Upload album name


When users are uploading photos/videos the default options in opened window are not very good:




In this scenario we are facing a lot of Albums with date as caption, or even worse, when one decide to use single photo upload and not changing anything it will create album as above with caption "18.11.2016" After that, same user decide to upload another photo and it will end up with album caption "18.11.2016 (2)" and so on...

What I would like to do and if someone can tell me how to do it is:

when user is at upload option window, that window would be by default set to upload in member photo (or video) album or at least that the field for new album name does't populate automatically with the date so users are forced to write a name in that field.

Please help.



photo_01.png · 15.4K · 270 views
"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 18 Nov 2016

You can set default album to empty instead of date by changing the ~1324 line in classes/BxDolFilesModule.php file:

                'title' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'name' => 'title',
                    'caption' => $sAlbumTitleCaption ? $sAlbumTitleCaption : _t('_sys_album_caption_capt'),
                    'required' => TRUE,
                    'value' => '', // $this->getInstanceUploadAlbumTempName($aAlbums),
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 19 Nov 2016

AlexT ,

Thank you very much!



"When things get tough the tough get going..."
Quote · 21 Nov 2016
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