I just talk with Arvixe support, here is the copy/paste:
Dragan Subasic: any news on the new RMS for Dolphin 7? Steve Holsapple: Not quite yet. Steve Holsapple: We're waiting on the installers from Boonex. Steve Holsapple: Once we get these we'll likely announce it on our forums at http://forum.arvixe.com Dragan Subasic: but final 7 is release few days ago... Dragan Subasic: they even have RMS install to download... Steve Holsapple: That
may be, but our production servers have not yet been outfitted with the
new RMS and we do not have an autoinstaller for D7. Steve Holsapple: Until Boonex releases the autoinstaller we won't be able to offer it for free installation.
So, my question: who are kidding user here? Boonex are blaming Arvixe and Arvixe blaming Boonex? And that's go round and round and round and round... i fill deasy...
I contacted Arvixe yesterday for the same question, They say me that they don´t know when eill upgrade, is problem of their admin. I don´t know what to do. |
My they say that i upgrade my account to dedicated server, very nice of them btw, they put the ball on boonex and othervise... so i think that this is way to pis of user and they want to upgrade they RMS so many user will upgrade they account to dedicated which cost 69$ and VPS is 6$... |
I don't see that either of them is "lying" - they seem to be talking about an auto installer.
well i am not sure whats goin on here, but , i have arvixe and the
strangest thing is i am useing the same RMS settings they gave me
back when it was D6, and its still runs video,audio, all i did was
went to the flash moduals an ticked the RMS and entered the info
I don't see that either of them is "lying" - they seem to be talking about an auto installer.
I dont mean "lying" literally... Any way, it's been nice to met you people here, i give up, so many bug's that no body listen, only few members of the forum realy tried to help other user, i know this is the big project, but this is no reason that they dont respond... I will delete my public_html, dont have any nerv to begging someone of the members here to help me every few hours...
I would like to thank:
and many other...
Good bye...
Avantguardia, I would hate to see you give up after all the work you have done. I know its frustrating when your site depends on some modifications by your host. If I recall, the RMS they currently have WILL allow you to use the A/V functions in Chat, and IM, but until they open the ports for your RMS, it will not allow video comments and possibly the Whiteboard.
If everything is working except for video comments, I would say just hang tight for a little while. You sent me a PM earlier that I have responded to, so I hope that means you are still in the game.
Nothing to see here |
Well I've got to say Avantguardia - you would need a hell of lot more tenacity to get your site going with Dolphin then you have demonstrated with this post. Good luck to you. |
I have also talked to Arrixe yesterday. Dolphin 7 will run fine, its just the installer for the CP they are referring to, waiting to get it from Boonex. Support said they are waiting for admin to give the OK on RMS 7. I asked when is the best time to come back and ask if its approved yet, support said after NY.
Manual install no biggie. The only bit waiting on is when they say they will support RMS 7.. I really don't see a reason to stress..
Do we need to use a dedicated server I don't know much about servers. VPS $6? vs Dedicated $69. Can someone help me with this please.
btw I like Dolphin 7 :P
Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com |
I don't understand why they cannot install the RMS server for their sites. I have the latest RMS installed and it works fine and I did not need an auto installer. |
The auto installer is just a service they have, to save people having to manually install it.. I don't know why they haven't approved RMS 7, but its not for me to know, as I don't work for them. Its just how they do things and we need to just be patient, considering I was told D7 wouldn't be realeased for 6 months I reckon its pretty good.
You can always go to another host set it up, blah blah and when Arrixe is ready go back to them.
Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com |
it does appear that arvixe is talking about the auto-installer for D7. i dont think the real discussion is in relation to actual RMS from what i can see of the support ticket you posted.
I can tell you this, Dolphin is a beast, and its not for the weak at heart, it will make you cuss, want to stomp your keyboard, smash your monitor and throw your mouse at times.
If you have put this much effort into the application already, take a break for a few days, regather yourself, and come back to it.
