Watermark dont working

Hello i have installed Doplhin and Watermarkt dont work...


in the admin sektion you can see the image for the watermark after upload


after upload a picture its no watermark on the pic


any idea??


i use the free version 6.0


and i cant find any error on images.inc.php



Quote · 3 Jun 2008

Make sure you have enabled water mark there.

It also need a small change in the file "inc/images.inc.php"

Then in uploadPhoto.php


function uploadMedia()

1- Add the following to be the first line within the function:

global $dir;

2- Find the imageResize sub-function that is called 3 times in a row. Directly below the 3rd imageResize(***) sub-function, add the following:

$transparent1 = getParam( 'transparent1' );
$water_mark = $dir['profileImage'] . getParam( 'Water_Mark' );
if ( strlen(getParam( 'Water_Mark' )) && file_exists($water_mark) )
applyWatermark( $sMediaDir . 'photo_' . $sFileName . $ext, $sMediaDir . 'photo_' . $sFileName . $ext, $water_mark, $transparent1 );

Hope this helps.  This fix was contributed by Lodlock.

Quote · 3 Jun 2008

i have made update to 6.11 and again no working watermark


your idea its the same



function uploadMedia()
  global $dir;
  $sMediaDir = $this -> getProfileMediaDir();

  if( !$sMediaDir )
   return false;
  $sFileName = time();

  $ext = moveUploadedImage( $_FILES, 'photo', $sMediaDir . $sFileName, $this -> aMediaConfig['max']['photoFile'], false );
  if( ( 0 == $_FILES[$this -> sMediaType]['error'] ) )
   if ( getParam( 'enable_watermark' ) == 'on' )
    $iTransparent = getParam( 'transparent1' );
    $sWaterMark = $dir['profileImage'] . getParam( 'Water_Mark' );
    if (  strlen(getParam( 'Water_Mark' )) && file_exists($sWaterMark) )
     $sFile = $sMediaDir . $sFileName . $ext;   
     applyWatermark( $sFile, $sFile, $sWaterMark, $iTransparent );
   if( strlen( $ext ) && !(int)$ext )
    imageResize( $sMediaDir . $sFileName . $ext, $sMediaDir . 'icon_' . $sFileName . $ext, $this -> aMediaConfig['size']['iconWidth'], $this -> aMediaConfig['size']['iconHeight'], true );
    imageResize( $sMediaDir . $sFileName . $ext, $sMediaDir . 'thumb_' . $sFileName . $ext, $this -> aMediaConfig['size']['thumbWidth'], $this -> aMediaConfig['size']['thumbHeight'], true );
    imageResize( $sMediaDir . $sFileName . $ext, $sMediaDir . 'photo_' . $sFileName . $ext, $this -> aMediaConfig['size']['photoWidth'], $this -> aMediaConfig['size']['photoHeight'], true );

$transparent1 = getParam( 'transparent1' );
$water_mark = $dir['profileImage'] . getParam( 'Water_Mark' );
if ( strlen(getParam( 'Water_Mark' )) && file_exists($water_mark) )
applyWatermark( $sMediaDir . 'photo_' . $sFileName . $ext, $sMediaDir . 'photo_' . $sFileName . $ext, $water_mark, $transparent1 );
    chmod( $sMediaDir . 'icon_'  . $sFileName . $ext, 0644 );
    chmod( $sMediaDir . 'thumb_' . $sFileName . $ext, 0644 );
    chmod( $sMediaDir . 'photo_' . $sFileName . $ext, 0644 );
    $this -> insertMediaToDb( $sFileName . $ext );
    if( 0 == $this -> iMediaCount || $this -> aMedia['0']['PrimPhoto'] == 0  )
     $iLastID = mysql_insert_id();
     $this -> oMediaQuery -> setPrimaryPhoto( $this -> iProfileID, $iLastID );
    @unlink( $sMediaDir . $sFileName . $ext );


Quote · 4 Jun 2008

Did you try this? Post any problems that you had.

Quote · 5 Jun 2008

hi, i have dolfin 6.1.2 my waterrmark does not work, in admin i can see the image loaded, but when I go into fronted does not appear in any photos .

or tried to make the changes listed above, but does not change anything ...

someone can help?

Quote · 1 Aug 2008

Thank you  praveenkv1988.  I tried this, following you exact instruction, no changes were done to "inc/images.inc.php", only uploadphotos.php.  I then went back to insure that I had the watermark setting activating, and the image ready.


It works beautifully now, just perfect.  Thank you again.

Quote · 4 Aug 2008

I have Dolphin 6.1.5 and the watermark on frontend not work

Quote · 11 May 2009

Hi don+ t know if this is in the right place, but i have uploaded my watermark, and it´s working, but now i have a problem, i can´t find where i could change it to another picture again, know this i a simple question, but can´t find it can anyone plz help... ???



Quote · 6 Aug 2009

Well, most of us would just do it at the same place that we uploaded the original one:


Admin =>  Settings => Advanced Settings (upload it and use the bottom Save Button, not the top one)


But for you, we have devised a very special trick...


You must stand on your head, no hands while juggling 12 running chainsaws and complete the above steps, it is the only way your site will take it.


Oh yeah, if you cut off both hands you will then be required to install a voice recognition system into your site.

Quote · 6 Aug 2009

Good one MD

Quote · 9 Aug 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.