Hello everyone.
I have upgraded my website to TinyMCE 5.0.6 (Dolphin 7.4.2 with PHP 7.1.23)
The steps to upgrade are:
1. copy /plugins/tinymce/* to /backup/ folder and backup /templates/base/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php
2. download TinyMCE 5.0.6
3. unzip TinyMCE 5.0.6 and copy tinymce/js/tinymce/* to your /plugins/tinymce/
4. restore from /backup/plugins/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/ to TinyMCE 5.0 of the /plugins/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/
5. Modify the BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php of PHP code :
modify skin and add theme_url
protected static $CONF_COMMON = "
document_base_url: '{bx_url_root}',
skin: 'oxide',
theme_url: '{bx_url_tinymce}themes/silver/theme.min.js',
language: '{bx_var_lang}',
language_url: '{bx_url_tinymce}langs/{bx_var_lang}.js',
content_css: '{bx_var_css_path}',
entity_encoding: 'raw',
browser_spellcheck: true
change height: '270' to height: 270, and remove theme_url.
protected static $CONF_STANDARD = "
external_plugins: {
width: '100%',
height: 270,
toolbar: 'undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image',
statusbar: true,
resize: true,
change height: '150' to height: 150, and remove theme_url.
protected static $CONF_MINI = "
menubar: false,
external_plugins: {
width: '100%',
height: 150,
toolbar: 'bold italic underline removeformat | bullist numlist | alignleft aligncenter alignright | blockquote | link unlink image',
statusbar: false,
change height: '320' to height: 320, and remove theme_url.
protected static $CONF_FULL = "
external_plugins: {
width: '100%',
height: 320,
toolbar: [
'undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image',
'print preview media | forecolor emoticons'
statusbar: true,
resize: true,
image_advtab: true,
6. delete cache_public/* all files and Apache cache all files (If you have used Apache cache) and your Browser cache
7. Good luck.
If you need to see the TinyMCE 5.0.6 demo, please go to my website : insoler.com
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |
Now you can upgrade to TinyMCE 5.0.7.
Version 5.0.7 June 5, 2019
ADDED new toolbar button and menu item for inserting tables via dialog.
ADDED new API for adding/removing/changing tabs in the Help dialog.
ADDED highlighting of matched text in autocompleter items.
ADDED the ability for autocompleters to work with matches that include spaces.
ADDED new imagetools_fetch_image callback to allow custom implementations for cors loading of images.
ADDED 'http' and https options to link_assume_external_targets to prepend http:// or https:// prefixes when URL does not contain a protocol prefix. Patch contributed by francoisfreitag.
CHANGED annotations navigation to work the same as inline boundaries.
CHANGED tabpanel API by adding a name field and changing relevant methods to use it.
FIXED text color not updating all color buttons when choosing a color.
FIXED the autocompleter not working with fragmented text.
FIXED the autosave plugin no longer overwrites window.onbeforeunload.
FIXED infinite loop in the paste plugin when IE11 takes a long time to process paste events. Patch contributed by lRawd.
FIXED image handle locations when using fixed_toolbar_container. Patch contributed by t00.
FIXED the autoresize plugin not firing ResizeEditor events.
FIXED editor in fullscreen mode not extending to the bottom of the screen.
FIXED list removal when pressing backspace after the start of the list item.
FIXED autocomplete not triggering from compositionend events.
FIXED file_picker_callback could not set the caption field on the insert image dialog.
FIXED the autocompleter menu showing up after a selection had been made.
FIXED an exception being thrown when a file or number input has focus during initialization. Patch contributed by t00.
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |
Version 5.0.8 June 18, 2019
- ADDED back support for multiple toolbars.
- ADDED support for .m4a files to the media plugin.
- ADDED new base_url and suffix editor init options.
- FIXED incorrect padding for select boxes with visible values.
- FIXED selection incorrectly changing when programmatically setting selection on contenteditable false elements.
- FIXED sidebar background being transparent.
- FIXED the build to remove duplicate iife wrappers.
- FIXED bogus autocompleter span appearing in content when the autocompleter menu is shown.
- FIXED toolbar font size select not working with legacyoutput plugin.
- FIXED the legacyoutput plugin incorrectly aligning images.
- FIXED remove color not working when using the legacyoutput plugin.
- FIXED the font size menu applying incorrect sizes when using the legacyoutput plugin.
- FIXED scrollIntoView not working when the parent window was out of view.
- FIXED the print plugin printing from the wrong window in IE11.
- FIXED content CSS loaded over CORS not loading in the preview plugin with content_css_cors enabled.
- FIXED the link plugin missing the default “None” option for link list.