Dolphin is by far the greatest Social Networking Platform available open source period.
rethink giving up, take a break and come back to it.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Jenn: Why would these individuals take the time to move their sites to a host that supports RMS 7 and then move it back whenever Arvixe finally gets off their behinds and takes the initiative to install the RMS?
Rob: I don't think that he's displaying a lack of tenacity here. He's frustrated. He went with a host that advertised they supported Dolphin, that host has been aware for a year that this was coming and this host has sat back on their hands doing nothing, blaming it on Boonex when it's not Boonex's problem.
Now, what I do know to be fact: There is no such thing as an Auto Installer for RMS, whether it's for D6 or D7, period. Running an RMS install can take from 30-60 minutes depending on the installer (person who is doing it) and if they have any experience with SSH it's not a difficult task at all to do. For Arvixe to be declaring they're waiting on Boonex is a load of crap in my opinion.
Personally I am insulted by the stance that Arvixe appears to be taking as I have personally recommended them to people in the past myself. I've watched them on D6 deliver good customer service & support and am surprised with all the negative feedback that's been coming out of their clients lately. For me, this is pretty much the final straw as I watch more and more of their clients get upset with the way they are treating the D7 upgrades and more or less telling these people to go pound salt. These Unity Members are site owners, these sites are how they either derive part/all of their income or hope to derive it one day. Arvixe derives their income from supporting their clients and when they fail to support them then it causes these site owners to lose money as their members depart for a site that does deliver the things the site owners have promised.
My suggestion: If Arvixe is refusing to immediately provide a working RMS for your D7 instlall then move your entire site (along with your business) to another host who will provide you with proper support. At this time Arvixe is basically breaching the agreement they made when they enticed you to do business with them stating that they supported Dolphin.
true DosDawg gave you the best advice
take a break go on vacation haha
better one listen to mydatery if they don't provide the services just move on
My suggestion: If Arvixe is refusing to immediately provide a working
RMS for your D7 instlall then move your entire site (along with your
business) to another host who will provide you with proper support. At
this time Arvixe is basically breaching the agreement they made when
they enticed you to do business with them stating that they supported
I did this exactly what you are talking about mydatery. I was with Arrixe and I've left because of Arrixe not supporting D7. I have taken my business and my site to http://www.terabyte-hosting.com
Great service at Terabyte Hosting Solutions.. and great techical support with Dolphin that is something Arrixe does not offer they say go to Boonex.
I did research when I choice to leave Arrixe on the list of hosts that Boonex gives us a list to look at. I found out that VPS was the only option if you wanted RMS supported and that was out of my league to pay for..
Arrixe is very affordable yes, but not reliable and no support for dolphin. A host is not a service is they cannot offer support as part of the service.
I don't know why Terabyte Hosting Solutions is not on that list, after talking to all those hosts to find out that RMS was the cruncher and what cost the money honey.
Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com |
Someone told me there was a 5 buck a month RMS deal at Joombyte - seems like spending that would be better then throwing out your work and stomping out, but it's not my call. |
I had a dedicated server with Arvixe for less than a month. They told me they installed RMS for the final for me but I could never get my video to work there. I finally said F&%$ it when they started telling me it was my fault and have moved elsewhere. Never found out the real reason it wouldn't work with Arvixe but at this point, I couldn't give a s^&$
Talk about being frustrated.
Now, for try no. #3, I'll be giving HostForWeb a shot. This is like playing musical chairs ... 
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Hi make sure you ask host for webs all the questions before joining. As far as I remember you need VPS with them, which is alot more expensive than who i use, and I think they said the shared hosting supports Dolphin 7 but not the rms, and to use the free rms with dolphin..or have VPS. Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com |
Thank you...
