Were to put tmpl_default folder in /template

I am in D7RC3 I think, In admin/settings/advanced settings/template and I can't find where to drop my temp_default folder per my template install instructions. The user add templates box is checked. I find a box with Template Uni as the only choice.

I am stuck, any suggestions?




Quote · 19 Dec 2009

I am realizing it needs to go in the template folder but I can find it.

Quote · 19 Dec 2009

Here's a novel idea.  Why don't you try clicking on the templates/ directory.


Okay, did you do that?  Great, let us know when it catches up to us and you can see the listing of templates in it. 


So, did anyone see the Browns beat the Steelers last week?  13 to 6.  Now that was an upset if I ever saw one.  Granted it was in that cold Cleveland Stadium but the Steelers should be used to freezing their nips off.


Sorry about that... Glad to see you can see the folders in the templates directory.


Notice the following:






Would you like a picture?  I can give you one.  Just a second and let me see if I grab it.  I think it's in the drawer here somewhere. 


Looking... Dang it..


I thought it was in the top drawer but it's not.


Maybe it's in one of these other drawers.


Man, I need to clean this drawer out.  It's filled with junk. 


That's where that gas sniffer went, I've been huntin' for that thing.


Is this the pic your looking for?



Just drop it right in there.  It'll show up as tmpl_{tmp} (whatever the file name is) and that is as simple as it is to upload a file.


If you need a little more help I can get you some more pics.

Quote · 19 Dec 2009

I can't find any Templates/Directory that seems clickable. I can't find any Dir on this admin area. There is no "search" either. or even a "prompt"?

Quote · 19 Dec 2009

You go to admin after the template has been uploaded to your server.

First you need to upload the template to the server via a FTP client. The template folder your looking for is on the server hosting your dolphin site in the root of the site.

Then after the template in uploaded, then you go to the admin panel settings/advanced settings/template and switch from UNI to your new template.

But you need to get the template uploaded to your server first.

Quote · 19 Dec 2009

Got my Yummy FTP for Mac OS 10.4.11 Trail version installed, don't know how it works, will try to figure it out tomorrow morning in private.

Now waiting on JoomByte to give me my Server, Username and Password so I can log on and hopefully find the Template folder in the root dir.

We are getting there though, and I am learning as I go.

Hardest part is sneaking to my computer while my wife is away and the baby is asleep to work on this. I am doing all this in secret to surprise her with my site on Christmas morning !!! Can't let on what I am doing HeHeHe!

Right now it is a Blizzard in Philadelphia so we are all housebound which makes it hard. I am up at 4:00 am EST to get things done while they sleep ;-)

Quote · 19 Dec 2009

Sent You mail...

Quote · 19 Dec 2009

Got it installed. It is actually easy. Wish there was a manual :-)

Thanks for the help



Quote · 20 Dec 2009
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