The WAP module allows to browse your Dolphin based web site on any mobile phone. It supports old mobile phones models (which uses wml) and the new, modern ones (which use xhtml).
This module includes:
1. Multilingual interface 2. Search for profiles 3. Browse members who viewed your profile 4. Mail box: check new, reply or remove messages 5. Fiend requests: check new, accept or decline friend requests 6. Browse friend's profiles 7. Send fave 8. Send greetings 9. Report button usage 10. Block and unblock profile 11. Profile general info 12. "WAP usage" thumbnail when user is online using mobile phone 13. Template switcher 14. wml for old mobile versions 15. View photos
16. Simple messenger 17. Change profile status and status text
And much more!! Visit our demo using your Mobile phone!!!!!
IMPORTANT: This is the first Dolphin 7 WAP module so it is now simple and not expensive but I'm going to improve and add ore features to this module so the price will be increased but those who has this first package will have a free access to upgrade
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Where/What file would I point the subdomain to?
I got this answer! I set up a for the mobile and I was looking for a place to direct my members. Do this:
redirect your address to
I got this answer! I set up a for the mobile and I was looking for a place to direct my members. Do this:
redirect your address to
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Is it possible for the buyer of this mod to edit the code to change layout and add features? Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
Is it possible for the buyer of this mod to edit the code to change layout and add features?
Yes of course! why not ?
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
I got this answer! I set up a for the mobile and I was looking for a place to direct my members. Do this:
redirect your address to
That is exactly what I ended up doing. Thanks for your help!
Is it possible for the buyer of this mod to edit the code to change layout and add features?
Yes of course! why not ?
Some people encrypt there code to prevent copying and to force users to go through the developer for any changes.
Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
Thats not the case with this module. I have it and its not encrypted. Nothing to see here |
Thats not the case with this module. I have it and its not encrypted.
Thanks, good to know as I like to make changes.
On another note, is they any possiblity of a mobile join page with this module?
Others have asked for this:
Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
Great Mod!!! A few small bugs, but nothing that doesn't make this worth every penny!! |
The Chat does not appear to be working. On the mobile I do get a Notification that I received a chat but Nothing displays in either Chat box. Meaning The sender does not have anything nor does the receiver. Totally Blank. When I try to send something back. The original sender gets nothing. No notification or anything and nothing shows up in the Chat Box below.
Is anyone else seeing this? Ohh and btw... Using HTC EVO with the Standard Android 2.2 Browser.
The Chat does not appear to be working. On the mobile I do get a Notification that I received a chat but Nothing displays in either Chat box. Meaning The sender does not have anything nor does the receiver. Totally Blank. When I try to send something back. The original sender gets nothing. No notification or anything and nothing shows up in the Chat Box below.
Is anyone else seeing this? Ohh and btw... Using HTC EVO with the Standard Android 2.2 Browser.
I have a G1 that uses Android and I'm not sure about yours, but using my "standard" browser, I can upload photos or do other things on mobile. I was able to resolve this by downloading OperaMini from the Market. The only draw back I have to that, is that I cannot get it to "auto refresh" to see the new messages or the alert. There are also some others browsers you can try like 'Dolphin browser' (but I still couldnt get photo upload to work with that).
Also, make sure that your browser is set to allow Java.
Nothing to see here |
Does this module have any support for the SpyWall module from ibdw? |
Does this module have any support for the SpyWall module from ibdw?
Nope.. But that would be fantastic.. It would also mean that 2 separate developers would have to work together to integrate their products with each other.. not sure that ill happen.
Nothing to see here |
hello when are you going to finish that, and are you going to incude chat is this version???? |
ESASE WAP 3.8.1 Predefined Fields Not Displaying Correctly
It appears to be using the "Value" under the Predefined Values rather than "LKey" from the Language file.
Looking For: Female (this should be "Women")
Religion: 8 (this should be "Christian")
Drinking: 2 (this should be "Rarely")
Drugs: doesnot (this should "No")
Smoking: 4 (this should be "Very often")
The only 1 I can see it using the Language Key correctly is "Country"
Same thing happens to any custom Predefined fields I create, example. I created a predefined list for Sexual Orientation with several options, 1 being "Straight" I used "straight" as the Value and "_Straight" as the LKey
I created a System Language Key for "_Straight" with "String text for English Language: Straight"
I can see that it is using the "Value" in the Predefined list because it is displaying the word straight with the First letter in Lower case rather than what I had defined in the Language settings with the First Letter in Upper case.
