Upload Profile Picture Problems

Dear All,

I just installed dolphin 6.16 in a host of lamp system. I've this problem when a user upload a picture, a directory with a number name is created in media/images/profile/, but no image is uploaded in that directory.

I've contacted the host company who confirmed the GD library is installed.  The max size of upload file is set to 32M, but I can't not upload a image even of 500k.

Please help! Thank you in advance!



Quote · 22 Dec 2011

Did you really install 6.16 or is that an error? 7.0.8 is the current version.


Anywho, about your problem, check that the directory has the correct permissions.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 22 Dec 2011

 media/images/profile, these 3 directory all have 777 permission, when uploading a new directory with the name of id number can be generated in "profile" directory , but nothing inside the "id no"directory

My host circumstance is http://tools.1149.londit.com/index.php?act=phpinfo

and the settings in header.inc.php are 

$video_ext                 = 'avi';

$MOGRIFY                   = "/usr/local/bin/mogrify";

$CONVERT                   = "/usr/local/bin/convert";

$COMPOSITE                 = "/usr/local/bin/composite";

$PHPBIN                    = "/usr/bin/php"; 

Maybe some mistakes in settings, I'm beginner, can't figure out which part goes wrong, please help! 

Many Thanks! 



Quote · 22 Dec 2011

can't upload any photo,  I read some similar posts, still don't know how to fix it, its frustrating. Can anyone help? Thanks a lot.

Quote · 22 Dec 2011

I tried also uncheck 'Use GD library..' in admin panel, don't work. I'm desperate, help!

Quote · 22 Dec 2011

 I'm a 7 user but have been playing around with 6.1.6 for the past 6 months; so I only have one thing for you to check.

I know it affects even D7 installs if "GD Processing" is not turned on.

GD Processing

 media/images/profile, these 3 directory all have 777 permission, when uploading a new directory with the name of id number can be generated in "profile" directory , but nothing inside the "id no"directory

My host circumstance is http://tools.1149.londit.com/index.php?act=phpinfo

and the settings in header.inc.php are 

$video_ext                 = 'avi';

$MOGRIFY                   = "/usr/local/bin/mogrify";

$CONVERT                   = "/usr/local/bin/convert";

$COMPOSITE                 = "/usr/local/bin/composite";

$PHPBIN                    = "/usr/bin/php"; 

Maybe some mistakes in settings, I'm beginner, can't figure out which part goes wrong, please help! 

Many Thanks! 




ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 22 Dec 2011

Dear Newton27, I've "Use GD library for image processing" checked, It did't work for jpeg. Then I tried to upload a image of png it works, gif works too. but .jpeg and .bmp don't work.

I'm so confused, the GD settings is attached.

what should i check?


GD.bmp · 671K · 455 views
Quote · 23 Dec 2011

since no other "seasoned" 6.1.6 users will chime in..

I see your  php.ini settings for timeout is set at 60, you should perhaps raise that to 600

mysql.connect_timeout 60 60
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 23 Dec 2011

Your max_execution_time and max_input_time are a little low at 30 and 60 seconds. Not usually an issue for images unless they are huge. Jpeg's are usually not to big, but they could be. Bmp's can get big in a hurry.


Try smaller sized images and/or try increasing the above mentioned values and try again.

DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 23 Dec 2011

Possibly some extension case problem... I forgot already about 6.1.6 but allowed format are specified somewhere in the script...

If, for exemple, allowed format is specified as "JPG"or "JPEG", jpg pictures could be rejected because of the small case... and vice-versa... maybe ;-)

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 23 Dec 2011

I found png and jpg strings in file image.inc.php and design.inc.php, tried some modification by adding jpeg, didn't work, I attach these 2 files, thank you in advance for help.



images.inc.php · 18.4K · 449 downloads
design.inc.php · 46.5K · 452 downloads
Quote · 24 Dec 2011

If you have a slow connection and you are uploading a large file that takes longer than the 30/60 seconds associated with max_execution_time and max_input_time it could error out. That is why I suggest a smaller file or increasing max_execution_time and max_input_time. A large jpeg or bmp could take longer than 30/60 seconds just to upload if they are large and your connection is slow. Update them to around 300/300 would be 5 minutes of upload time and processing. Bump them up even more if possible for testing.


It is difficult to say but if the image are large whether they are jpeg/jpg or bmp it doesn't matter if your connection is using up the 30/60 seconds it will terminate or kill off the process and error out with nothing happening.


So at least try to increase those numbers and you will at least know. I use dolphin 6.1x frequently and never had a single problem uploading jpeg/jpg. I never tried bmp's though.

Start with that and see what happens.

On apache handler increase those numbers with .htaccess with php_value like:

php_value max_input_time 300

php_value max_execution_time 300


Otherwise all you are out is a few moments of your time to test and at least eliminate one more part of your problem.


No idea if this will fix your problem, but worth a try and you can check one more test off.

DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 24 Dec 2011

Dear Gameutopia, I've tried but don't work, it can upload png of 5M without problem, but for jpeg of 400k just create a blank field

Quote · 24 Dec 2011

Well I am off to sleep. Kind of strange that a 5m png would work and not a 5m jpg since jpg/jpeg's are actually more common. I use d 6.1x all the time and do not have problem with it. If a png works but not jpg then check the way php is compiled. Maybe you are missing something for jpg's.

DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 24 Dec 2011

The problem with D6.1 (I never solved) was not the size in Ko or even Mo but the size in pixels.

The limit (at least for my installation) was somewhere around 2'000 px width or height.

For example, "my" D6.1 was able to upload a 1'600 x 1'200 px  / 4Mo jpg picture but not a 3'000 x 2'400 px / 200Ko jpg file... I ever found these big size in pixels images as blanck in my Admin Panel...

I never knew that problem with D7 ;-)

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 24 Dec 2011

One thing you never explained (and I'm surprised on one else is asking) is why are you installing such an old version of Dolphin?

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 25 Dec 2011

Dear mscott,some users use explorer of low versions, for the moment I just need one with basic functions and compatible with explorer of low versions.It will be highly appreciated if some more attention on helping me resolve this headaching problem.

Many thanks in advance!

Quote · 26 Dec 2011
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