Recently Andrew Boon made a Blog post which stated that the list of Trusted Vendors has been revised and I noticed I have been kicked off the list. It would be good to at least let me know what offense I committed. I see vendors on that list who have countless amount of disputes and who haven't even bothered to update their modules and respond to client support forum posts. There are also vendors on that list who do not have a single module compatible with the latest version of Dolphin, so why are they being promoted and vendors who are actually keeping your product alive get demoted ?
I have been working with Dolphin from its very inception. I have also created the biggest impact in the marketplace (except for Boonex Employees) and instead of getting rewarded I get kicked in the butt.
Maybe its time to move on to greener pastures ......
Paypal email is - |
It has GOT to be an oversight! |
This is weird and probably a mistake. Modzzz is one of the best sellers here on BoonEx. Always responds quickly, helps and update products.
I noticed that too my friend..when i browse top devs..Must need attention from Boonex admin. "Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." @ |
Don't wary mean in this live you will always found a pig witch will want destroy you just because you better then him
all yours customers know better who you are, don't give up you good and we all know that.
Here - Here! - You should be awarded a Premium Trusted Status
Your post is 100% accurate.
"There are also vendors on that list who do not have a single module compatible with the latest version of Dolphin, so why are they being promoted and vendors who are actually keeping your product alive get demoted ?"
maybe kiss ass or kiss Andrews big gold ring wil help you get back on the list.
Modzzz your are one of the top developers and we all know it!!!
Yes, Modzzz is one of the best developers on here. You can ask him for an added feature and he will add it; just look at his story module where he added chapters because it was requrested. Other developers will ask you to pay to fix something about their module that should have been in the module in the first place, or say it will be in a future release that never comes.
Andrew Boon, we will give the benefit of the doubt and say this was a mistake on Boonex's part which we expect to be quickly remedied.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Not only you're puzzled about these statuses. There are other vendors who pay this site considerable attention, but unfortunately without any rewards. Now recall one of the old forum posts, where were discussed all these statuses are not more than a game, a joke. Yes, actually in the Trusted Vendors list there are those who had abandoned work on this website, there are also those who have no any products. In the same time, all the same vendors still appear in the list of Top sellers, which is quite strange. |
Just my 2 cents worth here..
I have never made the 'trusted vendor' icon a deciding factor when it comes to purchasing modules from the Market, nor will I ever. It may mean a lot to some people, but to me, its more about the vendor's:
- Quality of product (functionality, usefulness, ease of installation, if it's something freely available on the internet, etc.)
- Support of the product
- Consumer relationships (completely answering questions, email response times, enhancement requests, etc.)
- Reviews from other consumers
- (Me) Whether I have been contacted about disputes of any kind
- Whether the price is reasonable for the quailty of the product (see above).
- Any past experiences with the vendor
- How active the vendor is on the forums/Boonex
There are several vendors that should be labled as 'trusted' but do not have that icon and some that do have the icon, that probably shouldn't. I believe that most people would agree with my statments above but I can see where some may see this as some type of 'demotion'. I actually have the icon but wouldn't consider my self a 'vendor', although I did release a few freebies at one time. I can be trusted though :)
In conclusion, I would personally advise that all BoonEx members who are considering buying a product(s) from a vendor to follow my suggestions above and not conclude your decision on whether the person has a trusted icon or not. Search the forum and you will find posts about 'trusted vendors' where customers have not exactly had the best experience with thier products.
Nothing to see here |
This is what should have happened, and I hope Andrew Boon is listening. It should have been announced that all Trusted Vendor statuses were going to be removed. Then, and this is a BIG THEN, we, the members and customers of the site, should have been invited in to vote on trusted vendors. Then the vendors that have abandoned Boonex, and the ones that that don't support their products; (and AndrewP, you are one that helps your customers and supports your products; you have helped me a great deal since I have been here), would have lost their Trusted Vendor Status and the ones that do help and support would have Trusted Vendor status and it would have meaning. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Maybe its time to move on to greener pastures ......
if modzzz leaves then i might as well throw my site on the scrapheap, the Trusted Vendors status needs to be sorted out now!!!
just had a quick look to see if a vendor who hasn't updated any of his mods that i have (making them useless since the 7.1 update) is still a Trusted Vendor, and guess what, he is, this don't make sense to me |
Speechless is all, of that list, who all either worked for Boonex or does? Just because they work for Boonex, don't mean it's a free ticket.