This is just one example. All of the Predefined Lists that I created as well as the default system lists are not displayig correctly, this is not just 1 field/value having this issue.
Again, the only 1 I can see that is displaying correctly is "Country"
ESASE WAP 3.8.1 Predefined Fields Not Displaying Correctly
It appears to be using the "Value" under the Predefined Values rather than "LKey" from the Language file.
Looking For: Female (this should be "Women")
Religion: 8 (this should be "Christian")
Drinking: 2 (this should be "Rarely")
Drugs: doesnot (this should "No")
Smoking: 4 (this should be "Very often")
The only 1 I can see it using the Language Key correctly is "Country"
Same thing happens to any custom Predefined fields I create, example. I created a predefined list for Sexual Orientation with several options, 1 being "Straight" I used "straight" as the Value and "_Straight" as the LKey
I created a System Language Key for "_Straight" with "String text for English Language: Straight"
I can see that it is using the "Value" in the Predefined list because it is displaying the word straight with the First letter in Lower case rather than what I had defined in the Language settings with the First Letter in Upper case.
This is just one example. All of the Predefined Lists that I created as well as the default system lists are not displayig correctly, this is not just 1 field/value having this issue.
Again, the only 1 I can see that is displaying correctly is "Country"
Provide me with you site URL and FTP account I will try fix it
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Are you saying this is not happening to anyone else? I'll be happy to provide the info, ut I think everyone would benefit if the code was fixed for everyone. |
Does this module have any support for the SpyWall module from ibdw?
That would be very fine to improve it :)
Great Idea
Are you saying this is not happening to anyone else? I'll be happy to provide the info, ut I think everyone would benefit if the code was fixed for everyone.
I can't reproduce this trouble on my localhost. Can you provide me some steps that I'll receive similar troubles?
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
@ ShashaE & ESASE
I think I know what is going on. If you leave the fields as Text then they display but if you set it to use a Predefined List, this is when it displays the wrong information.
To Repo...
Go into Administration
Click Builders... Profile Fields
Click "Edit Profile"
Click "Ethnicity"
Click "Advanced"
Set the following...
Selector control: Select (Dropdown box)
Possible values: #!Ethnicity
Used lang. key: LKey
Now go edit and choose your Ethnicity in your Profile and then check it out in the WAP App. You will see it displays the Number of the entry not the actual LKey Value.
Esase, any word on working ilbellodelweb What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook |
esase is there a code that can detect that users are visiting from a mobile phone and redirect them to mobile version? |
esase is there a code that can detect that users are visiting from a mobile phone and redirect them to mobile version?
1. Open your .htacces file (in a root dir)
find this string
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)$ profile.php?ID=$1 [QSA,L]
and after these string add:
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} "text/vnd.wap.wml|application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml" [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "acs|alav|alca|amoi|audi|aste|avan|benq|bird|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-" [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "dang|doco|eric|hipt|inno|ipaq|java|jigs|kddi|keji|leno|lg-c|lg-d|lg-g|lge-" [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "maui|maxo|midp|mits|mmef|mobi|mot-|moto|mwbp|nec-|newt|noki|opwv" [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "palm|pana|pant|pdxg|phil|play|pluc|port|prox|qtek|qwap|sage|sams|sany" [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "sch-|sec-|send|seri|sgh-|shar|sie-|siem|smal|smar|sony|sph-|symb|t-mo" [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "teli|tim-|tosh|tsm-|upg1|upsi|vk-v|voda|w3cs|wap-|wapa|wapi" [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "wapp|wapr|webc|winw|winw|xda|xda-" [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "up.browser||windowssce|iemobile|mini|mmp" [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "symbian|midp|wap|phone|pocket|mobile|pda|psp" [NC] RewriteRule (.*) modules/?r=wap/service/ [L]
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Hi esase
The problem with mac are fix ??
and or so is is toppible to make the fonction to join with facebook account (bonnex and/or deano version)??
Hi esase
The problem with mac are fix ??
and or so is is toppible to make the fonction to join with facebook account (bonnex and/or deano version)??
