Uploading problem Dolphin 6.1.2 Free

Hi all,

Before anyone starts bashing on me please read. I know there are posts about this but I can't get it working.

I have an account at hostmonster. My RMS is installed on another dedicated server.

I have my site running with php 5 / fastCGI. Als a php.ini that is editable. I have everything set as stated

max up 200

max post 200

max execution 1000

output buffer on

register globals off

Still I get file can't exceed 2MB limit

What can my problem be:


Apache                                                          version2.2.8 (Unix)

PHP version 5.2.6
MySQL version 5.0.45-community-log
Architecture x86_64
Operating system Linux
Quote · 25 Jun 2008

try to edit your xml file just to see if it solves the problem may need to do the rest if it does.

/ray/modules/movie(mp3 or music) config.xml


</item><item key="fileSize"><![CDATA[200]]></item><item key="fileMaxSize">

change to:

</item><item key="fileMaxSize"><![CDATA[200]]></item><item key="fileMaxSize">

ofcourse there will be other info in the file, but you get the idea.

Let me know if this helps.


DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 25 Jun 2008

Thanks this worked but now it says upload file error after upload. File is not uploaded.

This is my xml;

<items><item key="filesCount"><![CDATA[50]]></item><item key="filesUrl"><![CDATA[#filesUrl#]]></item><item key="fileSize"><![CDATA[200]]></item><item key="fileMaxSize"><![CDATA[200]]></item><item key="adminPlayList"><![CDATA[true]]></item><item key="reporting"><![CDATA[true]]></item><item key="autoPlay"><![CDATA[true]]></item><item key="save"><![CDATA[false]]></item><item key="autoApprove"><![CDATA[true]]></item><item key="convertBitrate"><![CDATA[192]]></item></items>

Can I change:

</item><item key="filesUrl"><![CDATA[#filesUrl#]]></item>


</item><item key="filesUrl"><![CDATA[ray/modules/music/files]]></item>


Quote · 25 Jun 2008

Do not change that. It's the default standard configuration.

Consider adding the following to your php.ini file you can make memory limit more if you want.

upload_max_filesize = 200M
post_max_size = 200M
output_buffering = on
max_execution_time = 1000
max_input_time = 1000
memory_limit = 64M

If php.ini is properly configured you shouldn't have to alter the xml file. If not adding the Max part kind of bypasses it I guess you could call it.

Regarding your xml file you might want to try this if the above php.ini don't resolve your issue:

<items><item key="filesCount"><![CDATA[50]]></item><item key="filesUrl"><![CDATA[#filesUrl#]]></item><item key="fileMaxSize"><![CDATA[200]]></item><item key="fileMaxSize"><![CDATA[#fileMaxSize#]]></item><item key="adminPlayList"><![CDATA[true]]></item><item key="reporting"><![CDATA[true]]></item><item key="autoPlay"><![CDATA[true]]></item><item key="save"><![CDATA[false]]></item><item key="autoApprove"><![CDATA[true]]></item><item key="convertBitrate"><![CDATA[192]]></item></items>

Your info you provided you have a duplicate entry for the [200]] part. Also be sure you are looking for the file in the right directory mp3/music. Mp3 is profile music player, music is the gallery music player(top menu navigation).


DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 27 Jun 2008

I am not sure this was all required, but hopefully this will help get things working for someone.

I put this in a blank file called php.ini


upload_max_filesize = 200M
post_max_size = 200M
output_buffering = on
max_execution_time = 1000
max_input_time = 1000
memory_limit = 64M


I then uploaded that to the main directory, ray, modules, movie, movie/files, global, global/app

After it was up in all of those locations I was able to upload a file over 100MB (which was my limit before doing this).



Quote · 20 Oct 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.