Upgrading Chat+ to .25 from .24

I believe I have Chat+ v0.24 installed on my server and was wondering if there is an online Doc how to upgrade .25 
Here are the recent releases:  https://rocket.chat/releases



Quote · 10 Apr 2016

i do not think there is a way to upgrade. every time Rocket.Chat gets a new version I have to download and run it all over again. I am using v 25 now - a few added things - but not much. so really no need to change to newer version.

Quote · 11 Apr 2016

Do you just run it on top of the old version ? Do you do any pre-install setup/clean up ?  


Note sure if you are using v0.25 with Dolphin, I was told by Boonex team that the newest version will not work if you happen to use it with Dolphin. Rocket Chat in Dolphin is not a standalone application, The version that is working for me now with Dolphin is 0.20. It was recompiled so to be connected to Dolphin. 

New releases of Rocket.Chat for Dolphin will be available on Github:   https://github.com/boonex/rocket.chat/releases 

Quote · 11 Apr 2016

i am using v 25 with Dolphin - and it works perfectly well. Dolphin site is http://cvp71.com - if you want to check it out.


i just created a new directopr - such as /opt/cvpy1. Then ran the git command into that directory. Then ran meteor. Once everything was working fine - then ran meteor build --directory /opt/cvp71. Then resume regular install procedures:


cd /opt/cvp71/bundle/programs/server

npm install

cd ../..

create run.sh file - but you may need a new database name. Not sure if old settings will work with the newer version

Quote · 11 Apr 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.