Yes it's a good suggestion I will think about facebook in wap. Trouble with mac is not fixed. But you can help me. Can you provide we what mac os send in HTTP_USER_AGENT?
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Ok navigate this url with your MAC please :
Than write here what you gotten there !
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Your demo site won't let me uploads photo from iPhone :'( My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Your demo site won't let me uploads photo from iPhone :'(
What errors did you get?
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
No errors. The buttons in the uploader appear grayed out and are disabled. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
No errors. The buttons in the uploader appear grayed out and are disabled.
Ok isn't module bug! I think your phone's privacy settings doesn't allow you use web form (upload for example). Can you check phone's privacy settings?
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
I just checked again, and it's the 'Choose File' button that is grayed out and inoperable.
Update: Image attached
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
With the iphone i see only this code
I am on the road i will try late with the mac
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5 |
With the mac
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13
@ houstonlively
You can make screenshot with your iphone you need only to putsh the buttom to swith off the fone and the menu buttom on ;) |
@ houstonlively You can make screenshot with your iphone you need only to putsh the buttom to swith off the fone and the menu buttom on ;)
Thanks.. I didn't know that, so I looked it up. It's not a very obvious feature. Specifically you hold in the Home button, then press and release the sleep button.
Attached, is my first iPhone scree shot of all time:) So Bang.... what else can my iPhone do that I don't know about?
Anyway... clicking on that 'Choose File' button does nothing. There's plenty of photos on my phone, and if it was any sort of privacy issue, I haven't seen it before. I just took my phone out of the box and started using it... I never messed with any of the settings. This isn't one of those things that needs the phone to be connected to a WAN, is it. My phone refuses to retain the password for my home wireless network/internet connection, so I have it disabled.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Most likely your IPhone prohibits downloading files from your browser. Need to search this option in the phone and turn it off
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Most likely your IPhone prohibits downloading files from your browser. Need to search this option in the phone and turn it off
Downloading Files? I thought I was talking about photo uploads. Anyway, I can upload photos just fine with the Facebook app. I have found not setting on my iPhone that should be preventing this from working. If you knew where such a setting was on the iPhone, just tell me where to find it. Does anybody else have this problem with the iPhone?
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
WAP - mobile site version (Updated!x3)
I have added new features:
1. Facebook connect was added (Now your users can login via default dolphin's facebook connect)
2. Added comfortable language bar. (Now, users can quickly and conveniently switch to the desired language)
3. SQL code optimizations for function - "people maybe you know"
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Hello Everyone;
I just had a major brain explosion and don't know what to do...
I created a sub domain for my network example - ..
I made a folder in my root directory Mobile...
Now do I just make an INDEX HTML file with a href = ?
I'm lost :(
I'm using ilbellodelweb spywall and the other two features 1col & 3col. Will wap be able to work with these mod. What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook |
i cant imagine there is a setting on the iPhone that would disallow you to upload an image. I have the exact issue with my iPhone as you do from your screen shot. however, to disprove there is a setting on the iPhone, i went to the iPhone app for the dolphin site, and i am able to upload an image from there. so there is something with the WAP module, and not your iPhone.
Most likely your IPhone prohibits downloading files from your browser. Need to search this option in the phone and turn it off
Downloading Files? I thought I was talking about photo uploads. Anyway, I can upload photos just fine with the Facebook app. I have found not setting on my iPhone that should be preventing this from working. If you knew where such a setting was on the iPhone, just tell me where to find it. Does anybody else have this problem with the iPhone?
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
OK, that makes two of us that can't upload photos with an iPhone. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I try it with 3 diferent methode.
1.) with the wap module i cant push the buttom to upload
2.) with the browser directly the same problem
3.) with the iphone app is the only way right now to upload.
I think is more a problem with js script flash(dont work with iphone)
Video streaming is the same problem you cant play the video
Hello Everyone;
I just had a major brain explosion and don't know what to do...
I created a sub domain for my network example - ..
I made a folder in my root directory Mobile...
Now do I just make an INDEX HTML file with a href = ?
I'm lost :(
Now make redirection from your created sub domain to
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I'm using ilbellodelweb spywall and the other two features 1col & 3col. Will wap be able to work with these mod.
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I have attached some screenshots with uploading process with my phone!
