I need a schedule mod for groups. This will be used to post scheduled group activities. Activities posted on the group schedule, should be input using a form that includes location, brief description, and a Google map generated from the location fields. This is just a simple schedule of activities, so no photos or videos are necessary. If a group activity with more detailed information needs to be placed on the activity schedule, the group admin can just create an event. With that in mind, the group activity schedule should provide a means to post a link to an event... the event may not necessarily have been created by the group admin. Users should be able to select monthly, and weekly displays of activities.
I'm sure a lot of people need this...
Update: This is pretty close to what I want: http://www.luxsoft.eu/luxcal/index.php?cP=2
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Wow... buried on the dreaded second page in a matter of minutes. I am impressed at the rate esase can enter posts.
Somebody should work on this. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Is this per member or just all group posts site wide ? https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Is this per member or just all group posts site wide ?
This is a per-group calendar, so that anybody that creates a group can post a schedule of activities on a calendar. Only group admins should be able to post activities. Every group gets their own calendar, and only the groups own activities will appear on their calendar. If you check out the link in my first post, the lux soft calendar behaves almost exactly like I envision the group calendar. Just imagine the lux soft calendar on each Group page as a menu selection along with forum, fans, and comments.
I can't imagine why anyone that creates a group wouldn't want this. I'd like the group feature on my site to be more useful to nightclubs, bands, and others, so that they can post their schedules on a calendar, using a popup form like the Lux calendar. I would like the ability for group admins to post links from my domain only on the calendar, in case they want to post a link to an Event page.
I called it a schedule of activities so as not to confuse this functionality with any functionality the existing calendar, or events module.
Lots of people need this.... they just don't realize it.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
This would be ideal for my site also. Good thinking HL.
Is this per member or just all group posts site wide ?
This is a per-group calendar, so that anybody that creates a group can post a schedule of activities on a calendar. Only group admins should be able to post activities. Every group gets their own calendar, and only the groups own activities will appear on their calendar. If you check out the link in my first post, the lux soft calendar behaves almost exactly like I envision the group calendar. The lux calendar might be adaptable for use as individual private calendars, although that exact functionality isn't built in. Just imagine the lux soft calendar on each Group page as a menu selection along with forum, fans, and comments.
I can't imagine why anyone that creates a group wouldn't want this. I'd like the group feature on my site to be more useful to nightclubs, bands, and others, so that they can post their schedules on a calendar, using a popup form like the Lux calendar. I would like the ability for group admins to post links from my domain only on the calendar, in case they want to post a link to an Event page.
I called it a schedule of activities so as not to confuse this functionality with any functionality the existing calendar, or events module.
Lots of people need this.... they just don't realize it.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
That's 2 customers so far. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Hi guys, I had scheduler mod for D6, and will redevelop it for D7 too. So, hope that this request not so urgent? |
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
thank you for bringing this one to my attention! YES it would work fine for my site, I hope someone out there sees how usless the one is that comes with the software D7. i would think that anyone that brings this mod to the market will sell an aweful lot of them! I will buy it that is for sure. needs to include installation as well.
Thanks again great find!
i really like the finished appearance of the http://www.smartphpcalendar.com/index.php product and that one would actually be preferable for my site simply based on the professional appearance. functions about the same as the luxsoft product but just "fits the D7 environment so much better.
Smart PHP Calendar is embellished with a lot of AJAX, to give it a higher perceived value.... I guess that's why it has a $99 price tag. Unfortunately, I've already discovered a bug with Smart PHP Calendar, where the AJAX stuff goes nuts, and you lose all the calendars styliing. It basically crashes. Not acceptable for a $99 calendar. I like Smart PHP Calendar.... but this bug concerns me.
The Lux Calendar doesn't have any fancy ajax drag and drop of events on the calendar, but I can live with that. As a matter of fact, the more I see ajax break browser navigation, the less I like it. It's also free, so it's a better candidate for integration into a Dolphin mod. Not many coders are willing to write mods when it integrates commercial, paid scripts. The Lux calendar supports any number of users, and private events. The private events feature that is already built in, can be used to give every member their own calendar, but I'm mainly interested in it for use in groups. I doubt if most regular members on the average, would care about a web calendar.
