VIDEOS. . . here I go again.

I am very passionately abiding by the terms of this forum and NOT typing caps.  May I please get help for a continued problem I have been having with videos irregardless of what hosting company I use.  I have changed 5 different hosts and continue to have the same problem when embedding videos on other sites.  Not only doesn't the embed code generate a decent thumbnail but also never progresses to a point where it plays.  It stays stuck in a holding pattern with "Loading" and the encirlcing dots.  I have addressed this question with Rayz and many other forum members and have yet to get this resolved.  I am attaching a video to display clearly what occurs when I try to copy and paste the embed codes from videos I have on my Dolphin powered site into other popular sites on Ning, Facebook, MySpace and others.

VIDEO_LOADING_PROBLEM_4_ARVIXE.mp4 · 8.8M · 443 downloads
30 Jan 2011

I remember that you told - "I will never don't use Dolphin anymore". :) But I see you again

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
30 Jan 2011

I'm here again because I have no other choice.  After you spend hundreds of dollars for a FREE script just to "try it out"  it is hard to toss your money you invested away.  I am researching other social network scripts and will definitedly be getting rid of Dolphin if I can't resolve the video issue.  It has been a continued issue irregardless of hosting companies for which ALL the hosts blamed Dolphin's video scripting and when I come to this forum I get blamed for my inability as a user, which is VERY insulting as I consider myself to be an EXPERT end user.  In the meantime, while everyone is pointing the finger at each other I have a live site with over three hundred members expecting see me and my videos.  The problem I have now is the same old problem and it has never been addressed EVER.  If there is a a link to this issue I have overlooked in the manual then feel free to provide that as I AM fully capable of reading.  I come to this forum with an expectation no different than ANY other member in the hopes that SOMEONE actually have the answer or even and educated guess.   Instead all I get to get is a bunch of bashing from arrogant Unity members who thought it more important to make me change the way I type than to actually help me.  I know NO ONE is under any obligation to help and therefore all the arrogant people who have nothing to offer this forum topic but wisecracks and sarcasm AGAIN I AM TYPING IN CAPS FOR EMPHASIS,  KEEP IT MOVING.  I don't think I need to spend $998 for a issue with the CORE product that is OFFERED FREE!  i was publicly ridiculed for not spending more money when I never wanted my website to be a commercial enterprise but a site where MY FANS, YES I HAVE MANY OF THEM, can enjoy my videos FREE of the hypocrisy on YouTube.  Instead I got be exposed to the most UN- UNIFIED group of members I have ever encountered on ANY forum.  If you don't have an answer for me that's fine and I am reasonable enough person to understand that as I know no one is under any personal obligation to provide help.  But sarcasm and insults are NEVER HELPFUL!

VIDEO_LOADING_PROBLEM_4_ARVIXE.mp4 · 8.8M · 429 downloads
30 Jan 2011

Well thanks at least for get rod of caps so I can actually read your posts :-) . I think if you also get rid of insulting attitude spread all over your posts people here can be much more helpful. Also I personally dont believe any of self calld experts. Other people who know how good you work and what is your expertise can call you expert but call expert yourself is really questionable. With this point of view this forum is full of experts :-). You costantly insult everybody here and expect a help...common....

30 Jan 2011

It's funny you say 'UN-UNIFIED' naluv - because I've looked through posts and thought 'hmm - all the fun stops with the Dolphin videos'; however, some of your posts were a little to extreme.  Anyway, I too would love everything about videos to be fixed, but in D7.0.5 I see the same issues.  I've never even tried to embed a video on another site.

I will join forces with you in asking "PLEASE FOCUS ON VIDEO WORK - PLEASE Frown Undecided Frown....."  No other portion of Dolphin (short of Orca) needs more attention than videos. 



30 Jan 2011

@ freakpower Just exactly how did your comment help me?  With my over 40 eyes even with bifocals on  don't help me SEE your small letters any better.  So that is no consolation to ME that YOU can read it and your comment be VOID OF AN ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I actually have the legal right to use CAPITAL LETTERS, YES I SAID LEGAL RIGHT!  AS IT IS NOT AGAINST THE LAW ANYWHERE IN THIS COUNTRY, DON'T KNOW ABOUT AUSTRAILIA.  IN AMERICA I CAN DO IT AND DO IT EVERYWHERE BUT HERE BECAUSE I SEE THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE STUCK ON BEING STUPID AND FOCUS ON JUST THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I consider your comment more insulting than ANYTHING I HAVE EVER SAID.  The harshes words have been directed towards anything in this forum is an inanimate object called the video script of Dolphin and NOT ANY SPECIFIC PERSON/PERSONS except those with all the sarcasm and even that I did even have to name names, after SashaE asked who was the problem, the problematic people revealed their own selves one by one without me even doing any work.  Just for the record, if you DID actually KNOW me then you would know for yourself that I did not just deemed myself to be a highly qualified end user as that was the common consensus among co-workers and my clients who I aided for everything from building their computer from the motherboard up to corporate america where I worked in help desk centers WITH LOTS of other EQUALLY qualified and skilled individuals.


It's the very fact that YOU DON'T KNOW me that discredits any of YOUR challenges against my level of knowledge and/or expertise and is precisely why you should be repsectful to EVERYONE because YOU DON'T KNOW!  Being that as it may,  there are those that ARE NOT NEWBIES and you can't tell what people's credentials are just from a forum post.!  The only thing I am new at with computers is web design and development.  I am tired of my level of skill getting challenged in this forum and NOT getting answers.  I am tired of my person, being, and character assasinated for a dismal product as the VIDEO COMPONENT OF DOLPHIN just because I complain about it and COMPLAINED IN CAPS.  IN THE CASE OF THE VIDEO COMPONENT THE CAPS WERE ACTUALLY WARRANTED AS IT SEEMED NO ONE WAS LISTENING BUT THE SARCASTIC ABUSERS OF THIS FORUM WHO LOVE TO HEAR THEMSELVES TALK.


I believe if anybody is being insulted it must be someone from the video developing unit of Dolphin.  You are freakpower are an  EXTRA JERK because of your belief that CAPS were harder for you to read when these small letters are NO EASIER TO READ THAN CAPITALS in long blocks of text.  Your comment and not YOU personally is just some more sarcastic hogwash.  Kerning and white space assists in the readability of ALL letters large or small.  Um yeah I do have some graphic design background as well.   Thanks for confirming my sentiment about this forum was not off based as I am even more convinced than ever that SashaE was correct in assesing my desire not to ever come to this forum again as look at what I get!  Just exactly HOW did your comment help me?  If I paid $99 or $998 for the premium maybe I could actually expect a real human being with compassion for my woes as it relates to videos.  Since I'm in the lowly FREE Dolphin clique then I guess I can look for nothing but more of the same from this forum.