PS. There no some especially upload methods! Just simple html upload form
1.jpg · 87.3K · 732 views 2.jpg · 88.7K · 563 views 3.jpg · 81.1K · 495 views 4.jpg · 133.8K · 1505 views We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
We need the better wall. Is this in the future? Also, will it be difficult to add a section to access files? |
We need the better wall. Is this in the future? Also, will it be difficult to add a section to access files?
Don't forget that WAP it's simple presentation of your site. And I can't show there powerfull of original site. Some of phones can't play videos, sounds that dsiplayed in your super wall......
Regards files module in WAP version - I think it's possible, just send me PM and we will discuss details
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I have attached some screenshots with uploading process with my phone!
PS. There no some especially upload methods! Just simple html upload form
We tell you the problem is with the Iphone and not with samsung
if you go on a nomal site via Iphone you have the same proble no way to uplaod any type of File Photo and Co.
Hello Everyone;
I just had a major brain explosion and don't know what to do...
I created a sub domain for my network example - ..
I made a folder in my root directory Mobile...
Now do I just make an INDEX HTML file with a href = ?
I'm lost :(
Now make redirection from your created sub domain to
That is my question... how do I make a Redirect? Do I make an Index HTML file using <a href or what?
This my last post in regards to this question. Does the Wap support spwall? I've been ignored on this question for too long. What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook |
This my last post in regards to this question. Does the Wap support spwall? I've been ignored on this question for too long.
I don't think it does at this time..
scroll up, this was answered with a definitive NO!
This my last post in regards to this question. Does the Wap support spwall? I've been ignored on this question for too long.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
I have attached some screenshots with uploading process with my phone!
PS. There no some especially upload methods! Just simple html upload form
Why does your photo upload screen look different than mine?
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
great that its working with your samsung smart phone, im sure there are other phones it's working with. the issue we are seeing is reported as being directly related to the iPhone. your reference to it being some security issue with iPhone doesnt seem feasible, since we are able to use the iPhone app and image upload works with no problem.
so i considered this to be a possible problem with safari, but loaded safari on my laptop and image upload has not issues. so the issue is with the wap and the device. i can call the from safari on the laptop, and no problems with loading an image.
i know that you may not have the device yourself, and that makes it a challenge to develop for the device. but can you please try to get a test device, so those of us who are using the iPhone.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
@ houstonlively and DosDawg
YOu can try to uplaod photos via the iphone but without use the wap module and the Iphone app
Because cant uplode the file only with the Iphone app
I thing dolphin is not compatible with Iphone
well if it wasnt compatible, do you think it would not work through the iPhone app.
i dont need to upload from the iPhone app, however, if you are selling a module, which states compatible with all new smart devices ( not verbatim), then you would consider the iPhone as being fairly new technology.
@ houstonlively and DosDawg
YOu can try to uplaod photos via the iphone but without use the wap module and the Iphone app
Because cant uplode the file only with the Iphone app
I thing dolphin is not compatible with Iphone
it is most likely as you say, that dolphin does not work with the wap module on an iPhone, but i dont think specifically iphone has issues with dolphin?
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
If you go to the moblie site from facebook
You will finde any wai to upload photo so this is more a problem from iphone |
yes that seems to be the case, and their first suggestion is to use the facebook iPhone App, alternatively, they do provide an option for uploading via email or mms from your iphone, so that you are able to upload from the iphone.
we clearly dont have those options with this wap service.
If you go to the moblie site from facebook You will finde any wai to upload photo so this is more a problem from iphone
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Do you planning to make this wap module working in conjuction with Deanos Facebook connect?
'cause Deanos FB module is more better and has a little bit performance than the boonex one.
also all like me have it just installed, absolutely can't turn back to the boonex fb connect.
please help us poor users :-)
Do you planning to make this wap module working in conjuction with Deanos Facebook connect?
'cause Deanos FB module is more better and has a little bit performance than the boonex one.
also all like me have it just installed, absolutely can't turn back to the boonex fb connect.
please help us poor users :-)
Explain to me than Deano's "Facebook connect" better than the standard?
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
MOD Translation (Italian)
Here you can find italian translation for the esase WAP Module
if something isn't correct, let me know so i can correct :)
download it.php file and put into /modules/esase/wap/install/langs folder
then go to modules, select wap module and compile its language again...