- FIXED small dot visible with menubar and toolbar disabled in inline mode.
- FIXED space key properly inserts a nbsp before/after block elements.
- FIXED native context menu not showing with images in IE11.
- FIXED inconsistent browser context menu image selection.
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |
Hi Brentsu, how are you brother, did your html work in page builder "HTML block" after applying this? "Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net |
My Bad, Sorry, I forgot to explain this:
Open administration/templates/base/_header.html and add tinyMCEPreInit like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="__dir__">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=__page_charset__" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0" />
<script>window.tinyMCEPreInit = {base : 'https://yoursite/plugins/tinymce', suffix : '.min', query : ''};</script>
Then you need Change MySQL encoding from utf8 to utfmb4 for Emoji and the future.
MySQL storage engine is also recommended to change from MyISAM to InnoDB at same time.
In fact, it's not that I forgot the tinyMCEPreInit, the BOONEX team forgot to set the tinyMCEPreInit value on the administrator's webpage.
There is no problem with TinyMCE 4, but in TinyMCE 5, there will be problems in the News, Articles, and page builder "HTML block" of the administrator's webpage that TinyMCE 5 cannot be started.
Version 5.0.12 July 18, 2019
- ADDED ability to utilize UI dialog panels inside other panels.
- ADDED help dialog tab explaining keyboard navigation of the editor.
- CHANGED the “Find and Replace” design to an inline dialog.
- FIXED issue where autolink spacebar event was not being fired on Edge.
- FIXED table selection missing the background color.
- FIXED removing shortcuts not working for function keys.
- FIXED non-descriptive UI component type names.
- FIXED UI registry components rendering as the wrong type when manually specifying a different type.
- FIXED an issue where dialog checkbox, input, selectbox, textarea and urlinput components couldn’t be disabled.
- FIXED the context toolbar not using viable screen space in inline/distraction free mode.
- FIXED the context toolbar overlapping the toolbar in various conditions.
- FIXED IE11 edge case where items were being inserted into the wrong location.
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |
Cool ill try this one.
My Bad, Sorry, I forgot to explain this:
Open administration/templates/base/_header.html and add tinyMCEPreInit like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="__dir__">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=__page_charset__" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0" />
<script>window.tinyMCEPreInit = {base : 'https://yoursite/plugins/tinymce', suffix : '.min', query : ''};</script>
Then you need Change MySQL encoding from utf8 to utfmb4 for Emoji and the future.
MySQL storage engine is also recommended to change from MyISAM to InnoDB at same time.
In fact, it's not that I forgot the tinyMCEPreInit, the BOONEX team forgot to set the tinyMCEPreInit value on the administrator's webpage.
There is no problem with TinyMCE 4, but in TinyMCE 5, there will be problems in the News, Articles, and page builder "HTML block" of the administrator's webpage that TinyMCE 5 cannot be started.
Version 5.0.12 July 18, 2019
- ADDED ability to utilize UI dialog panels inside other panels.
- ADDED help dialog tab explaining keyboard navigation of the editor.
- CHANGED the “Find and Replace” design to an inline dialog.
- FIXED issue where autolink spacebar event was not being fired on Edge.
- FIXED table selection missing the background color.
- FIXED removing shortcuts not working for function keys.
- FIXED non-descriptive UI component type names.
- FIXED UI registry components rendering as the wrong type when manually specifying a different type.
- FIXED an issue where dialog checkbox, input, selectbox, textarea and urlinput components couldn’t be disabled.
- FIXED the context toolbar not using viable screen space in inline/distraction free mode.
- FIXED the context toolbar overlapping the toolbar in various conditions.
- FIXED IE11 edge case where items were being inserted into the wrong location.
"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net |
Do you know how to fix this...
"Failed to initialize plugin: moxiemanager"
Do you know how to fix this...
"Failed to initialize plugin: moxiemanager"
Pm me your details.
"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net |
In fact, I removed MoxieManager when I upgraded to Dolphin 7.4 :
Moxie-v.1.3.0 can't use in Dolphin 7.4
The reason for the removal is not that Moxie Manager does not support dolphin7.4, I found that someone registered a new account and he didn't post any discussions, just use MoxieManager to upload many files he wants to use!
On the server, there are many files we don't know about, which can cause management problems and security issues for the site.
BTW, All TinyMCE 4 "plugins" modules cannot be used with TinyMCE 5. Because the initialized code is completely different.
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |
Hi in your join page tiny mce is it working too? "Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net |
Hi in your join page tiny mce is it working too?
Disregard. :)
"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net |
Yes, TinyMCE 5 can also be used for registration pages.

But my site doesn't use fields such as "Description". Because I find that there are many spammer or hackers who don't post any discussions, just sign up for an account, use the description field to enter ads, and put in malicious URLs.