@ mikevega I want to thank you so very much for respecting me as a person not judging. and redirecting this forum topic back to the original focus.  It seems that is too difficult for the serial haters that comment on my forum posts.  I appreciate that you did not discriminate and hate on me because I am different..  However, my messages DID NOT BECOME EXTREME until I BECAME EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED WITH THE VERY INFERIOR VIDEO COMPONENT OF DOLPHIN WHEN MY ENTIRE SITE IS VIDEOCENTRIC AND DEPENDS ON MY VIDEOS TO WORK FOR MARKETING AND FOR ENTERTAINMENT.  There is nothing entertaining about arrogant eggheads that believe they can say anything to me and not expect me to defend myself or comeback with equally snide remarks.   I have never said anything against ANYONE PERSONALLY nor will I ever.  So for anyone to get insulted because I have a valid complaint about the videos is either guilty of being a part of that shabby and worthless part of Dolphin Script or they are as I called it out before "small and narrow-minded" individuals to begin with.  Do not blame that for either one of those as my forum extreme as you may describe were NOT about an individual but BUT about the product itself.  My recent posts as you can see were in small letter and still garnered the same sarcastic responses void of answers and personally challenging me and NOT FOCUSED ON THE ISSUE THAT INITIATED THE FORUM POST IN THE FIRST PLACE!


Good for you freakpower that you can now read my posts as NOW I CAN'T!  So we have a win-win situation right?  NOT!  Here's a thought, don't bother reading any more of my posts especially if you don't actually have an answer cuz now I'm squinting to see what I typed because your vision is different than mine and small letters are just as troublesome, I won't lie on the letters like you did and say it gives me a migraine, but small letters are just as much a pain to read in long block of texts and the killing part many of these forums contain long PROGRAMMING TEXT THAT THE END USER IS SUPPOSED UNDERSTAND.  Clearly showing that it is Dolphin is a script that primarily benefits programmers.  The average user is going run away from this program and 20 years of experience working with help end users as a career gives plenty of authority to call that one out.  I don't need validation and my lack of people posting on my site is clear indication of that.  I have many members who also friends on Facebook and posting on there easily, all the time but haven't posted a thing on mine and the FIRST THING that comes out of their mouths when I ask why is, I DON'T KNOW HOW.  Dolphin is so un-user friendly that no one is posting on my site but me and I am ONLY doing it out sheer will and determination.


My next forum post will be an auction for my site and all the mods I wasted my money on and the ONLY individuals who are eligible to receive them are individuals who are poor like me and had the stupid ideal of trying to make something work for them called FREE.  Dolphin should just charge upfront so they actually hired people dedicated to solving the problems they have rather than lying to the public about "FREENESS" of their product.  It is the MOST EXPENSIVE AND USELESS FREE PRODUCT I HAVE EVER USED.  Would have come out better PAYING Ning as their product is superior in many ways and the only deal breaker for me with them is adult content.  Other than that I would have dumped Dolphin a long time ago when I got the first warning from Andrew Boon himself that there were untrustworthy mod creators.  Who wants to run a site where you have to open up your cpanel to strangers you don't know or trust just to fix every assinine bug that Dolphin doesn't bother to address?  Certainly not me


I am so thankful there wasn't MORE money on the line only my very meager funds I borrowed against my life insurance was squandered on this mess of a software called Dolphin. Since my loss is insignificant to those who paid the $998 I will just have to suck it up.  Dolphin as it relates to videos and ease of use is garbage and I am not biting my tongue, nor did I stutter.  I am typing in small letters so EVERYONE can read it.   It's garbage.  Can't say anything good about Dolphin at this point because the one only thing I needed it to do, it fails miserably at and that is presenting my videos and being able to use them for marketing my site.  I was even extorted $75 for an upgrade which I was advised to do from version 7.01 to 7.04 which supposedl was going to resolve many of the video issues.  Some were as the videos look great and play immediately instead of a very long buffering process, however as it relates to my particular issue it falls flat.  I am tired of needing to be married to a programmer to get the answers I need.  At least with Ning you get to have some expectation of support for the product you're paying for.  In Dolphin you get to be told you don't deserve support because you are a moron for trying to the use the FREE version and more of a moron for typing in CAPS.


You forum based websites will probably have a different opinion of Dolphin than I do as it does shine in that area.  I suppose that is the part Andrew Boon cares about most as certainly IS NOT the videos.  The forum seems to get better and better while the videos fail miserably.  It's just too bad too many of the forum posters felt the need to abuse the great features of the current Unity forum to insult and attack me personally.  That will remain my biggest regret next to spending so much money for a FREE product.  The best life lesson learned here. . . STEER CLEAR OF ANY SOFTWARE SCRIPT OFFERED FOR FREE!   Translation:  We offer it free to beta test it on you the consumer (guinea pigs) and we will never be committed to support our product if it's buggy and bad, supporting the premise that the BEST things in life ARE NOT FREE!

Being that every mod or service I purchased was for the improvement of videos on my site. . . I DIDN'T EVEN GET WHAT I PAID FOR!


30 Jan 2011

I'm curious, Dose it work if you embed it into an html file on your server?

Give me something to believe in...
30 Jan 2011

@ silverado350 No they don't even work in the HTML blocks in this forum as I tried that too and have also tried them on my account which accepts most videos of any format.  Doesn't work on there either.  Have no problem with YouTube, Vimeo.  Dailymotion used to be problematic but they have resolved their issues on that as well. videos work everywhere and so does Clipbucket, BUT NOT DOLPHIN.  Dolphin chokes almost everywhere even including when I try to embed them on my OWN SITE!.

30 Jan 2011

Try embeding the video here in a post

Give me something to believe in...
30 Jan 2011

@ silverado350, O btw Great Quote.  I was in the middle of my farewell letter to my 1202 subscribers and 322 members but in the process had many people encourage me NOT to give up.  I will embrace that motto as I know I have a good idea worth developing and just horrible luck in finding the right product to do it with.  I will make that the lead in to my farewell letter as I am closing my site soon until I can find a BETTER product.  No stress is worth losing your health over and I have lost too many nights sleep over not being able to resolve this issue.  So thank you for that quote, I needed that.

