Unable to install "sites"

I am unable to install "Sites" on one of my D7 sites.   The module install tool gives his error message.  Anyone know what I can do to fix this?



-- -There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error:

INSERT INTO `sys_menu_top`(`Parent`, `Name`, `Caption`, `Link`, `Order`, `Visible`, `Target`, `Onclick`, 
Quote · 23 May 2011

That doesn't look like the complete error.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 23 May 2011

It was so wide that I couldn't copy it all except by shrinking the screen size - this is most of it I think.


-- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error:

INSERT INTO `sys_menu_top`(`Parent`, `Name`, `Caption`, `Link`, `Order`, `Visible`, `Target`, `Onclick`, `Check`, `Editable`, `Deletable`, `Active`, `Type`, `Picture`, `Icon`, `BQuickLink`, `Statistics`) VALUES(4, 'Sites', '_bx_sites_menu_my_sites_profile', 'modules/?r=sites/browse/my', @iCatProfileOrder, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', '', '', 0, '');
Quote · 23 May 2011


still missing part of the error bud. what it looks like is that it was installed once, or attempted to install, then uninstalled, but not completely, so there are some remnants lingering in the database that need to be removed.

It was so wide that I couldn't copy it all except by shrinking the screen size - this is most of it I think.


-- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error:

INSERT INTO `sys_menu_top`(`Parent`, `Name`, `Caption`, `Link`, `Order`, `Visible`, `Target`, `Onclick`, `Check`, `Editable`, `Deletable`, `Active`, `Type`, `Picture`, `Icon`, `BQuickLink`, `Statistics`) VALUES(4, 'Sites', '_bx_sites_menu_my_sites_profile', 'modules/?r=sites/browse/my', @iCatProfileOrder, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', '', '', 0, '');

try to copy your error, put it in a notepad, then add it here as an attachment so we can see what it says.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 23 May 2011

Thanks DosDawg - file attached.

sites-sql-error.txt · 494B · 295 downloads
Quote · 23 May 2011

Look though the sys_menu_top table in your database and see if an entry for the module already exists. If so, delete it, clear your cache, and try again. As said above, it's possible remnants from a previous install are present.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 23 May 2011

Thanks.   There were a bunch of entries for Sites there.  I deleted them all, cleared the cash, and tried a reinstall several times.  Same error, plus it puts the entries back in.

Quote · 23 May 2011

Maybe it would be good if we could come up with a complete "scrub" procedure for modules that don't uninstall, so we can clean things up manually - a list of all the tables.   I also had a problem with stores not unstalling and just found some remnants in the sys_page_compose table.

Quote · 23 May 2011

yeah  thats probably easy enough, when its actual tables that get created, though many of these modules as you well know write to some of our core tables, langkeys and such. so its extremely difficult.

Maybe it would be good if we could come up with a complete "scrub" procedure for modules that don't uninstall, so we can clean things up manually - a list of all the tables.   I also had a problem with stores not unstalling and just found some remnants in the sys_page_compose table.

what i find weird here cal, is that i am not seeing where or what its complaining about. generally it will tell you the field or value that its bitching about. so lets try something, if you would. take the query to phpmyadmin, and try to run it there, and see what you get reported back.


i see you are showing me the query, but there is nothing that hints to the error. and i dont think mysql debug will help us becuause this is in the admin panel.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 23 May 2011

Try running this query in phpMyAdmin first.

SET @iTMParentId = (SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Name` = 'Sites' AND `Parent` = 0 AND `Link` = 'modules/?r=sites/home/|modules/?r=sites/' LIMIT 1);
DELETE FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Parent` = @iTMParentId;
DELETE FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Parent` = 0 AND `Name` = 'Sites' AND `Caption` = '_bx_sites';
DELETE FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE (`Parent` = 4 OR `Parent` = 9) AND `Name` = 'Sites';

Then try the install again. If that fails. You can use the uninstall sql from modules\boonex\sites\install\sql\uninstall.sql

Make a copy of that SQL file, edit it and replace all occurences of [db_prefix] with bx_sites_

Then run all of that as a query in phpMyAdmin. It should completely remove any pieces remaining.

Quote · 23 May 2011

nice job Deano

i will be adding this to my archive. though caltrade is correct, there needs to be some type of method to scrub the database, because this issue has been brought up more than once, where a module will get uninstalled and then will not reinstall for whatever reason, and in most cases it has to do with the sys_menu as best i recall.

Try running this query in phpMyAdmin first.