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |
It works perfectly after clearing cache. ty "Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ www.dexpertz.net |
Version 5.0.13 August 6, 2019
CHANGED modal dialogs to prevent dragging by default and added new
draggable_modal setting to restore dragging.
CHANGED the nonbreaking plugin to insert nbsp characters wrapped in spans to aid in filtering. This can be disabled using the
nonbreaking_wrap setting.
CHANGED backspace behaviour in lists to outdent nested list items when the cursor is at the start of the list item.
FIXED sidebar growing beyond editor bounds in IE 11.
FIXED issue with being unable to keyboard navigate disabled toolbar buttons.
FIXED issues with backspace and delete in nested contenteditable true and false elements.
FIXED issue with losing keyboard navigation in dialogs due to disabled buttons.
FIXED MouseEvent.mozPressure is deprecated warning in Firefox.
default_link_target not being respected when target_list is disabled.
FIXED mobile plugin filter to only apply to the mobile theme, rather than all mobile platforms.
FIXED focus switching to another editor during mode changes.
FIXED an exception being thrown when clicking on an uninitialized inline editor.
FIXED unable to keyboard navigate to dialog menu buttons.
FIXED dialogs being able to be dragged outside the window viewport.
FIXED inline dialogs appearing above modal dialogs.
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |
One thing that I noticed is the plugins changing api from 3 to 4 to 5. Is this going to stop? It breaks plugins. It is as bad as Boonex breaking every third party module with their 7.4 release. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Maybe it going to stop.
In fact, I definitely don't buy any third party module, so I bought a dolphin built into a lot of modules at 02.03.2012!
Because I installed too many third party modules (portal module, Gallery 2.0.3 bridge module, album module, etc.) in phpBB 3, causes not being able to upgrade to a new Gallery 3.0, new album module, php 7, etc.
The same problem occurred in Jommla 1.6 that year.
A similar problem occurred in Joomla 1.6 of the year. It's all about installing third-party modules!
Just like you know, installing a third-party module that nobody has maintained, updated, or upgraded, the last problem is actually the webmaster himself. I don't want to encounter more difficult issues, so I don't buy or install third-party modules on the new insoler website.
Just look at my insoler.com you will see that I am using a standard dolphin. (Correct description is Dolphin Plus, Since 2012, I have been using Dolphin Plus.)
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |
Yes, but in this case it is the TinyMCE plugins that also get broken each time. I edited the TinyMCE plugin emotions and added a large number of them. Now with the 4 version that no longer works, I have to start over. Now with the 5 version if I had edited the 4 version I would again have to start over because they changed the exact same plugin from 3 to 4 to 5. Plus, they removed the advimage and what is left is not satisfactory. You can add the classes to the stripped down image plugin but in my opinion advimage was way better than what they offer now. And it is no better with ckEditor as far as it being about money now. All the old "because we want to make a damn good ...." is gone and it is we want to make money. The Open Source community has really eroded over the last few years. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Maybe you can try image_advtab:
This option adds an “Advanced” tab to the image dialog allowing you to add custom styles, spacing and borders to images.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Possible Values: true, false
selector: "textarea", // change this value according to your HTML
plugins: "image",
menubar: "insert",
toolbar: "image",
image_advtab: true
But, Sorry, I don't like image_advtab and advimage. because advimage is too complicated, it is not suitable for general users. user only needs an easy-to-use interface.
I also don't like new emoticons. because the emoji icon is too small, is it difficult to distinguish between different faces?
Nothing is perfect, the same is true for dolphin.
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |
Version 5.0.14 August 19, 2019
ADDED an API to reload the autocompleter menu with additional fetch metadata.
FIXED missing toolbar button border styling options.
FIXED image upload progress notification closing before the upload is complete.
FIXED inline dialogs not closing on escape when no dialog component is in focus.
FIXED plugins not being filtered when defaulting to mobile on phones.
FIXED toolbar more drawer showing the content behind it when transitioning between opened and closed states.
FIXED focus not returning to the dialog after pressing the “Replace all” button in the search and replace dialog.
REMOVED Oxide variable
@menubar-select-disabled-border-color and replaced it with @menubar-select-disabled-border .
Version 5.0.15 September 2, 2019
ADDED a dark
content_css skin to go with the dark UI skin.
CHANGED the enabled state on toolbar buttons so they don’t get the hover effect.
FIXED missing CSS active state on toolbar buttons.
onChange callback not firing for the colorinput dialog component.
FIXED context toolbars not showing in fullscreen mode.
https://www.insoler.com/ The first community site supports RAW photo formats ! |