I did do my research and I have purchased a VPS setup from them. I needed it anyway because my site is large and expected to grow exponentially over the next year once I get it completed and migrate the old one with the new.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
That's awsome. I will upgrade to VPS when I have the numbers. Glad your sticking with your guns, and are persistent, I am also! YaY
Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com |
I have Arvixe, my vids work, my video comments work, my... everything seems to work except for me. I'm also on D7
I was getting database query error when submitting a new profile but haven't really looked to closely into that, it could be something I did.
Well, I am not sure about all of this, have not been here long enough. I do know that I am hosted wit Arvixe and have had no problems. I did try to use the Auto installer and have problems. The best and fastest is to use cPnael to upload the zip file, extract it. All permissions are set, after the extraction go up one folder and then come back to your install and everythig is ready to go. I am running 7.o final now and no problems with video or other uploads. Like a few more, have not contacted them about ports for the video comments but that will come..in time. |
Well, I am not sure about all of this, have not been here long enough. I do know that I am hosted wit Arvixe and have had no problems. I did try to use the Auto installer and have problems. The best and fastest is to use cPnael to upload the zip file, extract it. All permissions are set, after the extraction go up one folder and then come back to your install and everythig is ready to go. I am running 7.o final now and no problems with video or other uploads. Like a few more, have not contacted them about ports for the video comments but that will come..in time.
yes i agree, i been with Arvixe now 1 yr and never had any problems and i am running on the shared
hosting what they call personal class pro its only 10.00 a month and its been great
I bought a dedicated server from Arvixe. About $130 a month with all the necessary bells and whistles. Several attempts to get the video working failed miserably. My ffmpeg was executing, I got the emails proving it. The cron job was working, all permissions were set and as far as I could tell, I had upload and download limits set to 128 megs. In the end, I kept ending up with .flv files that were 0kb's in size and the interminable "file not found" error.
Something in their setup was blocking the uploading of that file to the directory and they just kept refusing to look at their end and repeatedly telling me it was my fault.
A server is only as good as it's service. For the amount of money I was paying, they should have done the research NAKED if I asked them too.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
You know, I can't say I am really looking forward to the time when the big hosting companies have "auto installers" for Dolphin. When people can install Dolphin by pushing a button what kind of members will we have here? I can tell you they will be very different from the ones we have now.
I am concerned about this forum because I can see it could very quickly become dysfunctional, and in fact, that may already be happening. Already we have a problem getting Boonex attention when forum posts "disappear" to the next page - where they might as well not exist. Some recent posts got me thinking about this. In one, a new member "bumped" a post for a minor issue, that was only a few hours old, in another someone seemed to be asking for an auto installer, but the post was in incomprehensible English - not from someone for whom English is a second language, but from someone from the U.S. - who should be able to write at least well enough to be understood here.
Now I never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box, but what is going to happen when this forum gets flooded by "the unwashed masses"? This forum could become unusable very quickly - in fact, it may already be happening. I know of two things that might help - one would be a special forum for "newbies" - where they could post freely and people who like to help new members could provide help, the other would be a forum for reporting "bugs" - or things people think are bugs. I have seen both of these things recommended by other members many times here, but it has never happened, even though the effort to do this would be trivial. I'm not sure if this would solve a problem I see on the horizon, but it might help a little.
Anyone else have any thoughts on this? Do others here share my concerns, or am I all wet?
p.s. Sorry for the thread hijack - seemed as good a place as any to broach this issue.
I agree with you Caltrade. With all these new membership levels, you would think that might have been part of the gameplan.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
I talked to Arvixe about this earlier today. They said they don't have the RMS for 7 set up yet but they are working on it. I was also told that they're working with 3rd party on getting the autoinstaller for dolphin 7.
They put my email address in a queue so when they have the RMS set up everyone will get a message. I've gotten my RMS settings information and can upload and play music and videos but can't record. Contact them again and see if they can contact you when they have it set up. Be a dolphin, be creative in you own way and you will attract a audience |
talk about a thread that bounced from one end to the other. cal you are right, those of us who have tested the beast are getting kicked to the curb. and those who think they know what they are doing will soon again catch that same foot
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
surely they told you the truth when you left terabyte. as you stated in another post, they had all the answers, but you were forewarnded eh, but you called it slamming the competition
yeah get a grip ol cat.
