I installed and purcased a license July 15th and am very dissapointed in the quiality of this product. Very few of the features work. For example, News doesn't show on the home page, Featured members setings do not work, There is absolutely no other templates available for it that work. Members send each other mail and its never received, among many other things.
And please dont start with the "search forums" stuff, I have spent numerous hours searching the forums, and everyone is having the same issues, and no one answers the questions with anything useful.
My site can be viewed at www.lethal1320.net
Is there a way I can get a refund and move on to something else?
Hello Hated,
The software does work and it works well. It sounds as if you may have had problems during installation, and I urge you to contact support@boonex.com to get some help. You may be asked for accesses so that they may look for and correct anything that is amiss. Please check permissions and also double check that hosting is correct for the scripts that you are using. Server requirements are listed at the bottom of every script's demo page, and your installed product should look and work like those on the Boonex.us site.
Please contact support as mentioned and also copy to presale@boonex.com so that they are able to assist if needed. Boonex would rather work with you to discover what may be wrong and have a satisfied customer who is happy with his site. We look forward to your contact.
The Boonex Team
@ Hated
You are right in one thing... Dolphin has only one template.
If your settings are correct, the software still has some issues but is working 99%. This is definitively not a script for novice (no offence, I'm far to be an expert myself) :-) Its structure is different and much more sophisticated than other free CMS that you can find on the web :-)
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Wow I tried that and got 1,587 other domains at my IP!!!
Thanks Sammie, will have to look into this more and sort something out.
I am interested now though - my host is Hostmonster and I have 1,587 shared domainsI also have a seperate hosting account at godaddy that shows 3,354 other domains.
Can everyone else check their hosts and see if they can beat me?
Mike wrote:
" I urge you to contact support@boonex.com to get some help"
In my experience, Boonex does not bother answering support requests. I have sent them several desperate requests for help and they have gone unanswered.
Just wondered too is it mainly a Dolphin problems - needing a VPS or is it something that any type of site would need that had a lot of members. If I had a phpBB site for exampl - would I run into similar problems? Are there any forum or social networking sites that are light on resources?
max |
I installed and purcased a license
July 15th and am very dissapointed in the quiality of this
your dissappointment has been felt around the globe. this script is not for the faint at heart, and this is not geocities or angelfire, and if you bungled your install, then you could very well be correct, that nothing worked, and let me ask you this while we are on that topic, did you even try the free version prior to purchasing a license, and exactly which license did you purchase, the dolphin license, the ray license, a ray widget license, or an orca license?
glad to see your one post was so absolutely negative, as i recall i may have done the same thing and for the same reason, just flat not knowing, and thinking i did. i checked your site, looks to me as if things are running smoothly, at least a little positive reflection back to the community could help show that all of us make mistakes from time to time.
very few of the features work.
reflecting on your examples here.
For example, News doesn't show
on the home page,
news? what news? you have to call it to the homepage as you refer to it, we that know better refer to that as the index page. and you would need to create a block to get your news to show up on there, as it would appear to me that you have mistakenly deleted that block from within your admin panel
Featured members setings do not work,
i think you are mistaken again. what exactly are you referring to as featured member settings? There is
absolutely no other templates available for it that work.
hated, there are other templates located at expertzzz.com of course they may expect you to pay for them, just as you dont go to the cheverolet dealer and expect to get a new vehicle for free, these folks who do this design work, are not looking to just give everything away for free.
Members send
each other mail and its never received, among many other things.
your issue with mail i would say is absolutely a server problem check into that.
And please dont start with the "search forums" stuff, I have spent
numerous hours searching the forums, and everyone is having the same
issues, and no one answers the questions with anything useful.
once again, you are mistaken, i do not recall "everyone" as you state as having the same problems you are having, and if you would read as you state, then clearly they found that it was some setting on the server, or some setting they changed that resulted in about 98% of these problems.
My site can be viewed at www.lethal1320.net
site was viewed, looks like things are working.
Is there a way I can get a refund and move on to something else? exactly what did you spend? $20.00 or something did you pay for the year? chalk it up as lesson learned, and just move on. if thats all you lose through your experience with the internet, consider yourself lucky.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
All the domains parked on the server are mine.
DosDog, I spent 4 hours weeding through all the BS that does not have to be done with your average run of the mill free scripts.
Unfortunatly I had to waste that time (time is money) to make something of my $40 spent.
Yes it is working, If thats what you want to call it. I can say this, It will fail with high traffic.
