Using 6.1.6...trying to uplad video testing with 3 mb, ray setup for 50 all other video uplaods set to 50mb as well. I have seen errors of "undefined", and just errors in general nothing listed as to why. videos do end up on my sevrer, as checked thru ftp/downloaded it and ran it all ok. I have been going thru the posts and permission set to 777, audio does work no issues, and have been in contact with ISP for php.ini file adjustments.
I recently checked my email, and I received the following error messages. I checked the and all line 743 is, is { I assume this could be a reason I can not get uploaded video to function correctly. Of course any help would be appreciated as I have done pretty much all of what I have read. Tankx so much.
Database error in Dotties Chalet
SELECT 1 FROM RayMovieFiles WHERE Uri = 'fisting' LIMIT 1
Mysql error:
MySQL server has gone away
Found error in file /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/inc/
at line 743. Called db_arr function
with erroneous argument #0
Debug backtrace:
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/inc/
[line] => 104
[function] => db_res
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT 1 FROM RayMovieFiles WHERE Uri = 'fisting' LIMIT 1
[1] => 1
[2] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/inc/
[line] => 743
[function] => db_arr
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT 1 FROM RayMovieFiles WHERE Uri = 'fisting' LIMIT 1
[3] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/inc/
[line] => 718
[function] => uriCheckUniq
[args] => Array
[0] => fisting
[1] => RayMovieFiles
[2] => Uri
[4] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/ray/modules/movie/inc/
[line] => 13
[function] => uriGenerate
[args] => Array
[0] => fisting
[1] => RayMovieFiles
[2] => Uri
[3] => 255
[5] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/ray/modules/movie/inc/
[line] => 188
[function] => genUri
[args] => Array
[0] => fisting
[6] => Array
[file] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/ray/XML.php
[line] => 42
[args] => Array
[0] => /home/dottiesc/public_html/chat/ray/modules/movie/inc/
[function] => require_once
Called script: /chat/ray/XML.php
Request parameters:
[module] => movie
[action] => initFile
[id] => 20
[_t] => 58449
[description] => test
[tags] => test
[title] => fisting
[ray_skins_chat] => default
[polls_question_4] => 1
[memberID] => 20
[memberPassword] => 1b7b36e5a8a3851c6660eaec4ed76e3f