Thank you...
I did do my research and I have purchased a VPS setup from them. I needed it anyway because my site is large and expected to grow exponentially over the next year once I get it completed and migrate the old one with the new.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
For me Mr Dawg, this is a road already traveled. It'll be a long time before I get all the way 'round the planet to this spot again.
Having said that, we had our roll in the mud. Let's just slide it behind us and move forward from here.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
For me Mr Dawg, this is a road already traveled. It'll be a long time before I get all the way 'round the planet to this spot again.
Having said that, we had our roll in the mud. Let's just slide it behind us and move forward from here.
wiping the mudd off and moving on sky.
welcome in our house anytime sir.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Since this thread has run it's course, I'm gonna hijack it again.
What the hell is up with these Avatars!!! I just uploaded a new one and it's all blurred to heck! Holy crap that's annoying! Would someone please fix it before it gives me headache?!?!
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
I explained their stupid thing here. http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/#topic/AVATARS-.htm
They shrink the uploads to a 32x32 thumbnail, then display that thumbnail in a 64x64 box. My new one is blurred too. Pissing me off.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
cal you are right, those of us who have tested the beast are getting kicked to the curb. and those who think they know what they are doing will soon again catch that same foot
Well, I fell for that "couple of weeks" for D7 post that was almost a year and a half ago. I never used the word "tricked" - and I know that wasn't the intent, but it certainly felt that way. The whole history of D7 development has been "use the existing members, and give them no benefits for helping at all". The could probably have released a simpler, but functional version almost a year ago, instead of this "big bang" approach where it has to be released with 20 modules. I'm sure they could have given us an upgrade script long before they did, and it seemed almost sadistic in the way they had us destroy our work through 17 alphas and 8 betas - and for each beta time thinking that will be the one were we can keep our work and start making progress. They even came out with the migration script before they did he upgrade script - demonstrating what seemed almost like contempt for the people helping them test. Even up the the last minute, with those ridiculous and insulting RCs just a few days apart seemed almost designed to see if they could make us jump through hoops for absolutely no reason. Have you ever seen a company blow the roll-out of a new product like that?
I've thought about this, and I don't think there is any bad intent, I just think they are so "development" oriented, that it is really all they want to do. If they could just develop the "perfect product" for all eternity, that would be their preference. The net result of all this though- the people who worked their asses off testing and trying to make this work for the past year, are in exactly the same spot as those who kicked back and did nothing. Soon it will be even more so - the migration script will work so all the D6 people will just have to push a button to have D7 - but at least they did a system. Others soon will just have to push a button and they will have a D7 install - and they will be coming here in droves.
I also talked with Arvixe support about Dolphin7 and they said the same. They said Boonex has not released the auto installer. I asked them about RMS, they said they are working on it. That was a couple days ago. I went ahead and installed Dolphin 7 myself and I sent an email to ask them to install RMS 7 and they have not responded so far. I hate to move but hearing all these I might have to if they don't start doing RMS 7 soon. |
Speaking as a customer and not really knowing how hosts work behind the scenes, it does seem to me that the delay and the messing about with D7 coming out over the months have made hosting companies nervous to upgrade what ever they need to upgrade to run D7 thinking it would be ages yet before we got a working version, and it seems to have taken some by suprise to how quick its come all of a sudden. Of course not wanting to stir the honey pot, it could also be the old problem of some hosts saying they can do something when they cant (false advertising), just to get people to sign up with them (been caught with that myself in the past with a so called Dolphin hosts)
Its a shame if Avantguard packs it in, but for those who have been around Dolphin awhile will tell you, you need patience and time to get it to work to its full potential, Dolphin isnt like any other site, but its worth it in the end.