Sorry I hit a soft spot with my post, But wasting money is not on my things to do list.
You seriously have 600+ domains parked? Man I'd hate to get the bill to renew all them ouch.
Dolphin does work very smooth when the requirements are satisfied. True there are a few glitches and bugs. Each new release or patch many are addressed and fixed. The latest 6.1.3 has many fixes compared to 6.1.0.
Almost always the problem can be attributed to the host, server, setup, etc. Plain and simple many are not setup properly to run this script. If php is compiled right for dolphin requirements you will have almost no issues. In a shared host environment you don't have access to make these changes, but if you have vps or dedicated you can.
And I do not believe that you need a vps or dedicated server to run dolphin. If the host has everything compiled right there is no need for vps or dedicated. These are a little harder to find. The only time you would need a vps or dedicated is if your member database and site grows considerably. I've been using shared hosting for dolphin for a very long time with almost no issues.
DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Gameutopia, Thanks for your input, Your about the only helpful sole in this thread.
Sammie, Its a dedicated server, Now take your fake ass back out of my thread.
You have not helped me in anyway in the thread. So stay out. Better yet go get on Yahoo and join the rest of the men acting like women.
Dosdog, I think you are doing a small disservice by telling people like this they shouldn't get their money back. In my opinion, Boonex should refund the $40 bucks and tell people like this to get lost- for good.
Hated wrote:
Sammie, Its a dedicated server, Now take your fake ass back out of my thread. You have not helped me in anyway in the thread. So stay out. Better
yet go get on Yahoo and join the rest of the men acting like women.... Now shut up, and go away.
Seems to me that Sammie has exposed you as the fraud Hated (appropriate name by the way). Now why don't you take your own advice, shut up, and and take your fake ass and your 600 domains to some other forum. We are trying to get some work done here.
Yep, These are all people I sell hosting to.
Go to that domain, I will show you something. http://illegalperformance.net
No shut up, and go away.
Gameutopia, Thanks for your input, Your about the only helpful sole in this thread.
Sammie, Its a dedicated server, Now take your fake ass back out of my thread.
You have not helped me in anyway in the thread. So stay out. Better yet go get on Yahoo and join the rest of the men acting like women.
a Dedicated server now huh? so that means all the 650 domains you claim to own just happen to be residtered to you in 650 different names and addresses and countries, lets take another one from the list. and i think you'll find no-one will help you now.
Domain Name: ILLEGALPERFORMANCE.NET Created on: 03-Jul-08 Expires on: 03-Jul-10 Last Updated on: 21-Jul-08
Administrative Contact: Dunn, Ryan Illegal performance *** Foggy Meadow Dr ofallon, Missouri **** United States (314) ***
so your claim of owning them all is still a crock of shit then right?
i have a dedicated server and i have no problems with this script, maybe your male ego just couldn't accept that your at fault here not the script
Yeah, Thats it, Go try to impress someone else.
Ryan Dunn as in "Jackass" Ryan Dunn?? |
I honestly dont care if anyone beleives me. Im the one making the money from it. I dont have to explain myself.
On another note, I was expecting something a little easier to manage and less time consuming. I have too many other things to do than mess with a paid script that isnt complete. I should have tried it out before spending money on the license.
Sorry I pissed everyone off, except Sammie, Im glad I pissed you off. My day is complete now. Thanks for the laugh. I think I will leave that on that web page with a link to this thread.
Yep, These are all people I sell hosting to.
Go to that domain, I will show you something. http://illegalperformance.net
No shut up, and go away.
Gameutopia, Thanks for your input, Your about the only helpful sole in this thread.
Sammie, Its a dedicated server, Now take your fake ass back out of my thread.
You have not helped me in anyway in the thread. So stay out. Better yet go get on Yahoo and join the rest of the men acting like women.
a Dedicated server now huh? so that means all the 650 domains you claim to own just happen to be residtered to you in 650 different names and addresses and countries, lets take another one from the list. and i think you'll find no-one will help you now.
Domain Name: ILLEGALPERFORMANCE.NET Created on: 03-Jul-08 Expires on: 03-Jul-10 Last Updated on: 21-Jul-08
Administrative Contact: Dunn, Ryan Illegal performance *** Foggy Meadow Dr ofallon, Missouri **** United States (314) ***
so your claim of owning them all is still a crock of shit then right?
i have a dedicated server and i have no problems with this script, maybe your male ego just couldn't accept that your at fault here not the script
Yeah, Thats it, Go try to impress someone else.
i'm not the one trying to impress people here claiming i own 650 domians that clearly you dont own. as to it being a dedicated server you rent/own i am still not convinced, for one, anyone that sells hosting to 650 sites would know how to install and setup a complex script like dolphin, and then know that the mail issues are most likely a server or MX/PT/A record and or mail server and domian not resolving to the correct authentication setting that are now demanded to keep spam abuse at bay.
