Hello, i successfully integrate V3 Instant Messenger in my Dolphin 6.1.4 site, all work ok but i have a minor problem:
When IM start i can't see the profile picture i need these parameters to work ok:
$sql_pic = 'Picture'; // MySQL members Photo row (i think thats ok)
$_url_= 'http://localhost/dolphin2/photos_gallery.php?ID='; // Url to photo upload folder, no backslash / at end (eg. http://www.yoursite.com/members/uploads/) (i think thats ok)
and most important:
$tmp=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM ".$members_table." WHERE ".$sql_name."='$membername' LIMIT 1");
while($i=mysql_fetch_array($tmp)) {
$_photo = ($i[$sql_pic]);
if ($_photo == ''){$_photo = 'nopic.gif';}
<img src="<?=$_url_?><?=$_photo?>" border=0 height=90 width=100>
can anyone helpme? thanks so much and sorry my spanglish