Here's a novel idea. Why don't you try clicking on the templates/ directory.
Okay, did you do that? Great, let us know when it catches up to us and you can see the listing of templates in it.
So, did anyone see the Browns beat the Steelers last week? 13 to 6. Now that was an upset if I ever saw one. Granted it was in that cold Cleveland Stadium but the Steelers should be used to freezing their nips off.
Sorry about that... Glad to see you can see the folders in the templates directory.
Notice the following:
Would you like a picture? I can give you one. Just a second and let me see if I grab it. I think it's in the drawer here somewhere.
Looking... Dang it..
I thought it was in the top drawer but it's not.
Maybe it's in one of these other drawers.
Man, I need to clean this drawer out. It's filled with junk.
That's where that gas sniffer went, I've been huntin' for that thing.
Is this the pic your looking for?

Just drop it right in there. It'll show up as tmpl_{tmp} (whatever the file name is) and that is as simple as it is to upload a file.
If you need a little more help I can get you some more pics.