What should be displayed once PayPal payment is successfully completed and the user is returned to my site? Can I control what is displayed?
Tried different settings all of which resulted in successful payments, but got different results:
Case 1
Dolphin setting:
PayPal settings:
Return data:
Case 2
Dolphin setting:
PayPal settings:
- Auto Return for Website Payments: Off
Return data:
Case 3
Dolphin setting:
PayPal settings:
Return data:
Is the last case what should be displayed? How can I insert a more user friendly message?
What should be displayed if using direct process type?
Thanks in advance!
Can anybody tell me what users should see upon successful return from PayPal and how to modify it to be more user-friendly?
Hi !
I would be very intrested in this as well...
What shoudl the users get as a reply...on my web I just get empty cart after they come back to the web...
Thank yuou very much
Ask it from AntonLV here! PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first |
Submitted a general support request about this nearly 10 days ago. IgorL accepted the ticket but hasn't provided a solution.
SashaE can you ask him how long it's going to take? This is important since it directly affects paying customers and is preventing me from going live.
Yes I agree. There should be a message that reads; "Thank You for ........." whatever. Something that acknowledges the member the payment has been received and has been applied.
I would be interested to know where these changes need to be made.
This is realy something that is blocking loads of sites to go fully live.... I would realy apprisiate if someone from this lovely community could step in and help all of us out.
Many thanks all!
P.S. thank you for raising the ticket.
This is realy something that is blocking loads of sites to go fully live.... I would realy apprisiate if someone from this lovely community could step in and help all of us out.
Many thanks all!
P.S. thank you for raising the ticket.
You're welcome.
This is exactly why I raised it. This is preventing my site from going live. It's unacceptable to have users return form PayPal and see only a blank screen.
Will keep trying to get a response. If anyone is working with IgorL and can find out when he's planning to respond, it would be much appreciated.
Hi Team / Hpsiorg,
Please find the below respone from AntonLV:
Yes, I know about the issue and it's a lack of Payment module itselt. The problem should be fixed by Boonex and included in the nearest version. If you are saying that the ticket already exists in the Trac then it should be done in the nearest future. Could you please provide me with ticket's URL?
--- Best Regards Anton Lesnikov AQB Soft"
Thank you very much for a prompt response on this mater. Really apprisiate it as well as further progress regarding resolution / improvement.
As per above can I ask you please to advise here (It may be worth dropping a line to AntonLV as well, however please allow other to see the progress) the ticket number you've mentioned got raised?
Many thanks all!
Ticket was created in Boonex Trac. You may see it using the following link
--- Best Regards Anton Lesnikov AQB Soft(http://www.aqbsoft.com)
Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Ticket was created in Boonex Trac. You may see it using the following link
--- Best Regards Anton Lesnikov AQB Soft(http://www.aqbsoft.com)
This is certainly good news, thank you for taking action.
Is there any way to know how long it will be before a fix is available? Without a workaround, site launch will be delayed.
Here's some workaround for this issue.
1) First of all you need to enable IPN in your PayPal account and enter the notification URL in it.
Log into your PayPal account and navigate to "Profile -> More Options -> Instant Payment Notification Preferences -> Choose IPN Settings"
In the "Notification URL" field you need to type the URL where PayPal will send transaction reports, in my case this will be: http://www.prince-igor.info/public/dolphin/m/payment/act_finalize_checkout/paypal/0
You only need to replace the base URL for your Dolphin folder, namely, this part: http://www.prince-igor.info/public/dolphin/ the rest of the path should be identical to mine
Click "Receive IPN messages" to enable it and then click "Save".
Ok, your PayPal-side work is done.
2) Now you need to enable the IPN mode in your Dolphin account: "Modules -> Payment -> PayPal -> choose IPN for Process type" Make sure that PayPal is Active and in live Mode.
3) Now you need to create a page which will display the result for your customers. I already made a post regarding PHP-based pages creation: http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/PHP_based_page_block_you_can_make_it_
So, I will be brief here:
After you have created a page (let's say that its URI is pmt_result, remember - it should be without spaces) (Builders -> Pages Blocks -> Add page), you need to Add a column to this page and drag the HTML block into this column.
Then click HTML Block's name and change its Caption (you can read about in my post), the body of the block (html part) can be filled with any data because you will still change it later
Now log into phpMyAdmin, open the table "sys_page_compose" and navigate to the very end of it because your recently created page is right there, edit this record, replace "Echo" with "PHP" (see my post) and enter these lines in the "Content" field:
if ( isset( $_GET['payment_status'] ) ) { if ( $_GET['payment_status'] == 'Completed' ) echo "<h2>Thank you for your payment</h2>"; else echo "<h2>Transaction error</h2>"; } else echo "<h2>You didn't buy anything yet</h2>";
This code is very simple, but you can add more HTML tags here using the "echo" function. The result of the code will be a) Thank you for your payment - if the transaction was successful b) Transaction error - if there were errors c) You didn't buy anything yet - if the member opened this page without making a transaction
save the record and move the block in the Builders (just move it up and down and place back where it was) to recompile this page.