Soooo..... I think this makes 3 customers so far. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Hi HL, I am going to upload this and check out its features. It looks good.
Apart from an iFrame, what would be the best way to incorporate this into D7.02. I want to setup a members only tab using this event calendar leaving the D7 calendar for the rest of the site.
Thanks for this!
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Installation was really straightforward. The calendar is comprehensive.
My only concern is, the Admin has to add the user. It would be good if there was some way for D7 to make that happen automatically upon Members only join.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Installation was really straightforward. The calendar is comprehensive.
My only concern is, the Admin has to add the user. It would be good if there was some way for D7 to make that happen automatically upon Members only join.
The admin does have to add the user, but it shouldn't matter in an integration. You'd just pull the user data from the dolphin DB. It doesn't matter that there's no built in self-registration system, because you wouldn't use it anyway.
This would be a good project for Deano. I bet he could knock this out in his sleep. One thing is sure... this sort of enhancement isn't coming from Boonex any time soon.
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Guys, can you test a little result, here are one demo:
you are welcome to create own groups to check scheduler.
Signed up made a new group added new event. Seems to work fine so far. Good work. Would it be to much to change from 24 hour to 12 hour times. I would rather see 1 PM 2PM rather then 13 14 ....
If you want to test it on a second server let me know...
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Guys, can you test a little result, here are one demo:
you are welcome to create own groups to check scheduler.
I'd never buy it. It doesn't feel like it's part of the group features, when you navigate away from the main group page to get to the scheduler.
Is there some reason you can't put this on the tabbed sub menu along with 'Main', 'Forum', 'Fans', and 'Comments'? Overall, the user interface feels a little clumsy. Take a look at this: http://www.luxsoft.eu/luxcal/index.php?cP=2 This is much better.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
The group block is on the bottom left ?? on the groups page. but yeah there is no link up top. i do not like the luxsoft on at all... https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
AndrewP. Why create a new 'Groups Schedular', can't you just modify 'Groups Calendar'? There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
RE: i do not like the luxsoft on at all...
I'll assume you were attempting to say that you do not like the luxsoft version. Might I ask why? The luxsoft version version does just about everything you could ask, including the ability to categorize calendar entries. I also like the popup form to ad an event to the calendar. With AndreyP's version, you lose the feel of being on the group pages when you navigate away from the main pages just to fill out a simple form on a 'disconnected' page. Then you do the same thing to see the calendar. I like the luxsoft date and time entry a little better. Andrey's does not have a repeating event feature, which is a must as far as I'm concerned.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
AndrewP. Why create a new 'Groups Schedular', can't you just modify 'Groups Calendar'?
Because the Groups "Calendar" is almost useless. It wasn't designed to be a real calendar, and wouldn't make a very good foundation for what is being asked for here.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
houstonlively always dissatisfied :)
So about groups calendar, this is totally another thing. This is not to manage with events in group as I made. I made ajaxy mechanism to operate with navigation, good view of events in scheduler. So about placing it as submenu for groups, this is possible of course. I just showed you main idea of its functionality.
The 'Months' page needs a lot of work, really.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
houstonlively always dissatisfied :)
Somebody has to keep you Boonex guys in line.
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See what a little complaining can do? That's a big improvement already, Andrey. I have a few questions.
1. Can the date/time selector be changed to 12 hour format if desired?
2. Can the 'Add Event' be changed to a popup window?
3. Can another field, 'Venue', be added to the event entry form?
4. Can events be assigned a category from a drop down list? See the luxsoft calendar for a demo of this. (Site admin creates the category list)
5. Can you add a 'Repeat Event' feature for recurring events? Again, you can have a look at the Luxsoft demo for clarification.
6. Add a search feature, and a way to display events by category?
The navigation is much better now, although there are a few minor tweaks that can be done to improve it even more. You're close on this one Andrey, but if you can add a few more features as outlined above, I believe you would sell a lot more of this mod. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
That's a big improvement already, Andrey. I have a few questions.