SET @iTMParentId = (SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Name` = 'Sites' AND `Parent` = 0 AND `Link` = 'modules/?r=sites/home/|modules/?r=sites/' LIMIT 1);
DELETE FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Parent` = @iTMParentId;
DELETE FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Parent` = 0 AND `Name` = 'Sites' AND `Caption` = '_bx_sites';
DELETE FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE (`Parent` = 4 OR `Parent` = 9) AND `Name` = 'Sites';

Then try the install again. If that fails. You can use the uninstall sql from modules\boonex\sites\install\sql\uninstall.sql

Make a copy of that SQL file, edit it and replace all occurences of [db_prefix] with bx_sites_

Then run all of that as a query in phpMyAdmin. It should completely remove any pieces remaining.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 23 May 2011

Crap!  The SQL ran successfully, but the same thing happened on reinstall - same error I think

Crap Again!  Deano, your second procedure didn't work either.  Query ran successfully, but again same error on trying to install.

INSERT INTO `sys_menu_top`(`Parent`, `Name`, `Caption`, `Link`, `Order`, `Visible`, `Target`, `Onclick`, `Check`, `Editable`, `Deletable`, `Active`, `Type`, `Picture`, `Icon`, `BQuickLink`, `Statistics`) VALUES(4, 'Sites', '_bx_sites_menu_my_sites_profile', 'modules/?r=sites/browse/my', @iCatProfileOrder, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', '', '', 0, '');

Quote · 24 May 2011

Yea. Hard to diagnose as all you are showing us is the query. You have yet to show us the actual error that appears under the query. So without that it will be difficult to determine the problem.

Quote · 24 May 2011

Update.  I noticed even after the uninstalls, I still had "sites" section on my navigation menu.  I moved those to the inactive area, but there was one of those pink ones there that I couldn't delete (what are those there for, anyway?).   I then ran the full uninstall script manually again, but it still wouldn't reinstall.    I am back to square one.  Any other ideas?

Quote · 24 May 2011

I was just thinking about where it is crapping out. Did you by any chance remove any items from the top menu? The one i am asking about specifically is the My Profile item in the top menu.

Quote · 24 May 2011

Ok. Run this query from phpMyAdmin and show me the result.

SELECT * FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Name` = 'Sites'
Quote · 24 May 2011

I might have.  I recall moving around a bunch of the "my" menu items "my blog", "my ads", etc- and "my profile" might very well have been one of them. 

Here is what that query displayed:


Full Texts ID Parent Name Caption Link Order Visible Target Onclick Check Movable Clonable Editable Deletable Active Type Picture Icon BQuickLink Statistics
Edit Delete 668 0 Sites _bx_sites modules/?r=sites/view/ 0 non,memb       3 1 0 0 1 system modules/boonex/sites/|bx_sites.png   0  
Edit Delete 669 0 Sites _bx_sites modules/?r=sites/home/|modules/?r=sites/ 7 non,memb       3 1 1 1 1 top modules/boonex/sites/|bx_sites.png   1  
Edit Delete 682 9 Sites _bx_sites_menu_my_sites_profile modules/?r=sites/browse/user/{profileNick}
Quote · 24 May 2011

Ok. One is missing, so i suspect a problem with the top menu id's. So run that query again and delete those 3 results.

Then run this query and show me the results.

SELECT * FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Name`='My Profile' OR ID='4'

Quote · 24 May 2011

Ok. deleted.  That query said it had zero results,but this was also displayed.



Full Texts ID Parent Name Caption Link Order Visible Target Onclick Check Movable Clonable Editable Deletable Active Type Picture Icon BQuickLink Statistics
  Edit Delete 4 0 My Profile {memberNick} {memberLink}|{memberNick}|change_status.php 0 memb       1 0 0 0 0 top bx_profile.png user.png 0  
Quote · 24 May 2011

Ok. That looks correct.

It should be installing. So run that full uninstall sql again. And then try installing the module. After that, i am out of ideas.

Quote · 24 May 2011

No - damn - same thing.  If you are out of ideas, it is pretty hopeless.

Quote · 24 May 2011

Last whimper - and slightly more information. It did install just about everything except the module- with broken language keys everywhere.  It put the navigation items in, and it is even in the modules section of the control panel- but when you click on anything it says "module not found".

Quote · 24 May 2011

Ok, I couldn't get this to work here, in spite of the heroic efforts of Deano and a few others here, so I made a ticket to report this, and included my access information.   That is what you are supposed to do, right? 

