have friends in your Friends list, and you go to give a gift, the STEP 2  says SELECT FRIENDS but there is NO way in the module for you to click on anything to add any friends. All that is there is text, with no control added t othe programming to choose from a list of friends or have any input field.

Supposedly this was fixed in 2.0.2 patch, but it has been tested on D 7.0.5 in both IE8, IE9, and Firefox without any success.

Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown
25 Apr 2011

There is a Friends box that contains pics of all friends. To select a Friend, you click on the friend's thumbnail the same way as how you click on a Gift to select it.  I will re-word the blocks on that page to spell it out clearly.

When you have friends in your Friends list, and you go to give a gift, the STEP 2  says SELECT FRIENDS but there is NO way in the module for you to click on anything to add any friends. All that is there is text, with no control added t othe programming to choose from a list of friends or have any input field.

Supposedly this was fixed in 2.0.2 patch, but it has been tested on D 7.0.5 in both IE8, IE9, and Firefox without any success.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
25 Apr 2011

Patch 2.0.4 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue where the success message did not fit on the page if a Gift was sent to multiple recipients.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
11 May 2011

Patch 2.0.5 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue where all gifts sent/received were not being displayed.

Fixes issue with anonymous gifts.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 Aug 2011

The version number is still displaying 2.0.4 after upgrading to 2.0.5 patch.

24 Aug 2011

 Download and run the sqlupdate.php again then clean cache.

The version number is still displaying 2.0.4 after upgrading to 2.0.5 patch.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
24 Aug 2011


I've modified db directly to the new version number.

24 Aug 2011

the images which are associated with the gift module are missing. 

18 Aug 2012

 Please read the readme.txt that comes with the mod.

the images which are associated with the gift module are missing. 


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
18 Aug 2012

I would like to send gifts were only for one user, not more. How to edit?

19 Oct 2012

 Are talking about removing the ability to send to multiple friends at once ?

I would like to send gifts were only for one user, not more. How to edit?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
20 Oct 2012


21 Oct 2012

 There is no administrative functionality to disable that. Some code re-writing would be needed.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 Oct 2012

Yes, I now "There is no administrative functionality to disable that."

Please tell me where you can remove code and where.

22 Oct 2012

 Significant modification (html and javascript) will need to be done to the two files below :


Yes, I now "There is no administrative functionality to disable that."

Please tell me where you can remove code and where.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 Oct 2012

and exactly?

22 Oct 2012

 As mentioned in the previous post, significant changes are needed to both files (which is outside the scope of forum support). You will have to get the services of someone competent in javascript to make the required modifications. 

and exactly?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 Oct 2012

I do not know the

22 Oct 2012

Sending gifts or premium gifts and ticking "send as a birthday gift" will send the gift but the gift WON'T appear on senders or recipients list either. Sending without "send as a birthday gift" displays the gifts history correctly (but only for the gifts sent WITHOUT the b-day option, of course). My patch is 2.0.5, btw.


Also, on the gifts block on the profile, clicking on a link "Premium Gifts" does nothing. So the block only shows normal gifts, it is not possible to see the premium ones received by a member (or by me, on my profile).

26 Oct 2012

Lol, it now occurred to me that "send as birthday gift" option does perhaps send the gifts but on members birthdays. If so, it would need to clarify it with the language key. But even if it's so, I know positively about some gifts I've sent with this option and they were not displayed on the receivers end even when the member HAD a birthday...

26 Oct 2012

(I always thought that sending as a birthday gift is adding b-day wraps to it - but now I double checked and no such gift was ever sent - or better to say, the counter on the gifts decreases and shows the correct "days ago" info but the gift is not displayed on the my gifts sent or on the recipient)

27 Oct 2012

I tried again, no luck.

As per the attachments, sending a gift with Birthday option ticked decreses the gift count but it is not showing up on the Members Gifts block on member's profile.



gift1.png · 134.6K · 466 views
gift2.png · 110.2K · 430 views
29 Oct 2012

Birthday Gifts are delivered on the Member's Birthday so if John sends Jane a birthday gift on November 29th and Jane's birthday is December 25th, the gift will not show up on Jane's profile until December 25th. If the gifts are not being processed then there is a problem with your cron job setup.

I tried again, no luck.

As per the attachments, sending a gift with Birthday option ticked decreses the gift count but it is not showing up on the Members Gifts block on member's profile.




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
30 Oct 2012

Everything is working ok now, perhaps it even has been all the time, thanks to my messed up cron. :) By the way, would it be possible to set up a points reward for back-gifting (when a member uses gift-back option on a gift), I mean, in a way to make it lucrative in reward with mucho points to stimulate members to use gifts? :)


Birthday Gifts are delivered on the Member's Birthday so if John sends Jane a birthday gift on November 29th and Jane's birthday is December 25th, the gift will not show up on Jane's profile until December 25th. If the gifts are not being processed then there is a problem with your cron job setup.

I tried again, no luck.

As per the attachments, sending a gift with Birthday option ticked decreses the gift count but it is not showing up on the Members Gifts block on member's profile.