You need to try somebody like Joombyte ( i use them and they are first class) and its true to say that the host you have can make or break your site experience, get a bad one and you are doomed before you even start your journey.
I have never seen more 'grown men' bitch over such little stuff in my life. Have any of you seen the incredible platform that they have created? D7 is sooo much better than D6 and thank god they did so many beta tests and kept at it till it was ready for release, other wise we would have another mess like D6.1.x - And some of you are bitching over testing and your not getting compensated. Are you kidding me? When are you going to take some responsibility for your actions. That was your choice to help with testing. They didn't hold a gun to your head. Trust me they have put in way more hours, sweet, stress, testing that any of us have. Then to complain that the new platform is going to be to easy to install and operate and the result will be that this forum is flooded with customers. Crazy. Don't we wont Boonex to be super successful, for them to to get as many customers as possible so that they have to expand, hire new employees and make Goobs of money so that they can deliver better products and services in the future? That is the goal isn't it? If your jealous that newbies get to come here and download the latest and greatest without going through all the crap with the last version, then you seriously need to grow up and get a life. I would expect this from junior high kids but not adults. Come on this is software people, this is how it goes, there are always delays, things are always in flux, it will never be perfect and there will always be things to improve and fix. So far D7 is pretty awesome, and worth the wait. And we sure didn't have to wait that long, thank god. The RMS for 7 will be released when they are finished with it, plain and simple as that. There are plenty of things you can do with your site while you wait for that to be released. If all your going to do is bitch and complain, then go find something else to do and stop cluttering up the forums with your complaining sessions. Find something productive to do for change. I swear our founding fathers would would slap you and tell you to get a life. |
Well to clear this whole arvixe thing up... I have been using there service (and a few other hosters around here) since the first release of dolphin 7 and every install of dolphin 7 beta/rc i have done on arvixe works just fine.
When and if you upgrade to dolphin 7 on arvixe server you can use the same rms 6 setting they gave you on your dolphin 7 upgrade/install.
So if you go with arvixe or you are on arvixe hosing and you do a clean fresh install of dolphin 7 just send them a ticket or email with your domain name and ask for the dolpin 6 rms settings to use.
If any of you need a hand with this let me know and i'll see what i can do for you in my free time.
~ Jason
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Well to clear this whole arvixe thing up... I have been using there service (and a few other hosters around here) since the first release of dolphin 7 and every install of dolphin 7 beta/rc i have done on arvixe works just fine.
When and if you upgrade to dolphin 7 on arvixe server you can use the same rms 6 setting they gave you on your dolphin 7 upgrade/install.
So if you go with arvixe or you are on arvixe hosing and you do a clean fresh install of dolphin 7 just send them a ticket or email with your domain name and ask for the dolpin 6 rms settings to use.
If any of you need a hand with this let me know and i'll see what i can do for you in my free time.
~ Jason
So are you saying I can use dlophin 6 RMS? I thought I saw it was said somewhere that it does not work? Little confused here but will try.
Yes d6 rms will work on most dolphin 7 installs. the only thing that will not work is the video profile comments/recorder i believe.
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
@mmrhino - seems to me that you are the one doing the "bitching" here. Have you ever contributed one single thing here - even once? Or are you just a taker who mooches off the efforts of others? That is quite statement for a "newbie" making his very first post - or is it a fake? How many other profiles do you have here? So now that you got your "Internet balls" with your pathetic anonymous post, do you plan on contributing anything here, or are you just going to use your new fake profile to insult people who do? |
Well to clear this whole arvixe thing up... I have been using there service (and a few other hosters around here) since the first release of dolphin 7 and every install of dolphin 7 beta/rc i have done on arvixe works just fine.
When and if you upgrade to dolphin 7 on arvixe server you can use the same rms 6 setting they gave you on your dolphin 7 upgrade/install.