1. Can the date/time selector be changed to 12 hour format if desired?
2. Can the 'Add Event' be changed to a popup window?
3. Can another field, 'Venue', be added to the event entry form?
4. Can events be assigned a category from a drop down list? See the luxsoft calendar for a demo of this. (Site admin creates the category list)
5. Can you add a 'Repeat Event' feature for recurring events? Again, you can have a look at the Luxsoft demo for clarification.
6. Add a search feature, and a way to display events by category?
The navigation is much better now, although there are a few minor tweaks that can be done to improve it even more. You're close on this one Andrey, but if you can add a few more features as outlined above, I believe you would sell a lot more of this mod.
I agree, this would be excellent. I like the Luxcal Calender very much and would use it, the features are ideal, but it does not look professional, Andrey's mod does apart from the 'Months' display which looks terrible.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Yes, all possible of course, I already ready mo make my products better and will update this module when new features will added. Currently I posted it here: http://www.boonex.com/unity/extensions/entry/Scheduler_for_Groups_module
I will try to make this even better that at luxsoft (maybe more user friendly)
Add the features on my list, and I'll buy it. Hurry..... I hate waiting. I want it now. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
@ Stuart That month display can be made to look a lot different with a few css tweaks My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I guess. But this is a professional mod being sold for money. I would expect this to have the look and feel of the other pages. If we had to play around with the css, we might have problems getting any real bugs fixed due to finger trouble.
@ Stuart That month display can be made to look a lot different with a few css tweaks
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Well... if you use a template other that UNI, you'll need to make css tweaks anyway, to get most mods to look like the rest of the site. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Well... if you use a template other that UNI, you'll need to make css tweaks anyway, to get most mods to look like the rest of the site.
I am referring to the Month display looking similar to the other schedule pages. Any calender/Events program I have ever seen, months looks better than this.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Well... if you use a template other that UNI, you'll need to make css tweaks anyway, to get most mods to look like the rest of the site.
I am referring to the Month display looking similar to the other schedule pages. Any calender/Events program I have ever seen, months looks better than this.
You mean this month display:

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
It could use a javascript scroll feature for each day container where there is an overflow. Nothing big and ugly... just a subtle up and down arrow. That would keep it looking nice and pretty. Another option would be a 'more' link when necessary that popped up a scrollable window with all the events. If you happen to have more than just one or two events in any one day, I can see how the display can get ugly in a hurry.
Don't worry... Andrey will fix everything so it's just the way we want it. He likes it when I complain about things.
Andrey: That extra white space on the right has to go. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Houston, we've got a problem! But Lively will sort it!
It could use a javascript scroll feature for each day container where there is an overflow. Nothing big and ugly... just a subtle up and down arrow. That would keep it looking nice and pretty. Another option would be a 'more' link when necessary that popped up a scrollable window with all the events. If you happen to have more than just one or two events in any one day, I can see how the display can get ugly in a hurry.
Don't worry... Andrey will fix everything so it's just the way we want it. He likes it when I complain about things.
Andrey: That extra white space on the right has to go.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
I say just make it look and feel like outlook and it should be fine no ?
Alot of people are used to that one....
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
I say just make it look and feel like outlook and it should be fine no ?
Alot of people are used to that one....
Yeah, very helpful
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Yes, this is true, if most of guys agree with some features, requests, why not implement it?
so next version will have something new ;)
Yes, this is true, if most of guys agree with some features, requests, why not implement it?
so next version will have something new ;)
I hate waiting. Hurry up.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Yes, this is true, if most of guys agree with some features, requests, why not implement it?
so next version will have something new ;)
I hate waiting. Hurry up.
