What do you mean by "Dolphin 7.0.2" - have there been some version releases I have missed? They were doing them every other day for a while there.
What do you mean by "Dolphin 7.0.2" - have there been some version releases I have missed? They were doing them every other day for a while there. |
Solve what? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
There is nothing to solve. https://www.deanbassett.com |
Deano: it was so easy to arrange user pictures by ID in 6 - every user has a folder - Geniuos! And now? You said well - wasted space. A big batch of pictures and theirs thumbs - dangerously mxed << !!! >> with PHOTOS FROM OTHER MODULES << !!! >> My luck that, I said, I have no 20.000 images - I HAD TWO DAYS CORRECTED IT ALL MANUEL IN ACDSEE - cause always compair - using bx_albums, bx_avatars, bx_photos_main, profiles, bx_sites, groups, events - what a picture belongs to what a user - can you all imagene? That takes, as minimum, time. My troubles begin with a user that uploaded .PNG for Sites Module. I REPEAT - FOR SITES. Sites modul DO NOT convert PNG to JPG, and makes no thumbs - in my case. Does it? Am I crazy? PNG easy lays in /photo/files/ with NO thumbnail and - in my case took a number so that the photos main page calls it as original to another picture. I think - Sites photos must, as minimum, go to sites/files - to do not bother. Isn't right? |
Solve what? What's going on with your avatar? Should I wear a stereo glasses? Or it is misty today in Houston. By tha way I was there with a ship in Corpus Cristi. Sorry for spam... |