View Settings in Dolphin 7.1.4

I want all view settings to be by Default set to "Me Only". When someone create profile his profile settings to be by default Me Only. The same should be when uploading new picture, video, create album group, etc. So what I want to achieve is by default all website content to be Me Only until user explicitly set some content to be visible to some group. I made a research but could not find anything up-to date about that. Please help

Quote · 1 Mar 2014

There is no admin switch to make everything default to me only. But, if you "Enable 'Default Values':" in Admin - Settings - Advanced Settings - Privacy Groups, this will give each user the ability to set default privacy groups for a lot of stuff.
Quote · 1 Mar 2014

Well if the code loads the third option as default (Public) probably I can make it to load the Me Only as default. Some hint where is that in the DB or in the code ?

Quote · 1 Mar 2014

The whole privacy thing is screwed up.  For example, what does default values do?  Nothing.  Then there is a default group where if you choose to add it, then it adds a default group but public is set to show so you have to figure out how to change that.  However, that sets everything to that group so what does default values do?  Nothing I guess.  I have talked about this before without any clear answers and even worked at trying to fix it.

However, if you are concern with privacy, then go to the market and get the free cross members block because blocking a member only keeps them off your profile page; they can still go to your content and leave nasty messages.  there is also a free module for adding a privacy setting block that can block not only who sees the profile page, but friends as well.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 2 Mar 2014

Why this is not a setting in admin, I do not know.  Four or more years ago, a few us griped about privacy settings, and how they should work, and it remains something Boonex has never got quite right.  It makes perfect sense for the site admin to be able.  This very issue came up numerous times, and there were tickets like this one.

That ticket was for an early beta version of 7.0  Privacy settings, and overall sensibility thereof, remain something that still needs a bit of work even after all these years have gone by.   One thing that drives me insane is that ridiculous member_privacy.php page with all those drop down selector lists... it's absolutely maddening.  It would be more palatable if all those privacy settings were presented in a grid format with checkboxs.

But yeah, I agree.... it makes sense to have control over this.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 2 Mar 2014

Run the following query:

UPDATE `sys_privacy_actions` SET  `default_group` =  '2' WHERE  `default_group` =  '3';

Then clear db cache.

Next time, in all content creation forms privacy fields "Me only" option will be selected by default, instead of "Public". 

Rules →
Quote · 4 Mar 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.