Unbefu**inglievable - photo conflickt

What do you mean by "Dolphin 7.0.2"  - have there been some version releases I have missed?   They were doing them every other day for a while there.

Quote · 11 Jan 2010

Solve what?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 Jan 2010

There is nothing to solve.

This is normal.

Everything uploaded is converted to jpg. The other files are different size thumbnails of the images.

The reason for converting everything to jpg was explained as to maintain compatability with other features of the site. Exact features is a complete mystery to me.

As for the storing of thumbnails, i don't know. Lazy programmers that don't want to code for on the fly image resizing. But seriousy it's more likely to increase performance becuse the site does not have to do it every time a certain size thumbnail is needed. Although it is a space waster.

But there is really nothing to fix, this is normal dolphin operation.

Quote · 12 Jan 2010

Deano: it was so easy to arrange user pictures by ID in 6 - every user has a folder - Geniuos! And now? You said well - wasted space. A big batch of pictures and theirs thumbs - dangerously mxed << !!! >> with PHOTOS FROM OTHER MODULES << !!! >>

My luck that, I said, I have no 20.000 images - I HAD TWO DAYS CORRECTED IT ALL MANUEL IN ACDSEE - cause always compair - using

bx_albums, bx_avatars, bx_photos_main, profiles, bx_sites, groups, events - what a picture belongs to what a user - can you all imagene?

That takes, as minimum, time.

My troubles begin with a user that uploaded .PNG for Sites Module. I REPEAT - FOR SITES.

Sites modul DO NOT convert PNG to JPG, and makes no thumbs - in my case. Does it? Am I crazy? PNG easy lays in /photo/files/ with NO thumbnail and - in my case took a number so that the photos main page calls it as original to another picture.

I think - Sites photos must, as minimum, go to sites/files - to do not bother.

Isn't right?

Quote · 12 Jan 2010

Solve what?

What's going on with your avatar? Should I wear a stereo glasses? Or it is misty today in Houston. By tha way I was there with a ship in Corpus Cristi. Sorry for spam...

Quote · 12 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.