Yes, please hurry up! :-)
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Product was updated, news:
* possibility to change to 12 hour format (of grid) * add event in new popup mode (possible to switch it back if need) * new field 'Venue' was added * categories to events. Plus ajaxy filtering events in calendars. * changed layout a little * after submit event we back to calendar page where was added new event
Product was updated, news:
* possibility to change to 12 hour format (of grid) * add event in new popup mode (possible to switch it back if need) * new field 'Venue' was added * categories to events. Plus ajaxy filtering events in calendars. * changed layout a little * after submit event we back to calendar page where was added new event
I can't get the Date/Time entry to work. Looks like the event handlers aren't working when clicking on the day or the time. Clicking on month or year arrows is the only thing that will update the date/time
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
You are really close on this Andrey. The other major feature that almost everyone will want, is the ability to enter repeating events. Again... the Luxsoft does this well and If yours did the same thing, you would have a really good mod here. Many groups will have weekly or monthly meetings, and entering these events one at a time for an entire year, would drive people crazy.... then they'd be complaining to me... I hate when that happens. Better just add the repeating event feature now, so the hundreds of people that buy this mod, won't have to deal with all those irate users. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Is it possible, when an event is due, to send an email reminder (at a preset time) or an SMS?
Also, in the Calender, I noticed for days of the week it says; Wen (should be 'Wed') for Wednesday... On the Calender itself in day mode (especially) it also say's 'Wen' this should be 'Wednesday'. In short, on the Calender itself it should name the day in full correctly.
Having said that, it is looking good.
Product was updated, news:
* possibility to change to 12 hour format (of grid) * add event in new popup mode (possible to switch it back if need) * new field 'Venue' was added * categories to events. Plus ajaxy filtering events in calendars. * changed layout a little * after submit event we back to calendar page where was added new event
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
AndreyP, you should subscribe to this thread so you know when I'm complaining about something. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I periodically checking this thread, but words like - many guys need it - false. Very low amount of real customers. Frustrated a little. Even if was made most of features (maybe except one) - nobody took it.
last days I was busy with my real estate module. going to try this in live :)
I periodically checking this thread, but words like - many guys need it - false. Very low amount of real customers. Frustrated a little. Even if was made most of features (maybe except one) - nobody took it.
last days I was busy with my real estate module. going to try this in live :)
Add the repeating event feature, and I buy it tomorrow. As far as the very low amount of real customers, it could be just a matter of finding the price point that makes you the most amount of money. The right price is not always what you think it is. Some times lower prices, will make you much more money. You just have to experiment. Just ask yourself, what's better... selling 5 at $75.... selling 10 at $60... or selling 30 at $50. Sales volumes always go up as price is decreased... this is proven fact. Price too high.... not make enough money. Price too low... not make enough money. Price just right.... make the most money.
You have to find the right price. $75 is ok with me, but the economy is bad everywhere, and people are being very careful how they spend their money. It is hard to sell something for less than you feel it is worth.... believe me, I know this. I have, many times, put that feeling aside when selling my own products. Sometimes, I needed to get out of my own way, to make money.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Yes, it possible about prices. But I already play with prices in past. I decrease price at 50% .. and just nobody noticed it.
quite no difference which price have product. Yes, I can make price smaller. but I not sure that product will become more popular at all. Maybe bad time? :)
Currently I go to start new module, possible Business Listings. And after will back to scheduler.
Perhaps the price was too high to begin with and members decided to
look elsewhere. A lot of the mods on Unity are far too expensive to
begin with.
Yes, it possible about prices. But I already play with prices in past. I decrease price at 50% .. and just nobody noticed it.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Currently I go to start new module, possible Business Listings. And after will back to scheduler.
Business listings? You mean like this one?: http://www.boonex.com/unity/extensions/entry/Business_Directory
You sure you want to compete with a mod that already exists, and is getting great reviews? You really should reconsider. If you just add the repeating event feature to your Group scheduler mod, you'll have a really good mod before anyone else. I think you underestimate the need for a group schedule mod. You've only had it listed for a week, and it's missing a very important feature. Consider adding that feature, and give it a chance to sell. Make this mod the best you can make it before you move on. Repeating events is the only major feature it is missing... the rest is small stuff that you can do later.
Watching someone leave something unfinished, to go work on something else, always makes me cringe.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Like, but much better. More user friendly and without boring things.
I had few customers who already tried http://www.boonex.com/unity/extensions/entry/Business_Directory, and they located many issues with it, even bugs.
I`ll add repeating events functional - don`t worry.
Your customers are very silent because they haven't reported those "bugs" to me. Anyway the Premium version will be released tomorrow :)
Like, but much better. More user friendly and without boring things.