I explained the entire issue, and included a reference link to this thread.   Here is the response I got from Igor:

1) I can't open your site, the browser says "not found".
2) We don't provide technical support service anymore so there's no need to pay $5.
3) Every SQL error on your site has description which explains the reason and thus you can have an idea how to fix it. If you uninstalled those modules partially in the past, you need to delete the garbage they left. And the SQL errors will tell you about this garbage. I understand that you may not be so good in SQL or PHP but in this see more

I'll address these in numbered order, as he did.

1) I'm not sure what the issue is with #1 - the site is live and online.

2)  I had asked where I pay my $5 as the support ticket page says that is what it costs.  I hope they didn't get rid of the paid support tickets because of the dispute I posted.  My complaint was that the issue I was trying to have fixed was never answered with their paid ticket system, not a complaint about the concept of a paid ticket system.   That "we don't provide technical support service anymore"  comment makes me nervous.  I actually would be delighted if I could run through a bunch of these bugs at $5 a shot.  If they don't provide support for their own product, who does?

3) I like that "if you uninstalled those modules partially in the past"   So how did I do this?  By clicking the "uninstall" link too lightly?  He is right that I am not so hot at PHP and SQL, but we certainly made a good attempt here.    Installing and uninstalling mods is something every site owner here does as part of normal operations and development.   What he is really saying here is that the code is defective in this area, but it is our responsibility to fix it. 

They did not close the ticket, fortunately, but if anyone has any ideas on how I should proceed please let me know.

Quote · 26 May 2011

After going at it for a few hours, I discovered what the issue was.  The suggestions that Deanno gave were a great help, as usual. The error generates and the install fails if you have only one column and/or one block available on one of the pages that the modules is trying to install to.     '

Basically, my error was being caused by my profile page because it was trying to order the blocks, but there was only 1 block, so thus, it throws an error.  The quick solution is to simply go the page in question through the Dolphin Admin panel, add a column and block, then install.

If you have already tried to install and have gotten errors, I would suggest the you follow the uninstall instructions provided by Deanno, then do the install.  You are going to have to get rid of garbage from the attempted install for it to ultimately work.

How I came to the conclusion was using the premise that Deanno provided which directed me to try to find and fix the issue using phpmyadmin.  I took the install.sql file and attempted the install by running the SQL query within phpmyadmin and it gave me the specific location of the error.  The error was in the mysql Insert query @iPCOrder + 1 . After determining that the syntax was correct, I knew that it must be something to do with ordering the blocks/columns.  The entire sql error that was giving me the problem was:

-- profile page

SET @iPCOrder := (SELECT MAX(`Order`) FROM `sys_page_compose` WHERE `Page`='profile' AND `Column`='2');

INSERT INTO `sys_page_compose` (`Page`, `PageWidth`, `Desc`, `Caption`, `Column`, `Order`, `Func`, `Content`, `DesignBox`, `ColWidth`, `Visible`, `MinWidth`) VALUES

('profile', '998px', 'Show list profile sites', '_bx_sites', 2, @iPCOrder + 1, 'PHP', 'return BxDolService::call(\'sites\', \'profile_block\', array($this->oProfileGen->_aProfile[\'NickName\']));', 1, 66, 'non,memb', 0);

Hope this helps someone.

Ulysses Chico Chapman

Nations Best Enterprises, Inc.

d/b/a NationsBestDesigns.com

Quote · 24 Jun 2011

I just had a similar issue, Just thought I would share the fix. I un-installed sites and tried to re-install and came up with loads of errors. Then cleared cache, re-stalled sites and the page came up garbage. Went into admin and simply added a column and html block into sites main page. Cleared cache again and everything miraculously now works. am running D 7.006

Complete newbie but learning fast. Thanks for all the help.
Quote · 22 Jul 2011

Hi there,
I have some problems installing "sites module", ilooked into the bd if there was no previous install, there are not but when i try to install it i get the following error :

Installation of: Sites Failed
-- Changing database:
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error:
INSERT INTO `sys_page_compose` (`Page`, `PageWidth`, `Desc`, `Caption`, `Column`, `Order`, `Func`, `Content`, `DesignBox`, `ColWidth`, `Visible`, `MinWidth`) VALUES('profile', '998px', 'Show list profile sites', '_bx_sites', 2, @iPCOrder + 1, 'PHP', 'return BxDolService::call('sites', 'profile_block', array($this->oProfileGen->_aProfile['NickName']));', 1, 66, 'non,memb', 0);

Thanks in advance for help,
Garbez François - TCA

Quote · 14 May 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.