30 Jan 2011

naluv: well of course u have a human right to type in caps  - but then you cant be surprised nobody read it and nobody give you real help. Secondly type that large posts as you type is proven that people at all simply dont read that long posts and if they do they often skip whole block of texts. There is some global nonwritten communuication rules which is established actually how human brain works and there is more serious scientific studies about it- people in average dont like all caps typing, text overloaded posts, self called experts and people who intend to blame others over and over again - u do all that things. If you want to get help you need change your attitude. Of course u have full right keep your current attitude but then dont be surprised that people not help u here. Doesnt matter whatever u think u are right or not - you have to adopt to others which are in majority or stay in minority but than u choosed hard way ...

I personally sacrified  over 30 minutes of my time chasing modules which can help u and I recommended that mod in my post in your other thread. Also I gave u my personal view to dolphin with all + and -  and I said I personally think D7 is not ready for real live professional site and have to be considered that way - like project in develpment and u have several choices - wait some months to get more stable and less buggy version or sticvk with curent one or be ready to invest more money and hire a programmer to fix all stuff u need if u are not programmer yourself

30 Jan 2011

@ freakpower, one thing I am NOT is stubborn and whether I proclaim or not proclaim any expertise is subjective, the ONLY real point is that a program marketed toward the average user should be just that user friendly to the average user irregardless of my level of expertise.  I agree to disagree with you on that.  You don't have to be an expert to use Ning, MySpace,Facebook or Digg, or LinkedIn.  With Dolphin if you don't learn programming yourself, have a paid programmer of your own on call then YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SUCCEED with Dolphin.  They should begin by being honest with that and not bash me for being frustrated at having to take a year out of my life to find that out.  30 minutes compared to a year, save your time and energy and just be honest, period, point blank.  Don't NEED to be an expert to make that call.  After an year of "trying" it out, I gained all the knowledge I need to make that call and it has no bearing on my computer baxkground


I WILL AGREE with you, in any and ALL cases LONG blocks of text ARE MORE DIFFICULT to read and I can concede to that trying to read my own stuff, but again to use that as an excuse for not helping well IMAO makes you a little shallow.  It's the equivalent to everyone has a right to hand write things on paper they way they learned or was taught, however, some people have really bad handwriting on their best day.  There are some employers that will toss an application out just because the handwriting is so bad but there are also those that look BEYOND that and see the individual's credentials and hire him based on that, rather than dismiss his application just because of the way he/she writes.  Most doctors I know have the worst handwriting.  Ever tried to decipher one of their badly written out prescriptions?   If I had a personal choice I would MAKE them write it over, however, the pharmacist who has to fill the prescription, it's part of their job to embrace that "unspoken rule" and provide CORRECT medications as per the doctor's order.  The trouble with your so called protocol regarding CAPS is that it is NOT as significant as medication as you can get sued for giving someone the wrong medication and enforceable laws to back that up.  On the issue of CAPS no I don't EXPECT the negative behavior as from my own personal experience (that's all I can speak on) I ONLY get GREIF on CAPS from THIS forum.  I have successfully typed in CAPS with other companies, forums and websites MANY MANY times without so much as a single person referencing it as problematic.  I personally belong to at least 50 different sociall networks/web sites.   It simply is not that serious and it is ONLY the DOLPHIN HEADS that can't get past it.


Thank god the TOLERANT PEOPLE outweigh the "stuck on stupid" individuals that prefer to hang that over your head instead of helping.  More people are tolerant than not, especially and particularly when I put in the disclaimer I am NOT SHOUTING OR BEING RUDE, or simply say SOWWY.


Also @ freakpower, I apologize for having overlooked your possible suggestion, probably because I was blinded by all the sarcastic NON answers I was getting so I would appreciate it very much you providing me a link to that suggestion as I am willing to try anything in order not lose more money, time and sleep over this very same issue.

30 Jan 2011

It is quite disappointing and concerning, when I see someone ask a genuine question for help in the Forums, and is given the inital replies as in this post.

SashaE, you are an Administrator but responded like a child.

There is something definitely not right about the whole video section of Dolphin... I don't know who ACTUALLY wrote the script, but too many people complain of either this or that not working with video, for the problem to be the users and not the script itself.

It's time Boonex fixes it once and for all, or removes it totally as a standard feature which drives people crazy when it doesn't function the way it SHOULD.


naluv4u2... I can not help you with this, but would like to know the answer to your problem... I hope someone genuine and helpful can respond to you.

p.s. I used caps too, and I'm from Australia... not against the law here either... lol

30 Jan 2011

@ freakpower **standing ovation** for your " D7 is not ready for real live professional site and have to be considered that way - like project in develpment"  Most honest statement made thus far.


@ silverado350, attempting to put video in html block for the purposes of demonstration.

30 Jan 2011



Will just provide link to video log of problem below:


30 Jan 2011

@ MandyN thanks so much sweetie, you're first person to treat me like a human being deserving of respect rather than a freak for being different.


30 Jan 2011

Mandy: Im not saying use some keywords or main sentence etc in caps to give a importancy is bad (of course not) - all Im saying is if you write long text block in all caps - I mean all letters in post that have like 100 or more lines are all caps -  is very hard to read.  You didnt see Naluv previous threads which were megalong text blocks written all letters in allcaps. Type one a4 page in all caps and than same text in normal text u will see a difference. all caps in long text block will be much harder to read or type "writing all caps" to google and u will see many of serious scientific studies how bad all caps writing in big columns of text is - there is not doubt about it. Also read netiquette - all caps is prohibited as it is also considered as screaming and not polite behaviour to others ... and so its taken. Im also on many forums and people typing in allcaps are being banned very often, allcaps is also prohibited in most forum rules - search on google -


Naluv: Im also waiting and waiting for usable dolphin version - but usable version is still not there - I doesnt need to be expert to find out that. Before I started investments for paid mods I installed free version and played around, tested and tested - than I found out unbeliveable amount of bugs and also here in forum I found out that many functions simply dont work properly so I decided its not right time to invest to mods yet so Im waiting - but nobody force me waiting its solely my decision -- i can wait or i can go with other srcipt. I decided to wait. You made diferent decision and u decided go live with your site - from my point of view your decision was bad unless you are good php programmer. You fault was u didnt test dolphin and didnt explored probably this foum enough because if u do u would end up with same as me and other prople here - that d7 is not ready for production site and trying to use it  for professional project is a high resk unless u are programmer or are ready pay big bucks for programmer 

On other hand d7 is getting bettern with every new version so I think we should have stable usable version around end of year. If u stay waoiting or decide for other script is your choice.

