Sorry, I take back what I said a little while ago.
I thought that the profile photos in the profile gallery were one and the same and that those photos were supposed to be private, for that particular member only?
I also thought that the general photo upload (not in the profile view), the one with the copyright disclaimer, was for uploading shared images that can also be viewed in the public gallery. At least that's how it all seemed to work to me until CALTRADE just made his post above.
That caused me to check how everything works when clicking on member items as a visitor ....
Well, yeah, I think that kind of sucks ... that a visitor can click on the members name from the members section of the homepage, which then not only displays that members chosen profile picture ... but also all of the other pictures that that member has uploaded into their private profile (as thumbnails below the large profile image).
Now when you look in the stats section and click on photos there, it takes you to the public shared gallery. Cool, everything's fine there. And sure, a visitor should get to see something, especially since that might entice him or her to sign up to the community. But isn't there some way to disable or remove just the thumbnail view under the profile picture for people who are just looking around? Is there some sure fire method of keeping shared photos public while havig profile photos completely private at all times?
Greetings from Germany