If site is having Memberships like standard, promotional and 3 others,
upgrade options link is showing only in standard and promotional.
(Standard is kept for admin, promotional for new joined)
however if some have taken one membership or assigned and want to change to other there is no link upgrade options link.
It is a little confusing on how you have the memberships titled. Standard is a built in membership level and is the level that will be assigned if one has a paid membership and let it expire. The only thing I would do with Standard is change what is allowed under Standard. If you need an Admin level, create it, tittled it Admin, and don't make it purchasable. You can manually assign it to any admin.
Only membership levels that are purchasable will show up when one goes to the membership page. You need to rethink your membership levels.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Promotional is just like it sounds. It is designed so you can offer full access or partial access to the site's features for a limited time; a limited trial. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Thanks for ur reply.
Default admin is getting standard membership, which I haven't changed.
I added three membership levels, and turned on promotion.
Confused about standard membership and about it's expiry and it's link with paid membership.
Standard is a built-in membership level. When a membership that a member has purchased expires and they don't renew or buy some other membership level, Dolphin will set that member to Standard. So, do not use Standard as the admin membership level as it will set people that are not admins to that level. Do you understand now? Geeks, making the world a better place |
Thanks, Now its clear about standard membership (and luckily nothing affected because of this blunder I have made).
In my site there are 3 purchased memberships and they never expires (since I have assigned lifetime). So they will never convert to standard. And also they will never be able to view upgrade options.
Earlier I have made a change for promotional memberships suggested by Alex for my query:
(By default dolphin has upgrade options only for standard membership level)
1. I want to show upgrade options for 3 of the above purchased memberships (or 2 of the above purchased memberships).
Please tell how to change the code?
2. How to make admin membership level 'not purchasable'? and how to make it invisible in upgrade options?
All custom memberships are purchasable. You can disable custom membership to not show it. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Once again, asking the same question
I have 3 purchasable membership levels other than standard and promotion.
If someone puchased one membership, he is not getting upgrade options hyperlink on the account page.
How to show that link?
Once again, asking the same question
I have 3 purchasable membership levels other than standard and promotion.
If someone puchased one membership, he is not getting upgrade options hyperlink on the account page.
How to show that link?
If you go to mysitedomain.tld//m/membership/index; which there is also a link on the account page, the member should see their current status on the left and the available membership they can purchase on the right. Now, if there current membership is still active, the new membership will only kick in after the current membership expires. So if they are at level 1 and buy level 2, level 2 will only become active after level 1 expires.
So check to see if that page I listed above is there.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
In my case I want to implement without expiry.
Meaning, a person should be able to choose level 2 when he was in level 1.
Once again, asking the same question
I have 3 purchasable membership levels other than standard and promotion.
If someone puchased one membership, he is not getting upgrade options hyperlink on the account page.
How to show that link?
If you go to mysitedomain.tld//m/membership/index; which there is also a link on the account page, the member should see their current status on the left and the available membership they can purchase on the right. Now, if there current membership is still active, the new membership will only kick in after the current membership expires. So if they are at level 1 and buy level 2, level 2 will only become active after level 1 expires.
So check to see if that page I listed above is there.
In my case I want to implement without expiry.
Meaning, a person should be able to choose level 2 when he was in level 1.
Once again, asking the same question
I have 3 purchasable membership levels other than standard and promotion.
If someone puchased one membership, he is not getting upgrade options hyperlink on the account page.
How to show that link?
If you go to mysitedomain.tld//m/membership/index; which there is also a link on the account page, the member should see their current status on the left and the available membership they can purchase on the right. Now, if there current membership is still active, the new membership will only kick in after the current membership expires. So if they are at level 1 and buy level 2, level 2 will only become active after level 1 expires.
So check to see if that page I listed above is there.
Would copying the Membership block that is currently showing on m/membership/index page to the Member Account page work for you ? Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |
In my case I want to implement without expiry.
Meaning, a person should be able to choose level 2 when he was in level 1.
The code is not written that way because the logic is that if a person has paid for a year and has six months to go they would be cheated out of what they originally paid. However, I have had members that wanted the new membership and did not care about losing past membership costs. I just did it manually but there should be a checkbox saying "Apply membership immediately" for those that don't care and want the upgraded membership now. I might look at the code and see what needs to be changed; if you want it now, then PM me about doing it as custom work.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Would copying the Membership block that is currently showing on m/membership/index page to the Member Account page work for you ?
Thanks it is working.
I understood past membership costs.
If I require any feature of that kind I will pm you.
Thanks very much.
In my case I want to implement without expiry.
Meaning, a person should be able to choose level 2 when he was in level 1.