I believe that Deano's Facebook connect it's more better than the standard provided one. also called "boonex facebook connect module"
Do you planning to make this wap module working in conjuction with Deanos Facebook connect?
'cause Deanos FB module is more better and has a little bit performance than the boonex one.
also all like me have it just installed, absolutely can't turn back to the boonex fb connect.
please help us poor users :-)
Explain to me than Deano's "Facebook connect" better than the standard?
I had to take this off.. for some reason it had __wap_attached__? |
I had to take this off.. for some reason it had __wap_attached__?
You can remove that phrase from templates/base/thumbnail_single.html and templates/base/thumbnail_couple.html
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
That worked.. Hope it was not something I needed.. Thanks Esase |
Hi - I've installed the WAP module according to the instructions and am getting a "HTTP 1506 - Unknown Error! Page can not be adapted". I've also noticed there's no /service directory in the /wap directory. I've tried reinstalling and there's still no service directory. Also the mobile directory I created is empty. |
Hi - I've installed the WAP module according to the instructions and am getting a "HTTP 1506 - Unknown Error! Page can not be adapted". I've also noticed there's no /service directory in the /wap directory. I've tried reinstalling and there's still no service directory. Also the mobile directory I created is empty.
Send me PM with your access data, I will install it for you
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
I have installed this as requested on directions and for whatever reasons it is not showing up as instead my regular site shows up on phones....I also am wondering how or if it can know when people are logging in from cell phones and why does the deano facebook connect not work with this.. THANKS |
tried looking at the demo url using my iphone, but the whole screen shows grayed out. Wont allow me to register or log into your site at all.
tried looking at the demo url using my iphone, but the whole screen shows grayed out. Wont allow me to register or log into your site at all.
very strange...
Maybe some Iphone's privacy level don't allow you use html form there?
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
think Ive found part of the problem.
Your regular site has a splash screen that displays. The background is 'greyed out' until the splash screen is agreed to.
On Firefox, the splash screen works fine, on Safari its not displaying the info box but is still graying out the background so I can access the regular site using Safari.
Looks like it was doing the same thing on my iphone browser, showing the grayed out background to the splash screen.
Might be a safari bug needs looking into?
tried on a number of devices and same result.
I managed to get past the iphone grey out using 3rd party browser which is not ideal.
Is the module configurable so that I can change what is displayed on 'wap home page'.
I would like to have all members (browse.php) as home page with member search functions, and browse members photos etc...
Thanks -Tim
Check list of available functions in module's page plesae PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Hey Esase, are you gonna implement forums and/or chat ? Free the Dolphin... |
4.0.2 was realized : 1. Fixed some little bugs in wap join form We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Is it possible to make this work with other mods we have installed such as the ones by "Modzzz" Recipies, Deals, and Business Listings? etc. We would love be able to view these on mobile also. Happy to pay for custom work if this is possible. |
Does this display current banners on that are being displayed on my regular site? |
No banners is not integrated in WAP We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Hey is this the right code to use if want to add "Blogs" as one of the top menu items?
<a href="__blogs__" <bx_if:blogs_active>class="top_menu_active"</bx_if:blogs_active>><bx_text:_sas_wap_blogs /></a>
Because I tried and it doesn't display right. It shows this: class="top_menu_active">Blogs
Am I missing something?
Free the Dolphin... |
I tried repeated times to login to your demo page with my Crackberry. Tried tester/tester, tried making a new account and could never get past the login page ... Hosted by! |
The facebook connect is able to import the information onto the signup form. But the form wont submit it says Incorrect Captcha even if the captcha entered is correct. I was trying all this on an android phone. Free the Dolphin... |
Free the Dolphin... |
I need some help with the installation, please.
Installation manual:
1. to 4. steps are ok for me.
5. Go to your cPanel and create a sub-domain for example:
note: (Be sure to created directory on your site called mobile and not just m).
In Settings of Sub-domain (Cpanel) configure it to redirect to:
Ok, I really do not understand the step 5. I will make, but in red you say to not create 'just m' directory. But "mobile", instead.
May you please contact me (PM) and I'll help
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I need some help with the installation, please.
Installation manual:
1. to 4. steps are ok for me.
5. Go to your cPanel and create a sub-domain for example:
note: (Be sure to created directory on your site called mobile and not just m).
