Vertical height of the promo block?

Hi there,

I just started playing around with Dolphin and I did do some searching, but couldn't find the answer. Basically I have this site: and as you can see I'm using images with a shorter vertical height that's smaller than the original sized images. Is there way to reduce the vertical height somehow? I can see that the DIV in the source looks like this:

<div style="height: 264px;" id="indexPhoto" onclick="location=''">

... but I don't know where to find it to reduce the height. Thanks in advance for the help.


Quote · 30 May 2009

Hello Jack,

Go to: templates>tmpl_uni>css> and the general.css around line 318. The width is around line 238.

I hope this helps.



Quote · 30 May 2009

Actually does not look like an easy answer.  I could possibly be wrong about this but I tested it and it worked on my sites.  The js file that controls the promo images has a dynamic setting that keeps the promo images proportional dependent upon the Page builder setting of the width.  Since that is a sliding bar so does the height have to be a sliding scale to keep the images proportional. 

(Remember to back up and save a copy of the file before modifying it)

  1. So here is the best explanation I can find.  Figure your image width based upon your page width in Pages Builder.
  2. divide the desired Height by the width i.e. 270/960 would be .28125 (This will be used later)
  3. open /inc/js/jquery.dolPromoT.js
  4. Find this line of code:   var fRatio = fRatio || 0.28125; //main div size proportion (height/width)
  5. Replace the 0.28125 with the number you found in step #2
  6. close and save the file


Hope this helps....Tallyplayer

Quote · 30 May 2009

I tried changing the ratio but that didn't seem to help. I tried grossly changing the number and still ended up with the same height in the div. Weird... will keep trying... thanks for the help both of you.

Quote · 30 May 2009

OK... got up this morning and the steps above are correct, it's just that the ratio needs to be changed in 3 different places:

  • jquery.dolPromoT.js
  • jquery.dolPromo.js

It's working great! Thanks again so much for the help... very much appreciated.

Quote · 30 May 2009

I was actually coming back in to report those same findings to you.  Glad you got it working.




Quote · 30 May 2009

Thanks guys! (I spent hours looking for the solution until I thought of looking in the forums. Duh!)

Quote · 8 Jun 2009
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