Uploading video errors

Using 6.1.6...trying to uplad video testing with 3 mb, ray setup for 50 all other video uplaods set to 50mb as well.  I have seen errors of "undefined", and just errors in general nothing listed as to why.  videos do end up on my sevrer, as checked thru ftp/downloaded it and ran it all ok.  I have been going thru the posts and permission set to 777, audio does work no issues, and have been in contact with ISP for php.ini file adjustments.

I recently checked my email, and I received the following error messages.  I checked the utils.inc.php and all line 743 is, is {    I assume this could be a reason I can not get uploaded video to function correctly.  Of course any help would be appreciated as I have done pretty much all of what I have read.  Tankx so much.

Database error in Dotties Chalet
SELECT 1 FROM RayMovieFiles WHERE Uri = 'fisting' LIMIT 1

Mysql error:
MySQL server has gone away

Found error in file /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/inc/utils.inc.php
at line 743. Called db_arr function
with erroneous argument #0

Debug backtrace:
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/inc/db.inc.php
[line] => 104
[function] => db_res
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT 1 FROM RayMovieFiles WHERE Uri = 'fisting' LIMIT 1
[1] => 1


[2] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/inc/utils.inc.php
[line] => 743
[function] => db_arr
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT 1 FROM RayMovieFiles WHERE Uri = 'fisting' LIMIT 1


[3] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/inc/utils.inc.php
[line] => 718
[function] => uriCheckUniq
[args] => Array
[0] => fisting
[1] => RayMovieFiles
[2] => Uri


[4] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/ray/modules/movie/inc/customFunctions.inc.php
[line] => 13
[function] => uriGenerate
[args] => Array
[0] => fisting
[1] => RayMovieFiles
[2] => Uri
[3] => 255


[5] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/ray/modules/movie/inc/actions.inc.php
[line] => 188
[function] => genUri
[args] => Array
[0] => fisting


[6] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/ray/XML.php
[line] => 42
[args] => Array
[0] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/ray/modules/movie/inc/actions.inc.php

[function] => require_once


Called script: /chat/ray/XML.php

Request parameters:
[module] => movie
[action] => initFile
[id] => 20
[_t] => 58449
[description] => test
[tags] => test
[title] => fisting
[ray_skins_chat] => default
[polls_question_4] => 1
[memberID] => 20
[memberPassword] => 1b7b36e5a8a3851c6660eaec4ed76e3f
Quote · 5 Jan 2010

Spoke with my ISP sitebuilder and they said the following:

The issue which you have experienced was caused by the fact that the upload procedure has exceeded the timeout settings on your hosting server. These settings have been set by our System Administrators as part of configuring the shared servers based on their best knowledge for optimal server performance.

The settings cannot be altered on per account basis and increasing them further in the global PHP configuration might lead to a serious disruption in the provided service, if not downtime, which will affect all the customers whose accounts reside on the the same server.

However, you can easily bypass the timeout issue by FTP client to upload your files. As for the ffmpeg module I am afraid that it is not available on any of our shared servers because of the same reasons mentioned above.

If you need the ffmpeg installed and the global PHP settings lifted please consider upgrading your account to a Dedicated Solution:

So based on this information....does anyone know of a provider that can increase timeout setting

I have sent off to 2nd level support for a good look into

Quote · 6 Jan 2010

first of all who are you hosting with as everybody needs to know these hosts that throw these answers at you.

you can increase the max_execution time using htaccess php_flag if allowable, or alternatively you can create a custom php.ini, the ini would need to go into the ray directory [as best i recall]

the problem here is that if you increase your max_execution time, and it does take out a lame duck server, they are going to shut your account down.

the last option would be to change hosts. i wont post any hosts name <-----^----> but will tell you that there are hosting companies that have configured their servers specifcally for optimal performance for a dolphin site.

Spoke with my ISP sitebuilder and they said the following:

The issue which you have experienced was caused by the fact that the upload procedure has exceeded the timeout settings on your hosting server. These settings have been set by our System Administrators as part of configuring the shared servers based on their best knowledge for optimal server performance.

The settings cannot be altered on per account basis and increasing them further in the global PHP configuration might lead to a serious disruption in the provided service, if not downtime, which will affect all the customers whose accounts reside on the the same server.

However, you can easily bypass the timeout issue by FTP client to upload your files. As for the ffmpeg module I am afraid that it is not available on any of our shared servers because of the same reasons mentioned above.

If you need the ffmpeg installed and the global PHP settings lifted please consider upgrading your account to a Dedicated Solution:

So based on this information....does anyone know of a provider that can increase timeout setting

I have sent off to 2nd level support for a good look into

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 7 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.