AntonLV, Rayz, ESASE, Kolimarfey, realmasterd, IgorL.
Who the hell is "realmasterd?" OMG this is really getting out of control!
No wonder the old members have left!
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Who the hell is "realmasterd? this is why he is there I'm sure...
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Look at that trusted vendor list, how in hades is ESASE on it? He is the guy that put a defective module on the market and claims it is a "feature" even though the description clearly states otherwise. And wanted me to pay him to have it fixed. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Look at that trusted vendor list, how in hades is ESASE on it?
For real, remember this?
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Andrew, Modzz and the rest of us are waiting for an answer. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Here is Andrew's answer:
In the beginning trusted vendor status was applied to BoonEx employees only, when we had agents, when customers were assigned to them and they could make some custom jobs for customers.
After agents system stop working, it was no any special meaning except the flag in the listing to the trusted status and some more members were added to the list, mostly based on the following criteria:
- long trusted relationship with BoonEx and Dolphin
- be able to provide support/advice with Dolphin, and/or perform custom jobs, and/or sell modules for Dolphin
- we know him/her in person or we know the member long enough
- attitude to the BoonEx
Now we may have some different plan for trusted status, and it maybe even happen that some trusted vendors will decide to be excluded from this list...
We started to modify the list, and it is just a beginning and everything could change in this list a lot! So please don't take it very emotional, at least until we tell how we will use this list.
@modzzz - it would be better to write us directly to ask about this (it could be just a mistake) instead of complaining everywhere.
Rules → |
If it is a mistake then it's a bloody stupid one. Modzzz is ONE of the few vendors I DO trust. Never have I had an issue with any of his mods.
When it comes to naming trusted vendors, his name is one of the top 3 I would recommend.
What an oversight...........jeeeeeeeeeees!
Sorry to see you go out of this list. I think you are the one who is the most developing products on the market here. But maybe that's why they kick you out for being a threat to others here Boonex who do not know anything about PHP, and can not develop products as you can. I recommend you highly. And I want to see you as a trusted vendor again! |
No, it was not a mistake. Andrew just made a statement saying that Modzzz was discussed and they decided against him being on that list. (which i already knew before Andrew confirmed it) Ultra Newb reporting for duty. |
No, it was not a mistake. Andrew just made a statement saying that Modzzz was discussed and they decided against him being on that list. (which i already knew before Andrew confirmed it)
Looking at that list, I am surprised that some of the ones that were placed on that list are not requesting to be removed so they are not associated with the others.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Just my 2 cents worth here..
I have never made the 'trusted vendor' icon a deciding factor when it comes to purchasing modules from the Market, nor will I ever. It may mean a lot to some people, but to me, its more about the vendor's:
- Quality of product (functionality, usefulness, ease of installation, if it's something freely available on the internet, etc.)
- Support of the product
- Consumer relationships (completely answering questions, email response times, enhancement requests, etc.)
- Reviews from other consumers
- (Me) Whether I have been contacted about disputes of any kind
- Whether the price is reasonable for the quailty of the product (see above).
- Any past experiences with the vendor
- How active the vendor is on the forums/Boonex
There are several vendors that should be labled as 'trusted' but do not have that icon and some that do have the icon, that probably shouldn't. I believe that most people would agree with my statments above but I can see where some may see this as some type of 'demotion'. I actually have the icon but wouldn't consider my self a 'vendor', although I did release a few freebies at one time. I can be trusted though :)
In conclusion, I would personally advise that all BoonEx members who are considering buying a product(s) from a vendor to follow my suggestions above and not conclude your decision on whether the person has a trusted icon or not. Search the forum and you will find posts about 'trusted vendors' where customers have not exactly had the best experience with thier products.
So, would you request that you be removed from the list?
Geeks, making the world a better place |
So, would you request that you be removed from the list?
I am not going to go out of my way to actually 'request' it, but if they decided to remove my trusted vendor icon, I would have absolutely no problem with it. I consider myself a Moderator, not a vendor even though I have offered products before (at no cost).
