Can anyone tell me how I can I add an emoji function to text editor for my Dolphin website? I believe users want the ability to attach emoticons to their comments.  I've searched the forums and Boonex market, and I can't find anything on the topic of emoji support. I'm not asking for "emotional" support just yet Cry, but thanks in advance for any advice Wink.

Quote · 25 Apr 2018

Is this the newer TinyMCE with the ugly interface?  I don't know why everything on the net is going ugly icons just because of a freaking telephone; the last I looked, I have a high definition screen with full colour on my mobile.

I can tell you how to do it for the old tinymce but have not looked at the new one yet.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 25 Apr 2018

Thank you...  I believe I have the newest version but, honestly, I'm not sure how to know.  I can tell you that it does not look like the one I'm writing on now, because there is no color and the emoji option is not there on my version.  So, I'm inclined to tell you I have the newest version.  Is there anyway for me to check? I have the latest download of Dolphin as well.  Thanks for any advice.

Quote · 25 Apr 2018

I have not looked into the TinyMCE 4+ versions.  It may be very similar to the way the old one worked.


OK, taking a quick look, this may be much simpler than the way the 3+ versions worked.  I see a image folder for the icons and then a plugin.min.js file  Opening the js file I see:


tinymce.PluginManager.add("emoticons",function(e,t){function n(){var e;return e='<table role="list" class="mce-grid">',tinymce.each(r,function(n){e+="<tr>",tinymce.each(n,function(n){var r=t+"/img/smiley-"+n+".gif";e+='<td><a href="#" data-mce-url="'+r+'" data-mce-alt="'+n+'" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-label="'+n+'"><img src="'+r+'" style="width: 18px; height: 18px" role="presentation" /></a></td>'}),e+="</tr>"}),e+="</table>"}var r=[["cool","cry","embarassed","foot-in-mouth"],["frown","innocent","kiss","laughing"],["money-mouth","sealed","smile","surprised"],["tongue-out","undecided","wink","yell"]];e.addButton("emoticons",{type:"panelbutton",panel:{role:"application",autohide:!0,html:n,onclick:function(t){var n=e.dom.getParent(t.target,"a");n&&(e.insertContent('<img src="'+n.getAttribute("data-mce-url")+'" alt="'+n.getAttribute("data-mce-alt")+'" />'),this.hide())}},tooltip:"Emoticons"})});


So it appears you can just add your icon and then add it to the plugin.min.js


Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 25 Apr 2018

Ok, I'll try this out as soon as I can (I can't get to it until much later tonight), but just for grins, I've attached a copy of the text editor in my comment section.  Thanks for your advice.

tinyMCE.PNG · 114.1K · 218 views
Quote · 25 Apr 2018

Ok, please forgive my ignorance; but since I already have the tinymce plugin and the plugin.min,js file already appears to have emojis in the file (e.g. I went to the location you referred to in your posting and the file appears to mirror the one you posted), why doesn't it just show up in my text editor (ex. please see attachment in previous posting).  Is there something I need to do to activate the plugin?  I'm really new to coding, so I need some really specific instructions.  Thanks in advance.

Quote · 26 Apr 2018

My aplologies, I thought you wanted to add additional emoticons; I hate the emoji BS; we called it emoticons since the beginning of the net.  The same with dynamic web pages now being called responsive.

Anyway, rant aside, you have to go into the /templates/base/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php and add the emoticon plugin to the list in the tinyMCE init for the particular toolbars.  Please note that upgrading Dolphin may override this change.  You could add the BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php to the templates you are using and that way the change would not get overwritten by upgrades.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 26 Apr 2018

That did it...Thanks geek_girl, you're the best Laughing 

Quote · 26 Apr 2018


That did it...Thanks geek_girl, you're the best Laughing 

 Thank you, you are very welcome

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 27 Apr 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.