Regarding video problem I of course full agree with u. I also would like to see it fixed and I hope it will be fixed in 7.1. Im not programmer so only thing what can I do is give u my point of view and give you my recommendatin

30 Jan 2011

Have you done any editing to the files in the flash folder or flash/moules? The reason I ask this is because in the working example I noticed the "loading" is in the middle of the player. The nonworking example has the "Loading" near the bottom. I have seen this before when I was messing with the code in the flash/modules/global files and made some mistakes. I think you may have some bad files.

Give me something to believe in...
30 Jan 2011


did you set the correct levels for your new membership module?

I set it for no one to view videos if they were not members..

I'm not sure if this would keep the videos from embedding on another site as we talked about.

Your site is locked out for non-members to view any of your uploaded content, not you tube. I set it that way.. if videos are taken to another site, I don't think they will play.

I think your questions should be directed to the module creators that your using, your site has been modded by me with several modules that did not perform correctly from the beginning.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
30 Jan 2011

I would just like to point out that this topic was totally derailed by the third post without any help from me.

And I think the fact that it was SashaE that derailed the train is priceless. Welcome to the club SashaE!

I was tempted to type the above in all caps for the fun of it but I restrained myself.


I bet that naluv4u2 will NOT be able to read, or understand what I say through her rage caused by my comments above, and the following will be wasted on her but here goes the 'helpful' part of the comment.


MANY people have MAJOR issues with the Dolphin 7 Video system.  MOST of them are able to talk about there issues and be ignored for the most part without all this drama. Yes, thats right. I JUST SAID THAT OTHER PEOPLE HAVE BROUGHT UP VIDEO ISSUES AND HAVE BEEN IGNORED!!! OMG END OF THE WORLD!!!! (Sorry, I can only show so much self restraint. Besides, that was FUN! Wee! Now I know why naluv4u2 does it! WEEEE! And the third little jerk went wee wee wee all the way home.


The sad truth is that Dolphin 7 videos have been improved in two important ways since D6, and D7.0.0  mainly in the form of h.264 and flash player streaming support. From my perspective it took a lot of effort on the part of the community to prod Boonex in to implementing the above. But the community did not act like this to get to that point. The posts are all there, feel free to search the forums for "h264" and "flash streaming" to see what it took to get some much needed improvements.


What little I have figured out from your RANTS (I call it as I see it, you can deal with it or ignore posts that start with LeatherSportB. I HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT TO POST) is you upload videos to your site and that part works ok. Congratulations, there are many people who didn't even get that far! And, you appear to be embedding videos from other sites into your site. This also seems to be working, altho I have not seen a single posts that simply and clearly states this.


My understanding is the real trouble (Ignoring the hosting issues for now as those really are not Dolphin's fault) is you want to embed your sites videos into other sites. And the embed codes don't work.


You say the Dolphin embed codes are at fault, and maybe they are. But through some trial and error I have been able to use Dolphin 7 embed codes in MY WordPress posts and other sites. WordPress was the hardest because it changes some tags unless you use a plugin to insert the embed code.


Many sites are using something like HTML Purifier to prevent bad code from being inserted into there sites.  Video sites like YouTube and Viemo have filters installed (on the sites accepting embed codes) and are often 'White listed'. These sites you want to embed YOUR videos from YOUR site do not have a filter for YOUR embed code and YOU have not been 'White Listed'.  This it the most likely reason your embed codes do not work.


Or your just a <curse withheld> idiot and don't know what your doing, who choses to ignore the information given by people that have a lot of experience working with internet videos such as Rayz.


Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life
30 Jan 2011


I remember that you told - "I will never don't use Dolphin anymore". :) But I see you again

I think that "never don't" may be a double negative so that really means she always will. But I could be wrong... And I hope I'm wrong, can you imagine this going on FOREVER <echo> <Echo> <echo>

Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life
30 Jan 2011

Why don't we get on topic:  Your Video is not working and you would like it to work.  You stated that you've tried different hosts.  Videos are not loading.

Can you give information needed to determine the problem and a solution.  Since your an experienced end user it shouldn't take long to resolve this issue:


What type of server do you have? 

How much memory does your server have?

What is your processor speed?

What is the size of your video your uploading?

What is the file type your uploading?

Are you using the default cron job settings?

I'm sure you've answered these before but I'm not going to read all the above and get prejudiced against you or anyone else by reading all of that. 


Work smarter, not harder.  That means give me short answers and we will try to give you solutions.

30 Jan 2011



I think your questions should be directed to the module creators that your using, your site has been modded by me with several modules that did not perform correctly from the beginning.

I give

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
30 Jan 2011

Rope Man,

the videos work on the site. there is a problem with the video embed code provided from the dolphin platform where its not working. the videos work, but she is trying to embed the videos on other sites, and that is what the problem is.



Why don't we get on topic:  Your Video is not working and you would like it to work.  You stated that you've tried different hosts.  Videos are not loading.

Can you give information needed to determine the problem and a solution.  Since your an experienced end user it shouldn't take long to resolve this issue:


What type of server do you have?

How much memory does your server have?

What is your processor speed?

What is the size of your video your uploading?

What is the file type your uploading?

Are you using the default cron job settings?

I'm sure you've answered these before but I'm not going to read all the above and get prejudiced against you or anyone else by reading all of that.


Work smarter, not harder.  That means give me short answers and we will try to give you solutions.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
30 Jan 2011

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to follow the embed instructions and also make sure that your site is either on the approved list or not on the blocked list?  Is it possible that the security settings on D7 are blocking the embed because the site it's being embedded to isn't on your site's approved list?


Work smarter, not harder and look at the simple way to bang her before you spend a grand to finger her.

30 Jan 2011

naluv4u2 ...

I tried an experiment once and I hope you take it in the spirit given. It is NOT an attempt to bash you but an attempt to help you communicate with this community.

I spent an hour once creating a fantastic post. In that post were my feelings and my observations and a whole host of other things that I thought would help someone understand my problems. No one answered me.

I then started a new post, same title and it was less than 20 words that specifically addressed the issue I was having sans all the other 'content'

More than 20 people immediately responded to the post and in those responses I found my answer.