4) Now the last step - you need to tell your payment module to return to this page after payment; open the file "modules/boonex/payment/classes/BxPmtConfig.php", comment out the line:
$this->_sReturnUrl = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->getBaseUri() . 'cart/'; (the commented line looks like this: //$this->_sReturnUrl = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->getBaseUri() . 'cart/';)
and place this line under it (or just replace the above line with this one): $this->_sReturnUrl = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'page/pmt_result';
then save the file.
Please consider that this method works well only with PayPal, especially the PHP block because other payment providers may have different POST or GET variable names and values.
Thank you so much for your post... I'm going to test it and report it back.
Kind regards,
Hi Igor!
Solution worked perfectly!
Thank you very much for the comprehensive instructions.
I hope this can be permanently fixed in the new upcomign release. I would (and believe the others too..) apprisiate this being included in the fixes and priority rasied.
Many thanks.
Hi, I have a problem with this workaround: I get, even with the completed result from paypal the message: "You didN't buy anything yet!".
But cart is empty and purchase is complete (membership level bought). What is wrong?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks! Best Eru
Best regards, Eru - http://www.zoopal.org |
thanks for workaround igorL but anyway this HAVE TO BE FIXED properly in dolphin default install !!!! |
I've tried several things on the Dolphin side with different results, but the workaround above results in the following error:
Result: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/hpsiorg/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(597) : eval()'d code on line 1
Has anyone else gotten this error?
In every case, the purchase is completed successfully in PayPal but isn't being handled properly in Dolphin.
Fully agree, this needs to fixed immediately. It's unacceptable to have bugs in something as critical as making payments.
IgorL, I am having the same problem as 'eru'... transaction completes, membership upgrades, shows in history, but returns with "You didn't buy anything yet"... what could be the problem? |
eru and/or MandyN,
Did you ever figure out why the message 'You didn't buy anything yet' is displayed even after transactions are successfully completed?
The reason is highlighted below in the code provided by Igor:
if ( isset( $_GET['payment_status'] ) ) { if ( $_GET['payment_status'] == 'Completed' ) echo "<h2>Thank you for your payment</h2>"; else echo "<h2>Transaction error</h2>"; } else echo "<h2>You didn't buy anything yet</h2>";
The if condition in the first line of code is not true, so the final line of code is executed. Perhaps payment_status is not being populated or is null.
yea same thing, you haven't purchased anything yet! message upon successful payment, any fix to this yet? |
yea same thing, you haven't purchased anything yet! message upon successful payment, any fix to this yet?
Nope. Let you know if I see anything.
Anything to make the user payment more pleasurable has got to be a good thing. Strange this issue has never been resolved before, considering all those sites with hundreds of thousands of members presumably all paying.
I have no idea how my system is functioning because I've never bought anything from it and nobody else has either (mainly because it's all free at the moment). But I hope it is more seamless than buying some things from the Boonex marketplace where the payment doesn't register for immediate download and you have to contact the vendor.
Anyway, I also wait with anticipation.
Seems to be no answer forth coming on this subject, so let's bump this post up. Boonex??? You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
I've been working with Igor on this problem, and he provided another solution earlier, but it provided the same result as before for a successful PayPal transaction, namely, "You didn't buy anything yet"
Will keep you posted.
Does anyone know how to escalate things here? Seems important enough an issue, and enough people want/need a solution that it should be getting addressed more effectively.
Some body at Boonex has to take notice and actually care about this issue. I cannot believe that it has not been addressed by Boonex in this forum, at least some sort of advice or statment. Wow, very disheartening and upsetting, considering I have just invested lot of money into this product. |
Can we PLEASE get a response Boonex? I will keep bumping this up until there is a decent response. You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
@hpsiorg: Thx, and BUMP again.
At the paypal returncode, some COMPLETED message is shown in URL... so the command should be executed... thats not the issue, I guess.
Maybe someone should send a pm to Andrew with this link ;)
Best regards, Eru - http://www.zoopal.org |
Good news, I looked in the TRAC regarding the ticket and it is marked as solved and will be in 7.07...
Finally, now it just needs to work properly ;)
Best, Eru
Best regards, Eru - http://www.zoopal.org |
Hey All - I raised lots of hell with Andrew about the PayPal issues and created a ticket that was accepted and completed in a couple of days 
If some of you are not in a position to upgrade with the next release AND need a fix now, all you need to do is make the changes per the post. ( http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/changeset/15227 ) All works fine on my 7.0.3 installation.
Good luck - Jethro
i believe this is still lacking. if you provide paypal with the prescribed return url listed in the admin panel, the user is brought back to the site to the cart which is empty, and its just unclear what has been purchased.