The code is not written that way because the logic is that if a person has paid for a year and has six months to go they would be cheated out of what they originally paid. However, I have had members that wanted the new membership and did not care about losing past membership costs. I just did it manually but there should be a checkbox saying "Apply membership immediately" for those that don't care and want the upgraded membership now. I might look at the code and see what needs to be changed; if you want it now, then PM me about doing it as custom work.
I have the very same question than sureandhraindia.
Let's say the site has 4 memberships: Standards (which comes with Dolphin) + 3 custom memberships (Bronze, Silver and Gold).
The "Upgrade Option" shows to Standard members only. If a member has a Bronze, Silver or Gold membership, there is no upgrade option. E.g: There in no way for a Silver member to upgrade from silver to gold at anytime when his/her membership is still active unless his/her knows the url: m/membership/index.
I really wonder why Dolphin was designed like that and what would be a good workaround/fix.
@sureandhraindia :
What solution have you definitely implemented and how? Would you mind sharing? Thanks in advance.
@modzzz :
Would copying the Membership block that is currently showing on m/membership/index page to the Member Account page work for you ?
Would you like to be more specific? How to copy the Membership block on m/membership/index page to the Member Account page?
In the Page Builder => Account Page, I don't see any "Membership block" to add but I can see the "RSS Feed", "HTML Block", "Text Block", "PHP Block" etc.
Please advise,
I simply made a text block in account page with 'upgrade options' hypertext pointing to memberships page. (The same hyperlink showing for upgrade options for your standard membership) |
Thanks for your reply.
Your solution looks good. I also thought about it but I needed the upgrade options link very close to the membership status instead of in a separate html block.
So I implemented my own solution as seen in the screenshot attached to this post. I am sharing it. Hope it will help somebody.
Instead of an "upgrade options link", I am using a button because I needed something that is eye-catching to draw members’ attention to paid memberships.
The file to edit is: /inc/profiles.inc.php (Dolphin 7.3.4)
Around lines 160-162, find:
[code]$sViewActions = _t('_MEMBERSHIP_UPGRADE_FROM_STANDARD', BxDolService::call('membership', 'get_upgrade_url')) . '<span class="sys-bullet"></span>' . $sViewActions;
$ret .= '<br />' . $sViewActions;[/code]
And replace it with:
[code]// $sViewActions = _t('_MEMBERSHIP_UPGRADE_FROM_STANDARD', BxDolService::call('membership', 'get_upgrade_url')) . '<span class="sys-bullet"></span>' . $sViewActions;
$ret .= '<br />' . $sViewActions. '<br /><br />' . '<a href="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'm/membership/index" class="bx-btn bx-btn-img bx-btn-small bx-btn-ifont"><i class="sys-icon arrow-up"></i>' . _t("_MEMBERSHIP_UPGRADE_OPTIONS") . '</a>';[/code]
Then find (around line 172):
[code]$ret .= '<br />' . $sViewActions . '<span class="sys-bullet"></span>' . $sExpiration;[/code]
And replace it with:
[code]$ret .= '<br />' . $sViewActions . '<span class="sys-bullet"></span>' . $sExpiration . '<br /><br />' . '<a href="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'm/membership/index" class="bx-btn bx-btn-img bx-btn-small bx-btn-ifont"><i class="sys-icon arrow-up"></i>' . _t("_MEMBERSHIP_UPGRADE_OPTIONS") . '</a>';[/code]
Upload the modified file to the server and you are done!
- I have commented out line 160 to remove the “Upgrade Options link” when the membership is standard since I am using a button.
- The button code was added in two places in order to show when the membership is standard and when it is a custom membership with a limited or an unlimited duration (never expires).
- I have created a new language string:
Category: System
String Text: Upgrade Options
I didn't use the language string _MEMBERSHIP_UPGRADE_FROM_STANDARD because it has a url as a string text. It was not working with the button that I created and I didn't want to edit it.
You can modify the change I made to suit your need.
If anyone has a better solution, please share.
BTW, Instead of the language string Text: "Upgrade Options", one can use "Upgrade/Renewal Options" since the same button can be used for both upgrade and renewal purposes.
Nice idea, hope the code works well. |
Make a note of the changes as an upgrade could revert back to the original code. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Thanks. It works fine.
@ geek_girl
Make a note of the changes as an upgrade could revert back to the original code.
Yep, the change needs to be re-applied whenever there is an upgrade.
For color change can we replace bx-btn-img in 162 with bx-btn-primary. Will be there any problem?
For color change can we replace bx-btn-img in 162 with bx-btn-primary. Will be there any problem?
Hi Sureandhraindia. Sorry for the late reply.
Awesome!!! I've just tested it and it looks great. Nice idea though! I like it. 
BTW, you should replace it in line 162 and 172.