
Anyone get their videos to work? I manage to the get the video uploaded and add description. Takes a minute to process and then after it gets processed you go to view the video it shows "Error! File not found"

Quote · 31 Dec 2009

it's just weird first time i see this error "Error! File not found"

Quote · 31 Dec 2009

two things could be going on there, once is your max upload size and max post size and max execution time are not compatible with what you are trying to upload.

or your cron jobs are not working correctly.

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 31 Dec 2009

Yea I thought about that. I know my host only allows 20mb max upload, its on a shared hosting account.

Quote · 31 Dec 2009

Yea I thought about that. I know my host only allows 20mb max upload, its on a shared hosting account.

can you check and see if the file is being uploaded


look in there and see if you see the videos?

if you see the videos then there is something going on with your cron job.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 31 Dec 2009

I have the same thing going on also, I can upload the video, , see it on my site, but when i go to play it, its not there,

how can you check the corn jobs?

Quote · 1 Jan 2010

Yea I thought about that. I know my host only allows 20mb max upload, its on a shared hosting account.

can you check and see if the file is being uploaded


look in there and see if you see the videos?

if you see the videos then there is something going on with your cron job.



I checked the directory the file is not there :(

Quote · 4 Jan 2010


I have the same thing going on also, I can upload the video, , see it on my site, but when i go to play it, its not there,

how can you check the corn jobs?

 Check via ftp that you have the files in the flash/modules/videos/files/ directory and that you have .flv .mp4 .mpg along with 2 x jpg files. If its your first upload you should see 1.jpg and 1_small.jpeg


If you see all these then your cron has worked. You should also receive an email message giving you the ffmpeg.exe output.


if you dont have this email and the files doesnt exist, your cron hasnt processed the files. You will need to go to your control panel and then cron. Check for something like this. cd /home/youraccountname/public_html/periodic; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php You should also set the timing to * * * * *


If this doesnt work, try changing the path to usr/bin/php - q as this works on some servers.


You could also try in a web browser.





Quote · 4 Jan 2010

@ setting that silencer on PHP on the cron.

guys if you silence PHP unlike the more beautiful species that we deal with on this plant, it will remain silent. if you want to see the output, you have to drop the -q, q stands for quite, means it aint saying nothing. you have given php a command, and it behaves.

dammit i was i was php sometimes, coulda saved a ton of money 'hell0'



I have the same thing going on also, I can upload the video, , see it on my site, but when i go to play it, its not there,

how can you check the corn jobs?

Check via ftp that you have the files in the flash/modules/videos/files/ directory and that you have .flv .mp4 .mpg along with 2 x jpg files. If its your first upload you should see 1.jpg and 1_small.jpeg

If you see all these then your cron has worked. You should also receive an email message giving you the ffmpeg.exe output.

if you dont have this email and the files doesnt exist, your cron hasnt processed the files. You will need to go to your control panel and then cron. Check for something like this. cd /home/youraccountname/public_html/periodic; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php You should also set the timing to * * * * *

If this doesnt work, try changing the path to usr/bin/php - q as this works on some servers.

You could also try in a web browser.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 4 Jan 2010

I took the -q out all togather,but that didnt work

Quote · 6 Jan 2010

Yea I thought about that. I know my host only allows 20mb max upload, its on a shared hosting account.

can you check and see if the file is being uploaded


look in there and see if you see the videos?

if you see the videos then there is something going on with your cron job.




1. So the video file gets uploaded and I do see the file, but the file has no extension, it's just a number

2. 1.jpg and 1_small.jpg also are there, but they are a black tumbnail.

If I point directly to the video via the web browser the video file plays with no issues. When I try to play it off my site, it says "Video Processing"

Any ideas?

Quote · 7 Jan 2010

Yea I thought about that. I know my host only allows 20mb max upload, its on a shared hosting account.

can you check and see if the file is being uploaded


look in there and see if you see the videos?

if you see the videos then there is something going on with your cron job.




1. So the video file gets uploaded and I do see the file, but the file has no extension, it's just a number

2. 1.jpg and 1_small.jpg also are there, but they are a black tumbnail.