I had few customers who already tried http://www.boonex.com/unity/extensions/entry/Business_Directory, and they located many issues with it, even bugs.
I`ll add repeating events functional - don`t worry.
Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz |
Check files/photos upload possibility and try to fix it please too :)
As long as we're going off-topic and discussing a business directory, there is one thing no business directory should be without, and that is a payment system. Many sites might want to charge a fee for someone placing a business ad. A payment system, and the ability to create various ad packages is an important feature for any robust business directory. The site admin should be able to create different ad packages. The best way to clarify what I mean by ad package, is to give a few examples.
Title: Basic Ad package Price: $10 Duration: 30 days Number of Photos allowed: 0 Google Map: no Number of Videos:0 Number of files:0 Number of categories:1 Featured:No
Title: Deluxe Ad package Price: $180 Duration: 90 days Number of Photos allowed: 8 Google Map: yes Number of Videos:1 Number of files:4 Number of categories:4 Featured:yes
The idea here, is for the site admin to have the ability to create ad packages with different features and price points. The system should send the customer email alerts when their ad is close to expiring.
Anyway... when someone has a business directory for D7 that does all this, let me know. I'll be tour first customer. This is a good subject for another thread. Maybe I'll start one, because this thread is about a group schedule mod.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Damn HL,
Your like a mind reader!
I was just trying to figure out how to do that on a new site that I just started building.
So yes if you start another topic about this, then I am there. want discuss no more here
But thanks for the input!
As long as we're going off-topic and discussing a business directory, there is one thing no business directory should be without, and that is a payment system. Many sites might want to charge a fee for someone placing a business ad. A payment system, and the ability to create various ad packages is an important feature for any robust business directory. The site admin should be able to create different ad packages. The best way to clarify what I mean by ad package, is to give a few examples.
Title: Basic Ad package Price: $10 Duration: 30 days Number of Photos allowed: 0 Google Map: no Number of Videos:0 Number of files:0 Number of categories:1 Featured:No
Title: Deluxe Ad package Price: $180 Duration: 90 days Number of Photos allowed: 8 Google Map: yes Number of Videos:1 Number of files:4 Number of categories:4 Featured:yes
The idea here, is for the site admin to have the ability to create ad packages with different features an price points. The system should send the customer email alerts when their ad is close to expiring.
Anyway... when someone has a business directory for D7 that does all this, let me know. I'll be tour first customer. THis is a good subject for another thread. Maybe I'll start one, because this thread is about a group schedule mod.
Back to pulling my hair out! (ouch, ouch,ouch) |
OK... I still need a group schedule mod with all the right features. If anybody wants to take a crack at integrating the Luxsoft calendar, PM me with an estimate. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
AndrewP, whats happenning re the 'Scheduler'?? When will it be ready?
Currently I go to start new module, possible Business Listings. And after will back to scheduler.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Andrey, are you going to add repeating events? At this point, the lack of this feature is the only thing preventing me from purchasing your module. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I`m working, adding events using nice inner ajaxy popup ready.
now working on most difficult part - repeating events.
That's good to hear Andrey. When you're done, I'll be your first customer. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Product was updated, was added many new cool features ;)
just play with demo
SOLD! Just waiting on the download to become available. Why does it take the market so long to figure out I paid for something? Are purchases processed instantly, or by periodic cron? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Yes, I notice this too, not 100% transactions processed automatically. So often need to help manually. (Already provided for you 2 min ago) :) |
I assume this installs in the modules/aramis directory? Your download zip doesn't specify the complete path.
EDIT: Nevermind... I'm just blind. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I don't seem to have an admin section for this module. It doesn't even appear in admin --> Modules. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Andrey, looking good! Just one suggestion, Can you add a second Calendar so two months are visible and it also reduces the 'empty space'. I will be buying this soonest! (subject to price, just saying!!).
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Andrey, can you create a support thread for this and subscribe to it? There are some issues that need tending to, but this thread is the wrong place. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I created support thread.
Yes, during install you should to copy new module from my folder into dolphin as I describing in manual, what difficult with it?
after placing in correct place module will automatically appear in administration/modules.php page in admin