What version of Apache/PHP are your running.? Also alot of error will occur with XSL and Mbstrings not installed in PHP. Also you'll need to check your php.ini file for file upload limits as they are often preset to 2mb and 8mb. A single dedicated can host thousands of Dolphins with no problem so your dedicated is solid. The issue I have found over the last 18 months is Apache1.3.3 vs Apache2.2.8 I run and have run Apache 2.0+ from day one as I too had many errors with A1.3.3. Occasionally I'll find a "hiccup" but nothing the B-Team won't address with great speed. They have been working on this platform for nearly 4 years and is by far the superior to anything on the NET. If you have a script/software to compare it to I would be happy too provide my evaluation :)
If your having problems in the overall enviro I'd be happy to take a look. If your running cPanel I'll walk you through the process. cPanel makes it real easy but you have to jump to the Release Build. I too have other "sites" not running D on my 2.0 server and they are fine. Just need to make the Jump and I am sure you'll be very happy with Dolphn6.1.3.
Sammie rocks - period. She is anything but fake. She's helped a lot of people here, using her own money, to protect themselves from hackers and she's helped folks with other issues too.
On a side note: I don't know how you were raised, but treating a woman like that is poor form.
I guess with a "quiality" name like "Hated" - it stands to reason that you don't care about how you appear though. Let me guess..... black trench coat, shaved head, lots of tats, piercings to the point of being a pin cushion, emo "everything"? If not, you should consider it. You would fit right in.
Since you apparently like to lie, and insult ladies, you can add me to the list who don't care for you much.
Next time maybe you could invest the $40 on a nice spellchecker. Just a thought.

Oops! I guess Sammie was right then huh bub?
That's funny sammie. And absolutely TRUE!!! |
What can I say sammie I am an absolute SUCKER for those who need help. I am an old Open Source Geek that believes a few minutes of good advice is more valuable to someone then how much it might cost to recieve. The NET was suppose to UNITE the PLANET of HUMANS not commercialize it as it has :( |
It don't matter to me how many domains one has whether it be 1 or 1000. If this account is held at hostgator I know they have told me in the past some servers have xsl/xslt and some do not. I never asked about mbstring or some of the others dolphin requires at hostgator.
I have never had a problem with apache 1.3x. Right now 1 setup has apache 1.3.41 with php 5.2.5 and mysql 4.1.22 and I have no problems. There are a limit number of other accounts on this particular server around 85 last time I checked, but not all of them are running dolphin either.
I personally like apache 1.3x better in a vps environment. It seems to consume less power, it's easier to tweak for vps. Some vps servers running cpanel/whm with limited ram and cpu power almost need some tweaking to keep the ram, cpu, and server load down. If you have a vps with more ram and chunk of the cpu this usually isn't a problem. And dedicated where you have all the resources available certainly wouldn't be either. A cpanel/whm setup seems to take a much larger bite of the resources than other control panel setups. DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
HostGator is "one" of the largest resellers of ThePlanet Server Farm. just an FYI. As for cPanel...Well most prefer GUI Adminstration to commandline and I simply find that cPanel does the best job at this. As for loads...Upgrade your cPanel to Release and your loads will reduce especially in the A2.2+ enviro. |
Man, I have a lot to learn. You guys may as well be speaking Greek.  |
We're speaking GEEK....Abreviated Geek. But your desire to learn will take you far in the land of Server Administration which is basically what we're rapp'n about. The first step is to get yourself a dedicated "box" server and jump in with both feet!
Depending on your style Plesk and cPanel are the best WHM (Web Host Managers) which provide the capabilities of SA's to become resellers of hardware becoming "middle-man" hosters and the 1st Tier of SA support for the end user and always building off Server Farms. 2nd and 3rd Teir SA support usually reside on the Farm Level and is what Resellers utilize when they have an "Oh Shit!"
We all have an "oh Shit" from time to time no matter how long you have been doing this. Eventually you become familar with all the OS Forums and the actual code teams behind the NET madness. True GEEKS love learners so never be afraid to ask a question , no matter what OS forum your in.
Great! Then I'll ask.