In Settings of Sub-domain (Cpanel) configure it to redirect to:
Ok, I really do not understand the step 5. I will make, but in red you say to not create 'just m' directory. But "mobile", instead.
'm' is already heavily used by Dolphin. That is why you don't want to use it. it'll cause massive conflicts ... Hosted by! |
I need some help with the installation, please.
Installation manual:
1. to 4. steps are ok for me.
5. Go to your cPanel and create a sub-domain for example:
note: (Be sure to created directory on your site called mobile and not just m).
In Settings of Sub-domain (Cpanel) configure it to redirect to:
Ok, I really do not understand the step 5. I will make, but in red you say to not create 'just m' directory. But "mobile", instead.
'm' is already heavily used by Dolphin. That is why you don't want to use it. it'll cause massive conflicts
Hey Sky! Happy New Year. :-D
Oh, I am starting to figure it out now. But originally it seems the developer is suggesting to make something like the example, that is " (a single "m"). Next he suggest to NOT create a directory using just a single 'm'.. Isn't that confusing? heheh
Okie Dokie! So, in another word, I could write it in this way: " Step 5: . Go to your cPanel and create a sub-domain for example: note: (we strongly recommend you to avoid the single "m" letter as your directories, due many issues have been reported).
How does it sound? It is sad, because I was intending to use only "m".
I wanted to know if there is any BIG difficulty to pointing the EVENTS module in the WAP to the UE30 EVENTS instead. The only things that change between the two are:
paths are /m/event/ instead of m/events/ (Boonex)
tables are prefixed with ue30_event instead of the Boonex naming of bx_events
What files would have to be changed?
I have all my clients on this events system and it is far better than base Boonex events. I would recommend your WAP to each one if this integration can be done.
Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown |
I also purchased upgrade mods and would like to know how to use WAP with them instead of the default bx mods. |
Does anyone here had success in install this module? ESASE seems to be too busy with other things than to give me support now. Takes days to have some reply. hehhe... |
I also purchased upgrade mods and would like to know how to use WAP with them instead of the default bx mods.
I'm sorry, but WAP is developed to work with default Dolphin modules but you are welcome to itnegrate 3d party modules into WAP, you have all the source files.
Regards, Sasha
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Does anyone here had success in install this module? ESASE seems to be too busy with other things than to give me support now. Takes days to have some reply. hehhe...
You set everything correctly and I don't see any issues.
Please, PM
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I also purchased upgrade mods and would like to know how to use WAP with them instead of the default bx mods.
I'm sorry, but WAP is developed to work with default Dolphin modules but you are welcome to itnegrate 3d party modules into WAP, you have all the source files.
Regards, Sasha
How about providing us with an example of one such integration so we can do the same for all of our upgrade mods. Otherwise your WAP mod is of little use to those of us that have chosen to upgrade the core default mods. All we're asking for is a little help... one good example explained so we can fully integrate it into our sites and hopefully have a good reason to suggest others buy it. |
Akash Sharma ( |
version 4.0.3 was realized - fixed trouble with facebook connect We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
I tried to connect and it tells me the username/password combination is wrong yet it is correct. I then tried to add a new user but the form won't submit... it says Incorrect Captcha even if the captcha entered is correct.
Note: it's the latest version of WAP installed the latest version of Dolphin. |
Does WAP allow you to view Groups that you are a part of? And the Forum aspects of Dolphin? How about viewing individual custom HTML pages that may or may not contain javascript or php code?
If not, are those items planned for inclusion at a later date?
Followed instructions installed an I got a facebook connect error. Then I uninstalled fb connect and I got a database connection error. I won't be reinstalling this app. I have a live production environment and this mod does not seem to install well in such environment. Will probably request a refund. It seems easier to build a android/IOS app then fight with this installation. |
Does WAP allow you to view Groups that you are a part of? And the Forum aspects of Dolphin? How about viewing individual custom HTML pages that may or may not contain javascript or php code?
If not, are those items planned for inclusion at a later date?
Please, I really need an answer to these questions ASAP.
Does WAP allow you to view Groups that you are a part of? And the Forum aspects of Dolphin? How about viewing individual custom HTML pages that may or may not contain javascript or php code?
If not, are those items planned for inclusion at a later date?
