What we need after 7.3

I think its time for mobile apps which function like the dolphin do right now. I have a hybrid app, which is  functioning the way dolphin do in browser.

But what it lacks, is the notifications, members don't know whats happening behind the scene unless they open the app and check. So in simple words no real interaction. I also checked the rocket.chat app.

It is useless same as mine without any notifications, infect mine looks more cooler Tongue Out

Also dolphin need to push notifications in desktop browsers like the way facebook is doing right now.

Screenshot_2016-02-19-21-50-04.png · 537.2K · 726 views
Screenshot_2016-02-19-22-00-25.png · 236.8K · 667 views
Umar Haroon
Quote · 19 Feb 2016

As a person who detests mobile phones and detests the people who constantly stare into them as they bump into me in the street, I believe Dolphin can be very quickly destroyed if it gives up it's desktop features in preference to the small screen.


I firmly believe that mobile phone apps should be precisely that and maybe Boonex could work on that market either with a completely separate script or the one they market as part of the Dolphin package. Trying to see something on a small screen when it's designed for personal computers will always be fraught with problems.

Quote · 20 Feb 2016

with the new version and the evo template - it almost eliminates the need for a mobile app - plus, the mobile app lacks some functionality.


as for the notifications - yeah - that is really lacking. With Rocket.Chat though, there is an option to use a Push server for - I believe - sending Push notifications to mobile devices. I am trying to read through the big words and figure it out.

Quote · 20 Feb 2016

That's the problem Proffessor, The Evo template is next to useless on a PC. People are used to seeing cascading sub-menus and not silly little arrows.


Get a member to move a photo from one Album to another and see how intuitive the Evo Template is.


As much as I'll be forced to supply mobile support, I don't want my PC users to suffer.

Quote · 20 Feb 2016


As a person who detests mobile phones and detests the people who constantly stare into them as they bump into me in the street,

 Doesn't she sound like Geek Girl?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 20 Feb 2016

Internet and SMS was the last things that should have been placed on telephones.  How many innocent people have been killed because of the ones that just had to drive and text or surf the net at the same time?  If they all just walked off cliffs while keeping their noses to their phones (yes, this did happen) it would not be so bad but they have to kill innocent people, young children that did not get the chance to live their lives.  And for what?  So they can post stupidity to facebook and twitter?  Then there is the recent murder of a defenceless  baby dolphin all for the sole purpose of a self portrait with the animal and when they were through with it, just dumped the body on the beach.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 20 Feb 2016

OK, for push notifications - I have successfully set this up with the new Chat+. Surprisingly, it was not that hard. Just need to setup a Google API for Google Cloud Messaging. Enter project id and api key in the Push - Certificates and Keys section. In the Push section, you can set Enable to false. Now, keep in mind - the push notification will only work if the person is loggeed into the chat via the mobile app. They do not have to have the chat actually open, though.


Users will get Notifications when their name is directly (such as @Admin) or when a message is sent in a Direct Message.


After reading the info on the Google Cloud Messaging, it does not seem that complicated to setup Push Notifications on a Dolphin site.

Quote · 20 Feb 2016

After further playing - you do need the Enable set as True.

Quote · 20 Feb 2016

I think this push notification won't work for hybrid app same as facebook login only work for native app unless they are built in phonegap. I think you are using native app. About desktop at least we can enable notifications on chrome the way facebook is doing.

facebook notification.jpg · 12K · 560 views
Umar Haroon
Quote · 20 Feb 2016

not sure what you mean by hybrid app, but I downloaded the rocket.chat app from google play store, and entered in the https url for my chat page. Using this app - the notifications work excellent.

Quote · 20 Feb 2016

Hybrid App ..which open up a responsive website in webview. The top picture in this post is from hybrid app. Ill send you link to my app in pm you will find out. Here is the link where it says it don't support it.


Umar Haroon
Quote · 20 Feb 2016



"If you've downloaded our android app on Google Play, you noticed it only connects to our demo server."


this is the first statement - but it is untrue. If you download the Rocket.Chat app - you can enter the url of the chat site - but unlike dolphin, it is only for 1 chat site.

I will have to try that Cordova out and see how it is. For now, The app from google play seems to be working just fine.

