Sorry, I read some topics about it, I tryed every thing but nothing change.
I Upgrade my site, now is D7, stable version, I imported videos/audios... but all of them are 00:00 time.
Now, arvixe got RMS7, I configure it correctly, but nothing change. I checked my cron job, I see a blanc screen. What can I do?
Now video-comments in my site works fine
What do you mean by "I checked my cron job, I see a blanc screen." ?
Do you have request the site directly?
Do you have modificated D6 or D7 or change some functions?
I'm going to play village idiot for a second (in case I'm wrong, otherwise the village genius) and ask: have you played the video/audio and confirmed they actually do indeed have no length to them?
I'm asking this because, when first uploaded and when doing upgrades and the like, their playing time is reset until the first play.
Also to be extra-double-sweet-with-cherry-on-top safe, have you set any special permissions for any directories or files for your Dolphin installation? I ask this as well, because Arvixe hates that, and it will cause them to throw a hissy fit at you (their servers, God forbid they actually do that themselves).
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Hello and thanks for replay
What do you mean by "I checked my cron job, I see a blanc screen." ?
Do you have request the site directly?
Do you have modificated D6 or D7 or change some functions?
Yes, I request my site directly, and no, no modifications, just upgrade from 6 to 7 ecKREATIV
I read in other post that some times video-audios works in the 2º play, but in my not, never work.
I think there are not special permissions for files or folders, my ffmpge.exe is 777. In videos the thumbnails apears, but not in audios.
Hello and thanks for replay
What do you mean by "I checked my cron job, I see a blanc screen." ?
Do you have request the site directly?
Do you have modificated D6 or D7 or change some functions?
Yes, I request my site directly, and no, no modifications, just upgrade from 6 to 7 ecKREATIV
I read in other post that some times video-audios works in the 2º play, but in my not, never work.
I think there are not special permissions for files or folders, my ffmpge.exe is 777. In videos the thumbnails apears, but not in audios.
After upgrade from Dolphin 6.1.6 all audio and video lengths are 00:00. Length will be determined and saved after first play.
The same thing for newly uploaded files.
Rules → |
If your using Arvixe, set your FFmpeg.exe to 755.. as said on upload and until first play you only see 0.00.
If your using Arvixe, set your FFmpeg.exe to 755.. as said on upload and until first play you only see 0.00.
Hm, an Arvixe setup I'm using works just fine with ffmpeg.exe at 777 permissions.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I had tryed every thing nothing of nothing, my audios and videos don´t work. I tryed checking all settings of flash app in videos and audios, change ffmpeg.exe... Nothing.
Audios are in flash/modules/audios/files
Videos are in flash/modules/video/files with 3 formats and 2 imagen sizes
any ideas? Thanks