When I see a post that is at least 1000 words and several large paragraphs, I'm sorry but I don't even bother to read it.... Laughing ... Hosted by!
30 Jan 2011

@ Leatherbsport the ONLY thing that even brings me to anyhwhere near a point of rage is to be insulted and judged first than then provided the "helpful" part of your comment and it is good to see that this forum is being monitored closely  to guard against the unhelpful and abusive comments.  Clearly you get a rise out of offering UNHELPFUL PARTS OF YOUR COMMENTS AND TAKE PRIDE IN IT.  Giving me the history of Dolphin does little good for the right NOW and PRESENT.  All you confirmed is Dolphin IS NOT READY FOR ME!


@ freakpower, your comment is the MOST precious and MOST truthful "I personally think D7 is not ready for real live professional site and have to be considered that way - like project in develpment"  I couldn't agree with you more as you DON'T need to be a expert or know the histrory to realize it sucks NOW! LMBO!  No rage here, just out-RAGEOUS to be insulted intellectually by people who don't know anything about me.  I have every right to defend myself against that.  I am just glad EVERYONE doesn't see my VALID complaints as rants leatherbsport does and that there are people with a human side with courage enough to speak out like MandyN, challenge it and redirect the focus.  Only leatherbsport with his very long comment derailed by the negative assumptions of rage.


@ newton27  The particular issue of embedding videos on other sites I believe does not have anything to do with the membership settings as I personally went in and changed the non-members settings to be able to view 2 videos, so I do not think that is the reason for the loading problem and that would not explain that they don't work even for me when I have FULL MEMBERSHIP PERMISSIONS, nevermind a non-member.  I demonstrated the problem in the video log and I created that video log and other video logs when I had other hosting companies  BEFORE you made the membership changes. I still had the same problem.   Initially when Dolphin was first installed they worked fine but  that was only the first day Dolphin was reinstalled on Arvixe.  I have been through enough already including being extorted for money for an upgrade from 7.01 to 7.04 that was supposedly going to fix the problems, lost the content and contribution of over 500 members and had to start all over again.  Well improvements did surface on this upgrade as the videos themselves look great in quality and play immediately upon clicking them as opposed to the what I had before which was a bunch of grainy videos whose buffering time took forever.  So yeah I finally graduated from being able to upload but the renderings was awful.  So contrary to what LeatherBsport snide remark about what others are going through  I DO FEEL THEIR PAIN.


@ leatherbsport, yes, I was one of those unfortunate fools who endured 3 months of not being to upload videos at all and paying hosting of a site that was basically just a template.   That is the reason I DID NOT GO LIVE with my site until after 4 months of hosting a site that was useless to me without the videos.  The fans that found their way too me were all just happenstance and was not from any promoting I did.  Only when I was able to upload videos did I even begin to try to promote my site and open it to the public.


@ newton27.  My decision to shut down is nothing personal as I so glad you came into my life when you did as you witness yourself the kind of "help" I was getting.   I am closing the site down again because it going to drain me to maintain it and still be beta testing alternatives.  I want to publicly announce what a VERY GOOD FRIEND YOU HAVE BEEN TO ME THROUGHOUT AND ALL YOUR HARD WORK AND EFFORTS ARE NOT IN VAIN AS I WILL DO MY BEST TO COMPENSATE YOU EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE A LITTLE AT A TIME BUT YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING YOU ASK FOR AND MORE FOR ALL THAT YOU HAVE DONE TO HELP ME OVERCOME THE VIDEO AND HOSTING FIASCO BY RESCUING AS MUCH OF THE SITE AS YOU DID.  Your act of kindness and working over and beyond the call of duty is commendable and I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL that I didn't lose you 4eva with my HABITUAL USE OF THE CAPS as I can admit when I am wrong as well. I made the change to small letters primarily because of you as I would never want to lose a GOOD friend like you over CAPS.   Never did anything to deliberately hurt you personally.  You stood by me despite the accusations of blaming others for MY problems which I DO NOT! I AND I ALONE MADE A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF FOR INVESTING IN A PRODUCT NOT PROVEN TO BE STABLE.   I DO NOT BLAME ANYONE ELSE FOR MY FALLING FOR THE SLICK PROMO VID ON YOUTUBE FOR DOLPHIN and DID NOT explore it more thoroughly before I spent a single penny on mods that don't work to improve my experience with Dolphin.  I blame ONLY MYSELF for that one.  Trust me.


@ Rope Man THANK YOU THANK  YOU so MUCH for proving that it is possible to stay on topic without coloring your comments with highly inflammatory, prejudicial sarcasm.  KUDOS to you for that one and not allowing those "colorful" commentst to prejudice you against me.  In answer to your question NO ONE ever asked me those questions but I did find a thread by another Unity member that was very complete regarding the questions you raised  and I copied and pasted his entire thread and gave it to Arvixe for review.  They changed the settings accordng to them and they said things should be working fine but that is beyond my scope to say whether it was done properly.  I personally can't determine if there are still some things need to set in Dolphin side or on the server side to get them working right.  All I can say is I never had to be asked those questions using BlipTV, Youtube, or Ning. For the purpose of verifying that I did make an attempt to share what I did learn through this forum I am reposting the thread I sent to Arvixe.


Hi Members,

Since there are still many people having issues with Data Migrations and Video upload issues, I have decided to once again create a detailed troubleshooting guide to assist those who are still having these issues. The following instructions have been collected from the forum posts that I and others have given, and have proven to resolve these issues.

FIRST - Make sure your host fits ALL the requirements for running Dolphin. For instance, in video uploads, your host MUST allow Shell_Exec and POPEN in their PHP configurations.

Second - Remove any failed videos from the admin panel>modules>videos. ALWAYS Keep your /cache cleaned when making changes. You can also try removing the caching options under Settings>Advanced Settings>Templates.

Cron Job Setup:
I have seen alot of questions regarding migrations stuck in "queued" and videos not processing. So I figured I would give some of most common reason why this happens. It is commonly due to Cron Jobs!

Here are some helpful tips regarding Cron Jobs-

Most common configurations:

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/sitedir/public_html/periodic/cron.php

* * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /home/sitedir/public_html/periodic/cron.php

(to find your exact /home/sitedir/public_html/ edit your /inc/ and look for $dir['root'])

-I have also found that some Crons (depending on your host) have difficulties "calling" the cron job to run. I have been able to resolve this by specifying the location of the php configurations and manually entering it into the cron job command: (See below)

* * * * * /usr/bin/php -c /home/sitedir/public_html/php.ini -q /home/sitedir/public_html/periodic/cron.php

Video/Cron Job Processing:
-Please note that you should allow sufficient time for the video to process. When you upload videos, they may not play instantly. Some videos can take at least 4-5 minutes before they display on your home page or video albums.
-If you attempt to view a video (like from the Admin Panel) BEFORE it has time to process, YOU WILL get an error of "File not Found".