If I point directly to the video via the web browser the video file plays with no issues. When I try to play it off my site, it says "Video Processing"

Any ideas?

I do, when you upload a video it is renamed numerically.  The 1.jpg and 1_small.jpg are the thumbnails captured when the video uploaded.  Black just means the first frame of the video was a black screen and that's what it captured.

Your 1.mpg is the file you uploaded.  You should also have a 1.mp4, this is your sound file for the video.  Finally to know if your video is properly processed you should see 1.flv, the video that will actually stream.  If you don't have it then your cron is not setup correctly or your ffmpg.exe is not setup correctly.

If your cron is setup correctly you should receive an email telling you that it encoded the video with a bunch of output numbers.  If you are not receiving that email you may not have the cron setup properly.  Do a forum search for cron and Zarcon, he has a great post outlining how to set it up.

Now check to make sure you can convert the video, to do this we need to force the cron to run by the following:

1.  Go to your /periodic folder and rename the htaccess in there to something else; 2. open browser and type  This force runs the cron, it should return a blank page.  If it returns an error your file is damaged.  If it is a blank page wait for it to process the video.  Check to see if your video now displays.

If that works correctly, then you've narrowed down the issue to your cron not executing properly.  Debug and contact your host if you have problems.  Make sure to rename the .htaccess file back to .htaccess

Now if you all that and nothing still happens check this.  /flash/global/app/ffmpeg.exe  Make sure you have that file in there, then check permissions (chmod) are set to 777.  If it is not set to 777 then set it to 777 via ftp program or telnet.  If this is set correctly, delete the file and reupload the file and set to 777.  If this still doesn't work contact your host and ensure that you are allowed to run executables on your site.

If you do everything above your videos should process correctly.  Likely if you cannot process at this point then your host does not allow you to run executables.

Quote · 7 Jan 2010

Yes. I have realised that no matter what your settings are. Sometime you have to manually approve your own videos. If you select the video and approve it then you should be able to watch it with out further complications. I have also learned that you have to upload vids/pics more than once to get them working right! I myself am still trying to get videos uploaded that run longer than 2mins.

Quote · 7 Jan 2010

Yes. I have realised that no matter what your settings are. Sometime you have to manually approve your own videos. If you select the video and approve it then you should be able to watch it with out further complications. I have also learned that you have to upload vids/pics more than once to get them working right! I myself am still trying to get videos uploaded that run longer than 2mins.

I had major problems in beta 4/5/6/7 but after we got the kinks worked out everything is great.

Another hint, make the fps 24 if you want the higher quality, at 25 sound doesn't always matchup.

Quote · 7 Jan 2010


two things could be going on there, once is your max upload size and max post size and max execution time are not compatible with what you are trying to upload.


or your cron jobs are not working correctly.


I thought this was my issue as well and played around a lot with my max execution time. What I eventually found was the memory setting was too low. I was running out of resources before the video completed. I know I'm no expert but maybe we can get him to post his phpinfo sheet from his host tools? We can tell a lot from that ... Hosted by!
Quote · 7 Jan 2010


@ setting that silencer on PHP on the cron.


guys if you silence PHP unlike the more beautiful species that we deal with on this plant, it will remain silent. if you want to see the output, you have to drop the -q, q stands for quite, means it aint saying nothing. you have given php a command, and it behaves.


dammit i was i was php sometimes, coulda saved a ton of money 'hell0'





I have the same thing going on also, I can upload the video, , see it on my site, but when i go to play it, its not there,

how can you check the corn jobs?

Check via ftp that you have the files in the flash/modules/videos/files/ directory and that you have .flv .mp4 .mpg along with 2 x jpg files. If its your first upload you should see 1.jpg and 1_small.jpeg


If you see all these then your cron has worked. You should also receive an email message giving you the ffmpeg.exe output.


if you dont have this email and the files doesnt exist, your cron hasnt processed the files. You will need to go to your control panel and then cron. Check for something like this. cd /home/youraccountname/public_html/periodic; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php You should also set the timing to * * * * *


If this doesnt work, try changing the path to usr/bin/php - q as this works on some servers.


