Where are profiles stored in database?

I need to locate where profiles are stored in the database?  I have looked under the profiles section of the database, but don't see any but just the first user which is myself that I created as a test user.

There are about 20 other profiles tha the site has and I need to manually adjust some through the database for various reasons.

Can anyone advise?

Quote · 12 Apr 2009

Admin => Users => Members


Click on number on row ID


You can't edit user in your DB,

if you edit it from admin you will update DB and cache/user1.php (you edit memberID 1 here)

Quote · 12 Apr 2009

Alright thanks, but next question...

I made a local copy of my website from online, backed up the SQL from phpadmin, and then put on my local server.  Essentially a mirror, but this time for testing of some mods I want to put into Dolphin,  Issue is though - the mods online are NEVER organized for compat, so it is better to break local than online right?  Anyway, after doing a full database restore, only one user is shown in my local site.

It would seem that a mirror would be just that, a mirror or a carbon copy of the last one I had.

Quote · 12 Apr 2009

Didn't see your response fully.  Thanks! :)

Quote · 14 Apr 2009

User info folder: cache


User photo folder: media/images/profile

Quote · 14 Apr 2009

Alright - I was under the impression this was not in the database.  LESSON LEARNED HARD!

I accidently Nuked the database and of course, being an idiot, didn't have a current backup.  eeenyway...I reinstalled and now have ZERO members.  Please advise on if they indeed were stored in a table?  I am hurting really bad on this one.

Quote · 22 Apr 2009

Info about the user is stored inside table Profiles

Quote · 22 Apr 2009

Try sending a email to your web host and see if they have a back up of your data base, they usually back it up everyday.

You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress.
Quote · 24 Apr 2009

I contacted the host and was told $75 to restore, so I am manually doing it right now as I am writing this.  I have a couple of other questions:

After the site database was nuked by me, (DOH!), I had immediatly downloaded via FTP the site root to a folder on my computer.

I have since restored the site sans users.  This morning I woke up with the idea to manually code each member into the database via phpmyadmin in the cpanel.  So, I am doing it now, and it so far is working very well.  YIPPEE!  However, the last thing I am trying to do is tie the user's picture to the profile.  I have found the user's pictures in the following directory:

/media/images/profile/x (Where x is the folder number)

In my user's profile cache page under the root directory of /cache/Userxx.php (where xx is the user number), I can get the username, hashed password etc... At the bottom I have the following code which leads me to believe they tie into the images folder:

$aUser[15]['PrimPhoto'] = '5';
$aUser[15]['Picture'] = '1';
$aUser[15]['aff_num'] = '0';
$aUser[15]['Tags'] = 'outgoing, Sap ';

So, in looking under the images folder, I have no folder number 5.  Dead end.  However, for my test account which is user number 1, It is there of course.  The folder numbering scheme doesn't seem to be tied to user number, any other way except from my quickly fading polaroid memory to determine how each one ties into the folder?  This is my last step, and will be so totally stoked to get this nightmare over with.

Quote · 24 Apr 2009

$aUser[15]['PrimPhoto'] = '5';


$aUser[15] => is user 15


/media/images/profile/15 => user 15 photos is saved here


each uploaded picture will have 3 files, see below






['PrimPhoto'] = '5'; => wich photo user has set as default on his profile

how do I find it!!!!


table media

med_id => PrimPhoto

med_prof_id => user

med_id  med_prof_id  med_type      med_file 
   1              1               photo       1214089888.jpg
   2              2               photo       1215857788.jpg
   3              3               photo       1219518315.jpg
   5              1               photo       1220226036.jpg


user 1 => have 2 photos (med_id 1 and 5)
user 2 => have 1 photos (med_id 2)
user 3 => have 1 photos (med_id 3)



Hope it will help youSmile

Quote · 24 Apr 2009

Alright then, So I have one user with 9 pictures based on the 27 that are in there divided by 3, one for thumbs, main photo and icons.

In this case, I would want to input the following into the table then for one picture of hers?  I have following listed...

icon_1239081252.jpg    photo_1239081252.jpg    thumb_1239081252.jpg
icon_1239081313.jpg    photo_1239081313.jpg    thumb_1239081313.jpg
icon_1239081354.jpg    photo_1239081354.jpg    thumb_1239081354.jpg
icon_1239081421.jpg    photo_1239081421.jpg    thumb_1239081421.jpg
icon_1239081536.jpg    photo_1239081536.jpg    thumb_1239081536.jpg
icon_1239081570.jpg    photo_1239081570.jpg    thumb_1239081570.jpg
icon_1239081606.jpg    photo_1239081606.jpg    thumb_1239081606.jpg
icon_1239081646.jpg    photo_1239081646.jpg    thumb_1239081646.jpg
icon_1239081698.jpg    photo_1239081698.jpg    thumb_1239081698.jpg

Picture 5 in this case would be photo_1239081536.jpg?

She is the only one with that many profile photos, the others should be easier. :)

Quote · 24 Apr 2009


Alright then, So I have one user with 9 pictures based on the 27 that are in there divided by 3, one for thumbs, main photo and icons.


In this case, I would want to input the following into the table then for one picture of hers?  I have following listed...


icon_1239081252.jpg    photo_1239081252.jpg    thumb_1239081252.jpg
icon_1239081313.jpg    photo_1239081313.jpg    thumb_1239081313.jpg
icon_1239081354.jpg    photo_1239081354.jpg    thumb_1239081354.jpg
icon_1239081421.jpg    photo_1239081421.jpg    thumb_1239081421.jpg
icon_1239081536.jpg    photo_1239081536.jpg    thumb_1239081536.jpg
icon_1239081570.jpg    photo_1239081570.jpg    thumb_1239081570.jpg
icon_1239081606.jpg    photo_1239081606.jpg    thumb_1239081606.jpg
icon_1239081646.jpg    photo_1239081646.jpg    thumb_1239081646.jpg
icon_1239081698.jpg    photo_1239081698.jpg    thumb_1239081698.jpg

Picture 5 in this case would be photo_1239081536.jpg?


She is the only one with that many profile photos, the others should be easier. :)




$aUser[15]['PrimPhoto'] = '5';


med_id  med_prof_id  med_type  med_file
   1         15        photo   1239081252.jpg
   2         15        photo   1239081313.jpg
   3         15        photo   1239081354.jpg
   4         15        photo   1239081421.jpg
   5       15       photo  1239081536.jpg
   6         15        photo   1239081570.jpg
   7         15        photo   1239081606.jpg
   8         15        photo   1239081646.jpg
   9         15        photo   1239081698.jpg



Yes it's correct
(as above, if no one else has uploaded photos in the meantime)
Quote · 24 Apr 2009

Thank you sooo  much.  The site looks a lot fuller and more picturesque now. :)

Quote · 24 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.