Posted this originally in the Beta section.
Want High Quality Video AND reduce bandwidth? I do .. and now you can too!
Information: Original Test File is 25MB WMV
Default Boonex settings (poor) File was 1.6MB
25FPS and Keep Original Video Format (variable bit-rate) 23MB and looked awesome
My New Settings look as good as HI-Q version but only 6MB File!
How to Do It (And what to Tinker With)
Open /public_html/flash/modules/video/inc/ (save a local backup just in case!)
Line 169 Change
$sTmpl = $sFfmpegPath . " -y -i " . $sInputFile . " -r " . getVideoFps() . " -s " . getVideoSize($sSize) . $sSound;
$sTmpl = $sFfmpegPath . " -y -i " . $sInputFile . " -r " . getVideoFps() . " -s " . getVideoSize($sSize) . $sSound . " -qmin 3 -qmax 6 ";
Please note and retain spaces between "'s and command! " -qmin 3 -qmax 6 "
Note: TURN OFF "Keep Original Video Format" and set FPS to 25 in Flash Module Video Settings!
Still not small enough a file for you? -qmin and -qmax can range from 1 - 31. Lower is HIGHER quality. -qmin -qmax at 1 is lossless and totally a waste of bandwidth. But if you want to reduce the file size while minimizing loss of quality, start setting -qmax higher until you find the sweet spot. You may need to flush the cache each time you change the file, I'm not sure.
If you enjoy this Mod and it helps you, Click the Green + on this topic! If you break it, you can keep both pieces!