Hey All - I raised lots of hell with Andrew about the PayPal issues and created a ticket that was accepted and completed in a couple of days 
If some of you are not in a position to upgrade with the next release AND need a fix now, all you need to do is make the changes per the post. ( http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/changeset/15227 ) All works fine on my 7.0.3 installation.
Good luck - Jethro
so there are still issues with this on that regard.
also, in the admin panel under Pending Orders it will show 10 of x and page 2 is not accessible at all. it throws you into /m/payment/ on the front of the site
also, in the database, there is a problem and in my opinion a bug
bx_pmt_transactions_pending has two columns
error_code | error_msg
error_code being a 0 or 1 0=might mean manual processing and 1=sucessful process
i dont understand how a message of successful would equate to an error_msg
then if you look at the two tables, there is redundant data stored, hence even when a transaction is sucessful, its still listed in the pending transactions table.
i have been able to get the payment to process and the membership to upgrade sucessfully using the following patch as well as the following settings:
return url /0
where this upgrades, i still think the return is broken, since the cart is totally empty when they return.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
ok possibly i am missing something or doing something incorrectly.
what i have done:
applied both changesets listed on this topic
created a custom page as prescribed by Esase using the following for the page:
if ( isset( $_GET['payment_status'] ) )
if ( $_GET['payment_status'] == 'Completed' )
echo " Thank you for your payment";
echo "Transaction error";
echo "You didn't buy anything yet";
so payment is successful, membership is getting upgraded, but i am still getting this message "You didnt buy anything yet" which is incorrect.
the cart was still remaining empty and blank upon return from paypal, though the upgrade was working, but there was no indicator for the member to know because they land in an empty cart.
applied both changesets by replacing (not editing) the files listed in the change from trac.
applied the hack from Esase for creating a custom return page with the custom block.
without custom page created based on Esase's instruction:
return to cart that is blank empty and uninformative
with custom page based on Esase's instruction:
always get the "You didnt buy anything yet" message.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Hello All,
I have since upgraded to D7.07 and supposedly the Membership and Payment modules were fixed, however, I am still getting a blank cart page upon return from successful payment with Paypal when I should be receiving a "PAYMENT SUCCESSFUL" page. Anybody else having this problem?
Before upgrading to Dolphin 7.0.7, payment functionality was working thanks to workarounds specified by Igor and some hard work. After upgrading, payment functionality is not working properly. Specifically:
- completed payments by users are listed in Admin / Modules / Payment / Pending Orders not in Admin / Modules / Payment / Pending Orders / Processed Orders
- users carts are not cleared
Now that payment functionality has been 'fixed' in 7.0.7, what changes need to be made to make it work given the workarounds that were in place?
Thanks in advance!
So in 7.0.8, is IgorL's custom page still necessary? Or has it been inbuilt? |
Hello, here is a feedback for paypal Direct payment with D7.3 not tested with PDT nor IPN mode but that should work too with modifications. You have to modify some files in order to make it work (protocol HTTP1.1 for paypal). In \modules\boonex\payment\classes\BxPmtPayPal.php because of the used version of HTTP for communicating through the socket: function _readValidationData($sConnectionUrl, $sRequest) { $iErrCode = 0; $sErrMessage = ""; if($this->getOption('cnt_type') == PP_CNT_TYPE_SSL) $rSocket = fsockopen("ssl://" . $sConnectionUrl, 443, $iErrCode, $sErrMessage, 60); else $rSocket = fsockopen("tcp://" . $sConnectionUrl, 80, $iErrCode, $sErrMessage, 60); // Is connexion ok ? if(!$rSocket) return array('code' => 2, 'message' => 'Can\'t connect to remote host for validation (' . $sErrMessage . ')'); // Else put message on socket with paypal server fputs($rSocket, "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1\r\n"); // Protocol HTTP/1.1 and "\r\n\r\n" as separator fputs($rSocket, "Host: $sConnectionUrl\r\n"); fputs($rSocket, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); fputs($rSocket, "Content-length: " . strlen($sRequest) . "\r\n"); fputs($rSocket, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); fputs($rSocket, $sRequest . "\r\n\r\n"); // wait for response from Paypal $sResponse = ''; while(!feof($rSocket)) $sResponse .= fread($rSocket, 1024); fclose($rSocket);
list($sResponseHeader, $sResponseContent) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $sResponse);
return array('code' => 0, 'content' => explode("\n", $sResponseContent)); } Moreover, "content" field is badly tested in function _validateCheckout(&$aData): --> change $aResponse['content'][1] in place of $aResponse['content'][0]
if(strcmp($aResponse['content'][1], "INVALID") == 0) return array('code' => -1, 'message' => _t('_payment_pp_err_wrong_transaction')); else if(strcmp($aResponse['content'][1], "VERIFIED") != 0) return array('code' => 2, 'message' => _t('_payment_pp_err_wrong_verification_status')); Be aware that the dateExpires field can block the cart update in inc\membership_levels.inc.php function setMembership ... Modify following your needs... ... Hope it helps as I lost many hours on this :) |