How to run a Cron Job Manually:

There is a way to manually execute the cron job also, by renaming the .htaccess file located in the /periodic folder to something like .htaccess.old. You can then manually run the cron job by physically typing in the location in your browsers address bar. Example:
- You will want to make sure you have cleared the /cache (except for .htaccess) and /public_cache directories.
- When you navigate to your, you WILL GET A BLANK PAGE. This is normal. If you see that this page loads instantly, try clearing the cache as explained above and try again. The page SHOULD load for at least a couple of seconds.
** Before manually running your cron job, please verify that your cron job settings are correct. Also, if you have renamed your .htaccess file during this process, make sure you rename it BACK.

Videos/Music NOT playing- Has 00:00 as time: Pressing play does nothing: Error 'File not found'

- In some instances, it has been noted by other members that to resolve this issue, try verifying your flash/modules/video/files directory has a permission setting of 775. All of the 'files' directories located throughout the flash/modules/ directories should be set to 755.

-I have also found that some Crons (depending on your host) have difficulties "calling" the cron job to run. I have been able to resolve this by specifying the location of the php configurations and manually entering it into the cron job command: (See below)

* * * * * /usr/bin/php -c /home/sitedir/public_html/php.ini -q /home/sitedir/public_html/periodic/cron.php

- Not all RMS packages support D7. Please check with your host before asking the questions in the Forum.
- In order to take advantage of video/audio in Chat, IM, using video comments, and the use of your whiteboard, you MUST RMS installed.
- In Admin Panel>Modules>Flash Apps, click Settings. Put a check mark in Use Rms. Enter the settings provided by your RMS host.
- If all modules work EXCEPT for video comments, please note that your webhost MUST HAVE these ports (given to you by your RMS host) OPENED for you to use video comments.

I hope this helps alot of you resolve your issues you may be having. If you are still continuing to have problems, please post them in the forum as instructed above.




Also @ Rope Man your assessment in your second comment sounds very logical and reasonable explanation for  the problem.  If there is such a filter on Dolphin that blacklisted or whitelisted please enlighten as  I would like to learn more and try it out.  I don't know how to do that to even test your theory out.  So feel free to post a link and/or instruct me on how to change those settings.  It may very well be that MySpace does not filter what people have referred to as "bad code" and maybe Ning filters are stronger or whatever.  It still adds up to my DOLPHIN videos not being postable on Ning which is where a majority of my niche fan base and traffic is.  So by all means share that information with me on the security settings. I hope it is that simple because the way it is now it is the unpostability of my videos is really the main thing  'DERAILING' my site's progress.



30 Jan 2011

I just tested the 'embed' function and it works for me.  Playback quality is still bad, but it works. 

31 Jan 2011
 @navuv4u2 Stop with all the drama. Just make your post simple and not a life story. Straight to the Point.

Simple-- Can someone look into the video embed function (when I try to embed a video From my dolphin site to another site using dolphins embed code, It does not work)

Thank you
31 Jan 2011


I am replying to your original post, which to me seemed reasonably written considering your ongoing problem, and I watched your video, which likewise was well done, non-confrontational, and clear.  What happened in this thread after that and why I cannot say, nor can I address any negative predisposition members may have from previous posts.

As to what you describe, I note that the working example you load in the video is from December.  Were you using version 7.0.2 or 7.0.3 at that time?  Are you using 7.0.4 now?  Major changes in the Boonex script occurred to accommodate the h264 codec (forget if it was between 0.3 or 0.4).  This may be the issue for you if you updated D7 since your December embed.  Some servers/hosts have problems with it.  It is enabled by default in 7.0.4.  Try unchecking the h264 codec in Admin>Flash Apps>Video player>Settings.  Then upload a new video to your site and try embedding it in an email.  If it works, then the codec is the issue.

If it doesn't work, I don't have any other suggestions right now for your specific problem.  But I can say that from personal experience I had to leave Arvixe because I could never get a video to work right on their servers, neither with Dolphin nor another social script I tried before it.  Best of luck.

Someday, Someway.
31 Jan 2011


Is there any where on your site that guest can view a video without logging in?

I am not talking about an embed code.

Can you make it so dosen't redirect to the join page for guests?

Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life
31 Jan 2011

@rhimpr, I will not subject you to reading previous posts I made on this topic as they eroded into a personal bash fest even when I made the problem clear and straight to the point as I possibly could and void of any of my "life story" you referred to as drama.   That "life story" was provided part in defense and determination to be viewed as a very frustrated human being who was too poor to pay yet another programmer to "fix" my problem as I was offered plenty of those kinds of responses to previous posts from enthusiastic programmers who could me "help" for a fee even including my so called agent.   I don't blame them either as Dolphin has enough problems to feed the neediest and greediest programmer and keep them busy.  I just couldn't afford it.  If I could have I would have just to avoid having to come to this forum to get solutions.


I felt my original posts on this topic was written clearly and did not have the CAPS, however  I still got bashed and the forum thread eroded to sarcasm  and  was void of any "helpful" suggestions and/or educated guesses.   The CAPS only surfaced in my attempt to provide MORE DETAIL (and I interpreted that as more technical detail).  My self defense to CAPS is that when I need to remember details (especially technical details) as I write I need to focus on THAT and not backspacing to correct all the typos I make trying to use the shift key and create sentences that are grammatically correct.   I habitually type in CAPS when I am in a hurry to get the details down and not 4get what I am trying to say.  More details was repeatedly  requested by other members who commented.


In fact, the video logs ONLY came about as a direct result of my seemingly inability to convey more specifically what my problems were without garnering more requests for more detail, which  was baffling me to provide as all I knew how to say when I first brought this topic up is that "my videos don't work when i try to embed them on other sites."  I got plenty of responses that included upgrading Dolphin, to check Cron settings which at the time Dolphin was still foreign to me and it was beyond my scope the provide more detail than what you so eloquently restated for me.  I did exactly what u said and got nowhere.  I provided more detail as best I could and when  the "details" weren't enough I created the video logs.  I have created one with each hosting company I've been with and they all are convey the SAME problem.