Quote · 20 Feb 2016

Screenshot Of notification

Screenshot_2016-02-20-03-23-24.png · 438.9K · 384 views
Quote · 20 Feb 2016

 The second image in this thread is of Rocket.Chat app opening the https://demo-chat.boonex.com/ . Please check your inbox for hybrid app

"If you've downloaded our android app on Google Play, you noticed it only connects to our demo server."


this is the first statement - but it is untrue. If you download the Rocket.Chat app - you can enter the url of the chat site - but unlike dolphin, it is only for 1 chat site.


Umar Haroon
Quote · 20 Feb 2016

You have 100% right for this, but it's too late ...

Internet and SMS was the last things that should have been placed on telephones.  How many innocent people have been killed because of the ones that just had to drive and text or surf the net at the same time?  If they all just walked off cliffs while keeping their noses to their phones (yes, this did happen) it would not be so bad but they have to kill innocent people, young children that did not get the chance to live their lives.  And for what?  So they can post stupidity to facebook and twitter?  Then there is the recent murder of a defenceless  baby dolphin all for the sole purpose of a self portrait with the animal and when they were through with it, just dumped the body on the beach.


Quote · 20 Feb 2016

monsoon - I am still confused at what you are talking about. Looking at the Cordova - it specifically says Push Notifications do not work


  • you MUST side-load the resulting app to your device (not through Google Play)
  • push notification is not supported
  • performance may not be up-to-par with the app store version - due to lack of initial local cache
  • oauth via Facebook, Twitter, Github, and so on does not currently work because an external browser session is triggered (this will likely be fixed soon))


- think that may be your issue? Cause for me - Push notifications work fantastic using the App from Google Play Store.


Also - for Push notifications to work with the Rocket.Chat server - you must get a Google Cloud Messaging API key. To activate a push notification - the user must have logged into the chat and not logged out. Closing the app is fine - just dont log out of it first. If a user types in another users name with an @ symble (EX: @cfowler) this will send a notification if the users app is not open. Or - if the message is sent as a direct message - it will also send a notification if app is closed.

Quote · 20 Feb 2016

Wow! No wonder you call yourself Professor.  Once life was simple. No pushing or shoving!

Quote · 21 Feb 2016


Wow! No wonder you call yourself Professor.  Once life was simple. No pushing or shoving!

 not sure how to take that

Quote · 21 Feb 2016

Nothing sinister, I just found your explanation of "push" so incredibly complicated. Is it all worth it? I thought it much better when we just picked up the phone and said "Hello!"

Quote · 21 Feb 2016

lol - i am with you. I really hate text messaging and get mad when someone sends me a message. But, such is the world we live in today. Here is the ironic part: We want everything right now - but yet get stuck waiting on a response from a text message. Wouldnt it be logical to just dial the number, say what you have to say, and get an instant response.


Unfortunately - since it is the way of society - if we want to survive, we gotta give our users what they want. They want Push notifications, so I want to give it to them. These are the things that can set you apart from everyone else.


Sorry my explanation of sending Push messages was complicated - but it is how I got mine to work. So, for the sake of working on my communication skills, I will try to explain again.


First - you must get a Google Cloud Messaging API from https://cloud.google.com/console

After you have gotten your API and Project, go to the Administration section of the Chat+ (Rocket.Chat).

In the Administration section, go to the Push Section - 5th from the bottom

Expand the Certificates and Keys Section.

GCM API key is your Google Cloud Messaging API key

GCM Project Number is your project number for your API

GO to the bottom and click save

In the top section, I have Enable = True

Enable Gateway = True

Gateway = https://rocket.chat

Production = True

Save if needed

Go to The General Section - on the left and click Restart the Server

Open SSH shell and restart the chat server

clear browser cache



Looking at it - it really isnt that bad. It took me a few days to figure it out, though. I had no clue how Push notifications worked so had to research and ask questions. But eventually, I figured it out. I just hope this information helps others who also want to enable push notifications. Now I am trying to see how to set it up for push notifications from the website.


I have brainstormed with a friend of mine and really thought it over, and the simplest thing would be to make use of the Rocket.Chat server - since push notifications are working there. So, with that - create a channel called subscriptions, or whatever you want. Then, piggyback onto the existing subscription functions within dolphin and - using webhook or restful api (not sure which yet because still have to figure out how they work) - send a message to the subscription room in the chat server. When a subscription notification is sent to a person - it is also sent to the subscription room with an @ (EX: @cfowler) of your username.

Quote · 21 Feb 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.