So if you go with arvixe or you are on arvixe hosing and you do a clean fresh install of dolphin 7 just send them a ticket or email with your domain name and ask for the dolpin 6 rms settings to use.
If any of you need a hand with this let me know and i'll see what i can do for you in my free time.
~ Jason
So are you saying I can use dlophin 6 RMS? I thought I saw it was said somewhere that it does not work? Little confused here but will try.
I contact arvixe yesterday asking RMS 6 configuration for try this in my D7 but my media don´t work, files are in my page but in minutes letf of all media is 0:00
I would like to add that there are some independent companies out there that offer RMS services for only a few dollars a month. If your issue is only RMS then I would suggest using one of those services until Arvixe gets their act together. This way you can build and develop a working site and switch to Arvixe RMS when they have it installed. |
Well to clear this whole arvixe thing up... I have been using there service (and a few other hosters around here) since the first release of dolphin 7 and every install of dolphin 7 beta/rc i have done on arvixe works just fine.
When and if you upgrade to dolphin 7 on arvixe server you can use the same rms 6 setting they gave you on your dolphin 7 upgrade/install.
So if you go with arvixe or you are on arvixe hosing and you do a clean fresh install of dolphin 7 just send them a ticket or email with your domain name and ask for the dolpin 6 rms settings to use.
If any of you need a hand with this let me know and i'll see what i can do for you in my free time.
~ Jason
So are you saying I can use dlophin 6 RMS? I thought I saw it was said somewhere that it does not work? Little confused here but will try.
I contact arvixe yesterday asking RMS 6 configuration for try this in my D7 but my media don´t work, files are in my page but in minutes letf of all media is 0:00
rms has nothing to do with videos. rms has to do with voice/aduio chat and profile comments. when you click the video and play it, it will then read the correct length of the video after first play. i have no idea why it works like that but thats just how it is... i upgraded a site with over 2000 videos on it and they all have 00:00 untill someone plays it for the first time.
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
RMS 7 is now available from arvixe. Simply email support and they can provide you with details of the RMS 7. https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
I have never seen more 'grown men' bitch over such little stuff in my life. Have any of you seen the incredible platform that they have created? D7 is sooo much better than D6 and thank god they did so many beta tests and kept at it till it was ready for release, other wise we would have another mess like D6.1.x - And some of you are bitching over testing and your not getting compensated. Are you kidding me? When are you going to take some responsibility for your actions. That was your choice to help with testing. They didn't hold a gun to your head. Trust me they have put in way more hours, sweet, stress, testing that any of us have. Then to complain that the new platform is going to be to easy to install and operate and the result will be that this forum is flooded with customers. Crazy. Don't we wont Boonex to be super successful, for them to to get as many customers as possible so that they have to expand, hire new employees and make Goobs of money so that they can deliver better products and services in the future? That is the goal isn't it? If your jealous that newbies get to come here and download the latest and greatest without going through all the crap with the last version, then you seriously need to grow up and get a life. I would expect this from junior high kids but not adults. Come on this is software people, this is how it goes, there are always delays, things are always in flux, it will never be perfect and there will always be things to improve and fix. So far D7 is pretty awesome, and worth the wait. And we sure didn't have to wait that long, thank god. The RMS for 7 will be released when they are finished with it, plain and simple as that. There are plenty of things you can do with your site while you wait for that to be released. If all your going to do is bitch and complain, then go find something else to do and stop cluttering up the forums with your complaining sessions. Find something productive to do for change. I swear our founding fathers would would slap you and tell you to get a life.
mmrhino, I strongly suggest you take a moment and go get yourself hooked on phonics, because you have absolutely NO clue what your talking about here. This isn't about boonex, this is about a host not being up to snuff.
Notice, we're talking about Arvixe in here. Arvixe is a host and is not in any shape, manner or form connected to Boonex. Boonex released the stable version of D7 and the stable version of RMS for D7. Guess your not bright enough to pick up on those little facts, which of course means your completely incapable of comprehending what it means to follow a thread all the way through.