You could also try in a web browser.






 i did averything

and i still havein the problem

when i uplout i ad a video this upload but didnt let me edited

i have to go to admin seccion tu allow the video but it look disable

but i can play the video and it has a black tumbnail.

i have to say that i have the same host and nevr have this problem in the previos version of D7

please help us

sorry for my english

Quote · 7 Jan 2010

Yea I thought about that. I know my host only allows 20mb max upload, its on a shared hosting account.

can you check and see if the file is being uploaded


look in there and see if you see the videos?

if you see the videos then there is something going on with your cron job.




1. So the video file gets uploaded and I do see the file, but the file has no extension, it's just a number

2. 1.jpg and 1_small.jpg also are there, but they are a black tumbnail.

If I point directly to the video via the web browser the video file plays with no issues. When I try to play it off my site, it says "Video Processing"

Any ideas?

I do, when you upload a video it is renamed numerically.  The 1.jpg and 1_small.jpg are the thumbnails captured when the video uploaded.  Black just means the first frame of the video was a black screen and that's what it captured.

Your 1.mpg is the file you uploaded.  You should also have a 1.mp4, this is your sound file for the video.  Finally to know if your video is properly processed you should see 1.flv, the video that will actually stream.  If you don't have it then your cron is not setup correctly or your ffmpg.exe is not setup correctly.

If your cron is setup correctly you should receive an email telling you that it encoded the video with a bunch of output numbers.  If you are not receiving that email you may not have the cron setup properly.  Do a forum search for cron and Zarcon, he has a great post outlining how to set it up.

Now check to make sure you can convert the video, to do this we need to force the cron to run by the following:

1.  Go to your /periodic folder and rename the htaccess in there to something else; 2. open browser and type  This force runs the cron, it should return a blank page.  If it returns an error your file is damaged.  If it is a blank page wait for it to process the video.  Check to see if your video now displays.

If that works correctly, then you've narrowed down the issue to your cron not executing properly.  Debug and contact your host if you have problems.  Make sure to rename the .htaccess file back to .htaccess

Now if you all that and nothing still happens check this.  /flash/global/app/ffmpeg.exe  Make sure you have that file in there, then check permissions (chmod) are set to 777.  If it is not set to 777 then set it to 777 via ftp program or telnet.  If this is set correctly, delete the file and reupload the file and set to 777.  If this still doesn't work contact your host and ensure that you are allowed to run executables on your site.

If you do everything above your videos should process correctly.  Likely if you cannot process at this point then your host does not allow you to run executables.


So I updated to a business hosting with my hosting account, and they respond back to me with this crap!

Please note that our servers do not have FFMpeg extension installed by default. I know that the Dolphin application has its own FFMpeg.exe file, but I do not think that it will work correctly.

If you need to have FFMpeg extension installed for PHP you will need to consider upgrading your hosting account to a dedicated solution.

Anything I can do here or I am stuck and have to get a dedicated server?

Quote · 7 Jan 2010


So I updated to a business hosting with my hosting account, and they respond back to me with this crap!

Please note that our servers do not have FFMpeg extension installed by default. I know that the Dolphin application has its own FFMpeg.exe file, but I do not think that it will work correctly.

If you need to have FFMpeg extension installed for PHP you will need to consider upgrading your hosting account to a dedicated solution.

Anything I can do here or I am stuck and have to get a dedicated server?

There are several shared servers that will allow you to run exe files.  Here they are telling you that they will not allow you to run the .exe and that is now likely the heart of your issue.  Tell them to enable execution for the file or you will find a new host, then find a new host.

Quote · 8 Jan 2010

This is what Mrpowless tell me to make my videos to work fine, but I don´t undertand very well, can anybody help me with this please?


The files got imported as you can see ...just the database entries got messed up;
notice how your working videos have times in them and the older ones do not? try to match them up with working ones
table videofiles in phpmy admin...i do not know that exact name off hand...thats what needs to be done,

Alternatley, I would download all mpg from the files folder set password to zzzzz by editing profiles table...keeping the original and login as the users uplaod the files again. there are about 5 users that need to be done.

Quote · 8 Jan 2010
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