As I stated in my post, I could careless if someone has a trusted vendor status or not. I have my own ways that I determine whether to buy from someone or not. For example, I know (like many others) Modzzz, Ibellodelweb, Deano, and AndrewP (just to name a few) who all sell great products and provide great support. I will continue to buy from them regardless if they have a trusted vendor status or not. It makes absolutely no difference to me. I honestly feel that this whole thing has gotten blown out of proportion.
Nothing to see here |
I honestly feel that this whole thing has gotten blown out of proportion.
I agree. Like Andrew states, the decisions are internal, based on input across the board. Doesn't matter the amount sold or how many modules they have; it's based on input, PRIVATE input that Andrew plainly stated; the list is a work in progress.
I as Zarcon do not look at that small feature, my decisions are made from past experiences and research.
Not because someone is "trusted."
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Actually, it has not gotten blown out of proportion, it has not blown up enough. Andrew needs to make that private input public; transparency can go a long way to improving the bad PR that Andrew has caused with this; although I expect if it is made public it will show even more so how this list really had little to do with actually having a true trusted vendor list. He has people listed on a trusted vendors list that are not selling anything so therefore they are not vendors in the true sense. Plus, he has people on the list with defective products that won't fix them. So tell me what criteria Andrew and company used that they can be considered a trusted vendor and Modzzz isn't? Geeks, making the world a better place |
Actually, it has not gotten blown out of proportion, it has not blown up enough.
You are blowing this out!
As we stated, please calm down, this will work itself out.
I, like all the vendors and support sites (, hosting companies (not promoted by Boonex, i.e., need our business.
Yes there is a problem, try to contact Andrew personally, I do when I have important issues that I do NOT want to post here.
He is easy to contact.
All this bad shit here, not good for us and you as you make money working for clients too.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Actually, it has not gotten blown out of proportion, it has not blown up enough.
I will have to echo Newton27's post. I do believe it has gotten the 'attention' it was intended to PLUS a lot more. If you like, you can find new topic being posted HERE (this topic), HERE, and HERE. This is not including the discussion on the blog posting HERE. How many more do you think are needed?
Things change at BoonEx all the time. Outside of an icon missing, Modzzz still has the same exact capabilities, prodcuts, and reputation as he previously had. As one example, it's really no different when they changed our membership titles to Ship Crew members.
Andrew: Captain
AlexT (Admins): Navigators
Moderators: Bosun
SuperModerators: MasterBosun
Although our titles changed, we didn't lose any of the permissions and/or reputation that we already had. So yes, this HAS gotten blown out of proportion.There is no need for all these topics over something like this. Imagine everyone who 'thinks' they should be a trusted vendor started creating 3, 4, or 6 topics of why they aren't. I think me and Nathan should have Zarconia listed as a BoonEx 'Recommended Host' for free, but it isn't going to happen.
Andrew has already commented on this and once they have finalized the decisions on 'trusted vendors' then they will take action from there. End of story. But yet, you still continue to post.
Nothing to see here |
This is what I was saying when I said "
Too many people bringing issues up in public forums ...
When people see nothing but negative stuff posted everywhere it will indeed scare new potential customers away from Boonex and effectively away from businesses like mine who are here to work for and support Dolphin webmasters.
I can see why everyone is frustrated and I have been there with different situations but still one thread with everyone's views is better than several threads making it look like the issue is far bigger than it is.
I, like all the vendors and support sites (, hosting companies (not promoted by Boonex, i.e., need our business. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
OK, fine, set up a private forum for this, send out a notice to everyone that wants to participate, give us access to that private forum and get Andrew Boon and AlexT and the other Boonex employees that created that worthless Trusted Vendors list to be there to discuss this openly and not give us empty talking points as Andrew has currently done and we can take it there where it won't be in the general forum. Geeks, making the world a better place |
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I see many visitors to this thread and realize you would have to join and post, if your not in the mood to join the site I made a comment page for completely open post.
Please visit if you feel like it and post your candidates for "Trusted Vendors" and a brief why...
Feel free to rant there too.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
good idea, and I see people can be anonymous so maybe we will see some thoughts on this matter there ...
I see many visitors to this thread and realize you would have to join and post, if your not in the mood to join the site I made a comment page for completely open post.