Where is a good place to learn how to set up hosting accounts for others, on a dedicated server, with CPanel running on the server Admin account.
(HostGator is looking pretty good to me right now) (Thanks Hated - Without you.......... LOL)
Also, I am assuming that CPanel allows for command line functions on a dedicated server. Am I correct? If so, what tutorials would you recommend that I look at before I offer up my left testicle for something that I may not be able to handle. (I'm sorry ladies. It's just an expression that works REALLY WELL.....at least for guys. LOL) I'm not familiar with running command line functions on a server - but I have my dreams.
Just so you all know.... in spite of my limitations, I have 65 bazillion domains hosted on 30 bazillion dedicated servers. You can look it up & ask, but the owners of the hosting company within which the servers reside will deny it. I pay them (hosting company techs), off with Hostess Twinkies, and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups laced with caffeine and Prozac. It's what I do. I will not apologize for it.
Seriously, if you could answer these few questions, and offer up any links that might help me in my endeavors, I would be eternally grateful. I am a learner. I'm never satisfied. I doubt I ever will be. At least as long as I have a supply of toothpicks, with which to hold my eyelids open. =D
Someone gave me some good advice a long time ago "when in doubt, tell the truth". Chronic liars get caught because they have to keep having to build lie upon lie to cover their first lie - a tangled web that is almost impossible to maintain with an online community like this- especially if you want to get some real work done.
Great! Then I'll ask.
Where is a good place to learn how to set up hosting accounts for others, on a dedicated server, with CPanel running on the server Admin account.
(HostGator is looking pretty good to me right now) (Thanks Hated - Without you.......... LOL)
Also, I am assuming that CPanel allows for command line functions on a dedicated server. Am I correct? If so, what tutorials would you recommend that I look at before I offer up my left testicle for something that I may not be able to handle. (I'm sorry ladies. It's just an expression that works REALLY WELL.....at least for guys. LOL) I'm not familiar with running command line functions on a server - but I have my dreams.
Just so you all know.... in spite of my limitations, I have 65 bazillion domains hosted on 30 bazillion dedicated servers. You can look it up & ask, but the owners of the hosting company within which the servers reside will deny it. I pay them (hosting company techs), off with Hostess Twinkies, and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups laced with caffeine and Prozac. It's what I do. I will not apologize for it.
Seriously, if you could answer these few questions, and offer up any links that might help me in my endeavors, I would be eternally grateful. I am a learner. I'm never satisfied. I doubt I ever will be. At least as long as I have a supply of toothpicks, with which to hold my eyelids open. =D
GO TO THE PLANET www.theplanet.com LEARN FROM THE PLANET!!!!!!!!
Then get yourself a couple of hardcover Books like: How to: Linux, cPanel. Yes you always have shell access to your server. I PUTTY everyday into thePLANET.
If you don't like North America which I understand we are not very "liked" around the world at the present time :) lol I didn't vote for BUSH...for the record!
There are 2 Major Farms in Europe and REG123 use to be the HostGator of that farm if not the Farm..??? I forget been awhile since I mapped the NET Farms. Which Is why I recommend the Planet but in the 90's if you knew me... I sent you to REG123 because NA was to costly for simple web hosting.
And CalTrade just let me gander at his PLESK and I will still say it SUCKS BALLS compared to cPanel for WHM(Reselling). BUT THAT IS PURELY MY OPINION!!!!
I've worked off dedicated servers for years and will say that I definitely prefer Cpanel over Plesk as plesk is much more proprietary and just harder to work with if you have a choice.
If they haven't fixed the 'reloading' everything issue in the last year or so that was
a MAJOR PITA! It reloaded a ton of files on EVERY page that were the same which was unnecessary and made it cluggy and slow IMHO.
Awesome- I'm off to learn what I can then. Thanks guys.
BTW, I'm American too. I didn't vote for Bush either. I didn't think he had the brains to run a convenience store & he has since proven me very right. But I digress. 
Thanks again!
Awesome- I'm off to learn what I can then. Thanks guys.
BTW, I'm American too. I didn't vote for Bush either. I didn't think he had the brains to run a convenience store & he has since proven me very right. But I digress. 
Thanks again!
Well that makes 2. It's all Florida's fault!
And if your using HostGator or a current reseller of thePlanet then let them know and they will migrate you for a small fee which is nice because you don't have to change/swap accounts... Just billing and Account Management details. That's only good for VPS and Dedicated... Sharred is tricky unless you created the Sharred Hosting.