Video Player and Water mark

Does anyone know a video player upgrade for dolphin 7? Or a new template by chance? Or a way I can watermark my videos that I upload or perhaps record for video commenting!


Quote · 9 Mar 2010

I had a watermark working perfectly with ffmpeg and a minor change to the file upload script.  This was until a few day ago when videos stopped working entirely.  Once I get the videos working again I will be able to show you an example.

The code below goes in flash/modules/video/inc/  | This was completely working until just a few days ago and I believe my current issue is completely unrelated to the modification that was made.

function getConverterTmpl($sInputFile, $sSize, $bSound = true, $bRecorded = false)
global $sModule;
global $sFfmpegPath;

$sSound = $bRecorded ? " -ar 44100 " : " -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 ";
if(!$bSound) $sSound = " -an ";
$sTmpl = $sFfmpegPath . " -y -i " . $sInputFile . " -r " . getVideoFps() . " -s " . getVideoSize($sSize) . $sSound . " -qscale 5 -vhook '/usr/lib64/vhook/ -x ((W-w)-10) -y ((H-h)-5) -A max(0,255-exp(N/47)) -i /home/mmi/public_html/media/images/small.png' ";
if(getSettingValue($sModule, "sameQuality") == TRUE_VAL) $sTmpl .= "-sameq ";
return $sTmpl;
} <- Videos are stuck showing now loading.

Quote · 9 Mar 2010

I suppose the easier way would be to change the Flash application's source files (skin) to have a transparent image over where the content plays. I made some progress, but had to scrap some work. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it working fully and be able to post my results with a how-to.

Interesting input, skiplink, I might have to give that a try on my test servers and see what I can make of it. This could be an example of the way the watermark feature in Dolphin should also work.

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Quote · 9 Mar 2010

Hmm I had the same issues with my videos. Double check your permissions.. that was my issue. My videos basically were stuck loading as well. most times its not connecting to the RMS.

Quote · 13 Mar 2010

Hmm I had the same issues with my videos. Double check your permissions.. that was my issue. My videos basically were stuck loading as well. most times its not connecting to the RMS.

Yeah our videos are still not working, permissions have been checked.  I don't see why permissions would be a problem since all the files are readable by owner.  Videos should not be connecting to the RMS server right?  They should just be trying to download the flv off the server, so I don't even think RMS has anything to do with it either.  I am starting to not like Dolphin!

Quote · 6 Apr 2010


Quote · 12 Oct 2013
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