Please visit if you feel like it and post your candidates for "Trusted Vendors" and a brief why...
Feel free to rant there too. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Please add my name to the list of module buyers who consider Modzzz to be one of the top vendors when it comes to providing excellent module support. |
Please add my name to the list of module buyers who consider Modzzz to be one of the top vendors when it comes to providing excellent module support.
Where's the list of module buyers? I would add your name in support for Modzzz. :)
Actually Andrew has mentioned recently that they are gonna re-build this "rating system", so I don't think it matters anymore. The modules sales was way too low this year to decide who is better by module sales.
As for me, all main support I do via email messaging, so there is no way Boonex can see how good or bad I support my customers. I have countless not_answered messages here on Boonex messaging system, only because people are writing to my email instead and sometimes duplicating their messages here. |
hey Boonexpert, sorry to confuse you. I thought it was obvious there was no "list" per say... just those that have openly stated in one of several recent related forum threads that they support Modzzz's comment that if there is a "Trusted Vendor" system then he should be awarded it too. And yes of course I realize Andrew recently made the statement he plans to re-build the "Trusted Vendor" system. He mentioned it soon after I added my suggestion, like others before me, that it be redesigned to clearly show his team's "Staff Picks" for what they are plus (separately) show those who are "Top Sellers" for the last 12 months. Go and look... in between my post and Andrew's post is your post where you clearly state you don't care whether you're awarded a "Trusted Vendor" status. In which case the redesigned rating system should allow vendors such as yourself to decline any positive-ratings awards ;-) |
I am hoping he goes something more along the line of idea I gave him HERE Nothing to see here |
In which case the redesigned rating system should allow vendors such as yourself to decline any positive-ratings awards ;-)
I didn't meant that I want to decline any of my positive ratings. What I meant is that the label of "Trusted vendor" is confusing: trusted by who and what criteria? For me it's the same as if it was stated "We trust this guy". :) |
good idea, and I see people can be anonymous so maybe we will see some thoughts on this matter there ...
The whole reason I created it, thanks for all the input so far!
Might be about the most generic page I've ever done, but needed something quick.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I saw this back at the top so I came to read the new topics. If anyone has not seen Andrew Boon's reply at the end of my topic about Trusted Vendors, Andrew said that with all the feedback that we have given that they are going to give more thought to the Trusted Vendor listing. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Jesus H you know what. I think I'm gonna go hang out on Facebook for a while... At least some of their drama actually makes sense.
Does someone need me to call a whaaaaaaaaaaambulance? ... Hosted by! |
Jesus H you know what. I think I'm gonna go hang out on Facebook for a while... At least some of their drama actually makes sense.
Does someone need me to call a whaaaaaaaaaaambulance?
You must have missed Andrew's blog post and the resultant flood of replies as well as my forum topic on it.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Looks as though we are getting some useful input..
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
newton27: for contribution helping other people geek_girl: for contribution helping other people
I think Deano should top this list. He is by far the best at responding, helping, and giving support.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Please keep the input coming here;
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Place anonymous matter your language. Please post as anonymous.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Awesome! OK, I am not a vendor but I am very happy to see some people do appreciate my input or whatever and added me to your list Michael ... Thank you to who this was ;)
I wanted the Live Poker for Dolphin because it was something unique that NO OTHER social network / software really offer to webmasters or have working (apart from FB poker which I have seen), and I can see the hard work payed off in respect that many people here have installed it and have it working!
I will always continue to help anyone with what I know and, or can do and really didn't expect to be named.. I'm flattered. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Adding to this ... DEANO is like super awesome! He certainly deserves to be named as one Boonex's most trusted and reliable vendors and members here.
I am sure at least 90% of this community would agree. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price! |
Looks as though we are getting some useful input..
Dear Anonymous,
Stand up and be counted?? What exactly are you talking about? If you read any of my posts, you will already understand what I think about the 'trusted vendor' status but I will say it again for ya.. I.........Do........Not.......Care. I didn't ask for it, and I am not going to ask for it to be removed. If it does get removed, then Fantabulous! I promise you will not hear me complain one bit :)
To compare TeraByte or RootBarron to Zarconia? Not sure what this has to do with anything but I can tell you this.. There is no comparison.
Why did I respond to this? 
Nothing to see here |