@ Rope Man, contrary to what some may have assumed, I did read other posts regarding videos and did indeed go in and uncheck the h264 codec in Admin>Flash Apps>Video player>Settings PRIOR to this most recent forum post.  I did also upload a video after changing the setting and the video still gets stuck in the "loading" zone.   Also the video log I provided with this forum post were Dolphin version 7.04  and from December to now my site was being hosted by Arvixe.  I may be changing again as well as I rather spend time building my community with a stable product and sacrifice being on my own domain than to have to be continually subjected to leatherbsport's sarcasm for which I can see there will never be any relief from as it seems his right to post whatever he wants superceeds all common decency and stay loaded with rudeness.

IMAO seems like in this forum that bashing people rudely with small letters is a LESSER offense than typing in CAPS.  I don't need that in my life and if anyone considers that drama then so be it.  Just for the record to any and ALL following this thread, to date I have never been banned anywhere for using CAPS.  But I have had two threads shut down on UNITY because of it.  So I can only conclude from those actions that it is more important to the people in charge of moderating this forum that RUDENESS AND SARCASM is allowed and typing in CAPS is not.

31 Jan 2011

But I have had two threads shut down on UNITY because of it.  So I can only conclude from those actions that it is more important to the people in charge of moderating this forum that RUDENESS AND SARCASM is allowed and typing in CAPS is not.

I hid your previous topic because people (including you) couldn't remain civil and on topic. I'm not afraid to do it again, either. I'll make this my first (and hopefully only) post in this topic, and advise you all to remain civil and to the point, as well as not dwelling on past experiences with other members.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
31 Jan 2011

@ Leatherbsport, redirecting my home page is beyond my scope of knowledge as I am just a lowly end-user and not a programmer and don't know enough about coding or scripting to do what you asked.  I do have plenty of video logs that can be observed WITHOUT having to join my site.  I would have been happy to post those however there is something built in this forum that prevents the videos from being posted in the HTML portion of this comment.  I have tried that MANY times and the graphic yellow box appears, however when I submit the video disappears so I can only assume all but YouTube videos are blocked and/or screened by Dolphin's forum posts.  It will take time to dig up the video logs I do have as I have already 4gotten what I named them and where I stored them on my personal computer, but I will be happy to create a NEW video log indicating step by step what occurs when i try to embed videos on other sites.  I will need another day for that as I do need to upload a family friendly video for the purposes of demonstration and I do not have one like that installed on my site yet.  I will do that 2morrow and give you a complete video account of what I struggle with.

31 Jan 2011

@ Magnusoft I can respect that and have no problem with it and Leatherbsport I apologize for my "no relief" reference to you as that came when I was still angry and the timing of it was prior to your comment that was completely free of sarcasm and I want to thank you for that as well.  I didn't realize you could offer a comment without sarcasm.  So I will apologize and retract my statements toward you as well.

31 Jan 2011

You're welcome naluv4u2 Smile

31 Jan 2011

First of all, thank you for losing the all caps.

The perpetual preloader can mean several different things, but it is just about impossible to determine exactly why it is happening without seeing the actual embed code after it has been posted.  You should inspect the embed code with Firebug, copy, and post it here.  Most sites that allow you to embed videos, will reconstruct the embed code that you enter before posting it, and sometimes it will no longer work properly.  The only way to determine if this is what's happening, is to see the actual embed code on the page source.

If the embed code were not able to locate the video file, you would not be seeing a perpetual preloader.  You would get a file not found error directly in the player window.

Another possibility, is that your webserver is denying access to the file, which I suspect is what's happening, and I don't think Rayz video player is smart enough to alert you of this.  You can find out if this is happening, by deleting the contents of the .htaccess file in flash/modules/video/files/ Make a backup of the original .htaccess before you do this.  Then go visit one of those perpetually loading videos, and see if anything behaves differently.  Suggest you clear the browser cache first.

None of this may solve your problem, but it's all I can offer given the information you have provided.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
31 Jan 2011


@ Leatherbsport, redirecting my home page is beyond my scope of knowledge as I am just a lowly end-user and not a programmer and don't know enough about coding or scripting to do what you asked.

The thing is, someone must have modified core files to redirect the video pages to the join page if not logged in.


Can any onechime in and let me know if Boonex themselves added redirect to join? I'm 95% sure that is a mod.

Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life
31 Jan 2011



@ Leatherbsport, redirecting my home page is beyond my scope of knowledge as I am just a lowly end-user and not a programmer and don't know enough about coding or scripting to do what you asked.

The thing is, someone must have modified core files to redirect the video pages to the join page if not logged in.


Can any onechime in and let me know if Boonex themselves added redirect to join? I'm 95% sure that is a mod.

 I had been helping Naluv on her site, the redirect is from the module I installed from harvestmedia, subscriptions module. settings were set for non-members NOT to be able to view videos and I think it is still set that way...


EDIT: if i recall, there were no problems with the videos and embedding untill you wanted this module installed, there are many options of that module that have to be setup properly and they are not.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
31 Jan 2011

/\/\/\ And if that is true, then these videos will not EVER show until the settings are adusted to allow non-members to view them.  Sounds like a simple solution to a problem that has been ongoing for a long period of time.

In the end Rayz is not the issue as she is not using Rayz.  Dolphin is not the problem because this is a custom modification that Dolphin was not designed for.  Can you please tell us if this fixes your issue and if so then we can all adjourn for a shot of Yager and a bowl of something moist and tight.


Work harder, not smarter and it might get you the bootie for free instead of fighting to grop a nipple.

31 Jan 2011


I tried to post about the modules earlier in this thread; but during all the drama it was overlooked..

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
31 Jan 2011

This is an update.  If there is anything I am learning through this whole experience is how to be humble.  I in no way lay the blame anywhere with anyone and instead just want to know if there is a solution.  I know there is no such thing as a perfect script.   First, let me start by saying I have removed changes made to my site that only allows only members to view videos and in fact want to remove the entire Subscription module as it does not work as expected.  So the issue regarding members only being able to view videos is gone (or so I think).  However, the problem I had with videos appeared BEFORE any membership modifications were made so I just taking an educated guess that that was NOT the problem.  Anywho, my issue has always been, no matter the host, no matter the version of Dolphin (which my site has been upgraded to 7.05) was embedding my videos on sites using the embed code generated by Dolphin,  I tried to move on to another social network script (phpFox) only to discover I am having similar problems.  ARGGHH!  In response @houstonlively, I have no ideal what you are requesting in order to help troubleshoot and thank you for extending yourself to try.  So I am providing a video log and the page source code for review.  **Disclaimer** the video log does contain adult content so if you are easily offended do not review.  I provided this example as it was the best way to exhibit, compare and contrast the main problem.  Those of you who are Dolphin pros and have expertise with videos please respond as I would seriously like to know if there is a solution or not.  Thank you.