31 Oct 2012

 I have noted the points reward for back-gifting. It will be added in a future update.

Everything is working ok now, perhaps it even has been all the time, thanks to my messed up cron. :) By the way, would it be possible to set up a points reward for back-gifting (when a member uses gift-back option on a gift), I mean, in a way to make it lucrative in reward with mucho points to stimulate members to use gifts? :)


Birthday Gifts are delivered on the Member's Birthday so if John sends Jane a birthday gift on November 29th and Jane's birthday is December 25th, the gift will not show up on Jane's profile until December 25th. If the gifts are not being processed then there is a problem with your cron job setup.

I tried again, no luck.

As per the attachments, sending a gift with Birthday option ticked decreses the gift count but it is not showing up on the Members Gifts block on member's profile.






Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Nov 2012

Patch 2.0.6 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.6 folder in zip file)

This update allow members to upload and send custom gifts.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Nov 2012

This module has been updated for Dolphin 7.1

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Nov 2012


Patch 2.0.6 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.6 folder in zip file)

This update allow members to upload and send custom gifts.


Does this version also split up the steps into 3 blocks so it's possible to change the left column order? I wrote you some days ago and you said next week you will change this.

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
16 Nov 2012

 No, it is a pure update to Dolphin 7.1 . All mod enhancements have been postponed until all the products have been updated to Dolphin 7. 1


Patch 2.0.6 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.6 folder in zip file)

This update allow members to upload and send custom gifts.


Does this version also split up the steps into 3 blocks so it's possible to change the left column order? I wrote you some days ago and you said next week you will change this.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Nov 2012

How can I go about changing the category order of which gifts show first?

I'd like when people land on the Gift's Main page that the Other, Animals, or Friendship category and gifts show first....

BTW- Thanks for adding the Custom Gift from members option- was wanting that capability :)

6 Apr 2013

I just added a .gif image to "other" category....Type: Standard.

it was a about 27k small file....

Used the Icon Select option....

When I go to manage gifts I find placeholder with the name of my GIF image, but the image is not there (as if it didn't get uploaded)

Is there something special I need to do in order to be able to add GIF images?

6 Apr 2013

 Apparently it just needed to be warmed up first because after uploading a PNG and then trying the same GIF again, the GIF added just fine....

BUT- I sent the GIF and it doesn't have its animation???

What do I need to do for animated GIFs to work?

I just added a .gif image to "other" category....Type: Standard.

it was a about 27k small file....

Used the Icon Select option....

When I go to manage gifts I find placeholder with the name of my GIF image, but the image is not there (as if it didn't get uploaded)

Is there something special I need to do in order to be able to add GIF images?


6 Apr 2013



I don't know if there is a quicker way, but what I did was uploaded the GIF using the "Create Gift" Admin Panel....

Dolphin of course destroys it during conversion process...and renames it, but keeps it as a .gif...

I then used FileZilla and located the file in Gift module's media folder, copied the name given to it during processing, and renamed the original file back on my system- giving it the same name as the processed .gif up on my web-server....Uploaded it overwriting/replacing the one on my web-server.


By all means- If anyone knows a quicker way to do this, I'm all ears....It's kind-of a hassle :~

6 Apr 2013

Fixed problem which occurred when member name display format is changed in admin setting.
Re-upload all files and clear cache.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 May 2013

Is this fix only needed for 7.1.x?

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
22 May 2013


Is this fix only needed for 7.1.x?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 May 2013

Patch 2.0.7 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.7 folder in zip file)

The FLV Player has been replaced.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
6 Jun 2013

Hi there Modzzz, I noticed that the green plus and red X icons are missing next to the add members and I have broken icons links there instead.  I am running 2.07 on 7.1.3

example.PNG · 58.9K · 449 views
26 Jun 2013

 Download the mod again and re-upload the modules\modzzz\gift\templates folder.

Hi there Modzzz, I noticed that the green plus and red X icons are missing next to the add members and I have broken icons links there instead.  I am running 2.07 on 7.1.3


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
12 Jul 2013

Is the Points+Gifts+Rewards updated as well?

12 Jul 2013

Not yet. Whenever I update a mod, a corresponding post is always made in the support forum for that specific module.

Is the Points+Gifts+Rewards updated as well?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
12 Jul 2013

There is a issue with gifts when sending many at one time!   It causes outline results on index.php to break and vanish ...

Please help asap I really like the gifts and pokes modules but its messing with my site ... I have also indicated similar issue with Pokes mod in the support forum for Pokes

DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
22 Aug 2013

any idea when bugs with gifts will be fixed please ?

DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
2 Sep 2013

Adjustments have been made to the integration with friends timeline. Re-upload all files and clear cache.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
7 Sep 2013

there is issue with download .... files empty.

DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
7 Sep 2013

 I have re-uploaded the zip file.

there is issue with download .... files empty.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
7 Sep 2013

where do i get the pictures from?

30 Oct 2013
30 Oct 2013
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.