No groups isn't added in WAP. But I can add it for you, just send me PM
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
hi this looks exactly what i am looking for, two questions.
does it automatically detect on the site once installed if the user is accessing through a mobile device to redirect them to the mobile version of the site?
in the profile viewing can you access all the actions menu even from custom modules to say send a gift?
thanks again
version 4.0.4 was realized - fixed trouble with captcha on join
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
version 4.0.4 was realized - fixed trouble with captcha on join
I have version 4.0.2 ... what is required to "patch" the previous version, i.e. do we need to completely uninstall and reinstall the module... or can we simply upload one/some of the version 4.0.4 files?
I just did a folder/file compare... the only files that have changed are \classes\SasWapModule.php and \install\config.php (to note the version change). |
There is a problem with photo upload. All photos uploaded by this wap module goes in a hidden folder, So no friends can see that uploaded photo.. Akash Sharma ( |
I can't register in the mobile version
incorrect captcha!
I can't register in the mobile version
incorrect captcha!
Please, PM m,e your server accesses so I could check and fix the issue
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
There is a problem with photo upload. All photos uploaded by this wap module goes in a hidden folder, So no friends can see that uploaded photo..
Please, PM me your server accesses, I'll check
We only have a unique modules for dolphin! |
Photo Upload has no benefit on this wap module. It is working just like Image Storage, Because none of my friends are able to see these photos. All photos goes in a hidden folder. I think all other buyers are also facing this problem. Kindly help me and others to fix this problem. Thankyou Esase, Akash Sharma ( |
Photo Upload has no benefit on this wap module. It is working just like Image Storage, Because none of my friends are able to see these photos. All photos goes in a hidden folder. I think all other buyers are also facing this problem. Kindly help me and others to fix this problem. Thankyou Esase, |
Hi hsakapandit
I've found a solution to this problem. In SasWapModule.php of you edit line 3123
: $this -> _oDb -> getParam('sys_album_default_name');
and replace it with
: 'mobile';
This will automatically create a folder called mobile. Then change the permissions of the folder to what ever you want so it can be viewed by others.
Hope this helps
Every time I revisit this module, and check out the demo site on my iPhone, the 'Choose File' button is greyed out and does nothing. Being able to choose a file, is a pretty important part of the photo upload process.
Does this actually work on an iPhone?
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Every time I revisit this module, and check out the demo site on my iPhone, the 'Choose File' button is greyed out and does nothing. Being able to choose a file, is a pretty important part of the photo upload process.
Does this actually work on an iPhone?
Unfortunately the iPhone has a closed file system, so you cannot browse to a file to upload it; Thus the greyed out browse button. In order to upload a file from the iPhone, it MUST be initiated with the app itself; It's an internal call to display available files.
It's something apple has done to separate the user from the files.
Maybe iOS 6 will allow browsing of the file system.
I'm a senior advisor in the applications department for Apple, I deal with this on almost a daily basis. |
Unfortunately the iPhone has a closed file system, so you cannot browse to a file to upload it; Thus the greyed out browse button. In order to upload a file from the iPhone, it MUST be initiated with the app itself; It's an internal call to display available files.
It's something apple has done to separate the user from the files.
Maybe iOS 6 will allow browsing of the file system.
I'm a senior advisor in the applications department for Apple, I deal with this on almost a daily basis.
Well, that makes it hard to find any value in this module.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
How integrate I ingrate the theme?
Please give me some idea
The WAP module allows to browse your Dolphin based web site on any mobile phone. It supports old mobile phones models (which uses wml) and the new, modern ones (which use xhtml).
This module includes:
1. Multilingual interface 2. Search for profiles 3. Browse members who viewed your profile 4. Mail box: check new, reply or remove messages 5. Fiend requests: check new, accept or decline friend requests 6. Browse friend's profiles 7. Send fave 8. Send greetings 9. Report button usage 10. Block and unblock profile 11. Profile general info 12. "WAP usage" thumbnail when user is online using mobile phone 13. Template switcher 14. wml for old mobile versions 15. View photos
16. Simple messenger 17. Change profile status and status text
And much more!! Visit our demo using your Mobile phone!!!!!
IMPORTANT: This is the first Dolphin 7 WAP module so it is now simple and not expensive but I'm going to improve and add ore features to this module so the price will be increased but those who has this first package will have a free access to upgrade
i love the wap program, i use it on mine and got my whole site including main chat mobile now MY SITES general social networking | niche site |