PAGE SOURCE CODE.txt · 93.3K · 1057 downloads
VIDEO_LOADING_PROBLEM_4_ARVIXE.mp4 · 8.8M · 407 downloads
15 Mar 2011

Hello i do not have a solution to your problem regards embedding vids on your site as mine work correctly but i looked at the code from ning embed and as HL said up there some where, the code is being stripped by the html purifiers that lots of sites are using today  <object style="display:block; is part of my original embedded code this is missing from your code on ning ...

u tube are using different links now to embed their videos to over come this problem  so all i can suggest is that you if you want to promote your site via video you should  water mark your videos with a video edit package like nero camtasia  or windows editor and directly upload them . as the player does not have a click on player url to return to your site anyway so its dead bandwidth ..


I wish you luck


happy thoughts

15 Mar 2011

@ mingle, thanks for responding.   Much as I'd like to think that it has something to do with code being stripped down, I am baffled as to why it worked at one point and then stopped working.  In my video log you can see that the video DID WORK at some point.  Are you saying that perhaps Ning has changed the way they process the embed code?  I'm asking because maybe it just to my advantage to forego using ANY builtin script and just use something like ClipBucket, HDFLVplayer to present my videos and go from there.  I will say I did not have this problem ever when I used the embed codes generated by so I am still trying to figure out if it is just the embed code that is generated that is the problem or what?  The embed code generated by worked everywhere, in comments when you uploaded directly onto Ning sites and all places I ever posted their embed code.  Is there.  ClipBuckets embed code worked everywhere but they have a flaw, in that the embed codes does not always appear to be copied and pasted.  Other than that I would just use Clipbucket.  I am just trying to overcome the embed code dilemna as I am completely dependent on my videos as marketing and promotion of my site to other niche Ning sites.

15 Mar 2011

I don't know how to put this any simpler, so I'll just post it again:


If the embed code were not able to locate the video file, you would not be seeing a perpetual preloader.  You would get a file not found error directly in the player window.

Another possibility, is that your webserver is denying access to the file, which I suspect is what's happening, and I don't think Rayz video player is smart enough to alert you of this.  You can find out if this is happening, by deleting the contents of the .htaccess file in flash/modules/video/files/ Make a backup of the original .htaccess before you do this.  Then go visit one of those perpetually loading videos, and see if anything behaves differently.  Suggest you clear the browser cache first.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
16 Mar 2011

Hl I thought of the ht access file but it will block a direct link http://www. yoursite//flash/modules/video/files/1.mp4 this gives perpetual upload gif but allows access to file via the embed link I just tried it ...

16 Mar 2011


Hl I thought of the ht access file but it will block a direct link http://www. yoursite//flash/modules/video/files/1.mp4 this gives perpetual upload gif but allows access to file via the embed link I just tried it ...

I wasn't looking for a discussion of how this works.  I just wanted to know if the embed code works when this is done.  It's a troubleshooting procedure... nothing more.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
16 Mar 2011 - Skype: Dolphin Techs
16 Mar 2011


Embed test...   it works one my own site in a new block on the home page and it works on my site in the forums....  but it think they strip almost all code on boonex....     will try another dolphin site thats not mine to see.

Also keep in mind that your server or the server your embeding to my be blocking ports/firewall .. just a thought - Skype: Dolphin Techs
16 Mar 2011

here is a perfect example of the embeding not working on  .....


just spinning and spinning - Skype: Dolphin Techs
16 Mar 2011

As much as I dread coming back to this forum, seeing how my questions were answered in the past.  Whether I stated it simply or with great detail, after over a year, I continue to be plagued by the EXACT same problem without resolution.  Simply put when I use the embed code generated by Dolphin and post it on other sites it does not work consistently.  So far I have able to copy and paste the Dolphin-generated embed code in MySpace messages and on my phpFox powered site in the comments, however they are not worked anywhere else, in particular on Ning sites (**note: at one point they did work on Ning sites but not now).  What's puzzling to me is that when I first upgraded my Dolphin powered site to version 7.4 from 7.0, the embedding worked perfectly fine and to this day when I revisit those Ning sites they are continuing to work as per expected.  I can still go those sites where I posted my videos when I first upgraded to 7.4 and they automatically play without hanging.  However, now if I copy the SAME embed code I still get the hanging issue.  I am not a programmer (but I am no dummy either) and I am just guessing here @ perhaps what may be at the root of this issue.  On a whim I visited my cPanel to do a backup for my domain and there was an option on there to check my MySQL database.  Curious, I did the check and what I discovered. is that an error was generated referencing RayVideoFiles.  I have had enough bashing from this forum for long posts but for analytical purposes I am providing the entire text that was generated after doing the MySQL database check in the hopes that someone in this forum can shed some light on it. I have highlighted the section where the resulting query was not OK.  Could this have been the source of my problem all along?  Please advise.

warning  : 2 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly
status   : OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayBoardBoards                        OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayBoardCurrentUsers                  OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayBoardUsers                         OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayChatCurrentUsers                   OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayChatMemberships                    OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayChatMembershipsSettings            OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayChatMessages                       OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayChatProfiles                       OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayChatRooms                          OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayChatRoomsUsers                     OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayImContacts                         OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayImMessages                         OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayImPendings                         OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayImProfiles                         OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayMp3Files                           OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayMp3Tokens                          OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayRzvideoFiles                       OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayRzvideoTokens                      OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayShoutboxMessages                   OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayVideoFiles warning : 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly status : OK naluv4u2_d74.RayVideoTokens warning : 2 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly status   : OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayVideo_commentsFiles                OK
naluv4u2_d74.RayVideo_commentsTokens               OK
naluv4u2_d74.ainviter_inv_history                  OK
naluv4u2_d74.ainviter_inv_queue                    OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_ads_category                       OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_ads_category_subs                  OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_ads_cmts                           OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_ads_main                           OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_ads_main_media                     OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_ads_rating                         OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_ads_views_track                    OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_ads_voting_track                   OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_arl_comments                       OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_arl_comments_track                 OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_arl_entries                        OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_arl_views_track                    OK
naluv4u2_d74.bx_arl_voting                         OK
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Check Complete

22 Aug 2011


RE: As much as I dread coming back to this forum, seeing h...........

Over six months ago, I proposed a troubleshooting procedure.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
31 Aug 2011
30 Oct 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.