"If Arvixe is refusing to immediately provide a working
RMS for your D7 instlall then move your entire site (along with your
business) to another host who will provide you with proper support. "
Unless you are familiar with any other hosts that do this, we are currently the only host that offers a free RMS with the dolphin installation that works properly.
The key word is works properly. At this point, we host over 1000 dolphin websites dispersed across 100+ servers. We can't possibly just roll out whatever that comes into our hands out into the hands of over 1000 different customers. We needed time to test and re-test RMS on different servers to make sure it worked.
Dolphin 7 stable was released on December 25th. Today, December 30th, only 5 days after a stable release during the holiday season, we are offering free RMS hosting for Dolphin 7 across all of those servers. Once again, we are the only host offering free RMS hosting across all of our accounts and servers.
To answer the author of this post. I'm not completely sure how the chat you've pasted outlines anybody is lieing. Boonex is correct in saying that Arvixe needs to provide the RMS. Arvixe is correct in saying that Boonex is the one that provides the autoinstaller. In either case, it is absolutely unreasonable to assume that either Arvixe and Boonex can provide you with an autoinstaller or free RMS hosting 2 days after the official release.
Some quick facts about Arvixe:
- The only web host offering free RMS Hosting
- Has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Boonex community
- Unlimited space/bandwidth for only $4 per month ($3 a month with Boonex coupon - lowest price offered at Boonex)
- Has trained and continues to train staff members on General boonex issues to cut the burden on Boonex developers for support
- Has written articles and continues to publish articles on common Dolphin issues to assist customers in resolving their problems: http://blog.arvixe.com/category/cpanel/boonex-dolphin/
- Much much more that simply no other host provides
In any case, as Jason mentioned, We are now providing RMS hosting and will provide Dolphin upgrades at a cost. Please contact support to get the RMS information for your domain.
"If Arvixe is refusing to immediately provide a working
RMS for your D7 instlall then move your entire site (along with your
business) to another host who will provide you with proper support. "
Unless you are familiar with any other hosts that do this, we are currently the only host that offers a free RMS with the dolphin installation that works properly.
The key word is works properly. At this point, we host over 1000 dolphin websites dispersed across 100+ servers. We can't possibly just roll out whatever that comes into our hands out into the hands of over 1000 different customers. We needed time to test and re-test RMS on different servers to make sure it worked.
Dolphin 7 stable was released on December 25th. Today, December 30th, only 5 days after a stable release during the holiday season, we are offering free RMS hosting for Dolphin 7 across all of those servers. Once again, we are the only host offering free RMS hosting across all of our accounts and servers.
To answer the author of this post. I'm not completely sure how the chat you've pasted outlines anybody is lieing. Boonex is correct in saying that Arvixe needs to provide the RMS. Arvixe is correct in saying that Boonex is the one that provides the autoinstaller. In either case, it is absolutely unreasonable to assume that either Arvixe and Boonex can provide you with an autoinstaller or free RMS hosting 2 days after the official release.
Some quick facts about Arvixe:
- The only web host offering free RMS Hosting
- Has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Boonex community
- Unlimited space/bandwidth for only $4 per month ($3 a month with Boonex coupon - lowest price offered at Boonex)
- Has trained and continues to train staff members on General boonex issues to cut the burden on Boonex developers for support
- Has written articles and continues to publish articles on common Dolphin issues to assist customers in resolving their problems: http://blog.arvixe.com/category/cpanel/boonex-dolphin/
- Much much more that simply no other host provides
In any case, as Jason mentioned, We are now providing RMS hosting and will provide Dolphin upgrades at a cost. Please contact support to get the RMS information for your domain.
You guys are the best! Forget about whatever ppl are saying on here. Let them try another host and find out that you offer the best support hand up!!! Other hosting companies will not try and update their servers for a while and at least you are trying...Forget these ppl...Arvixe is the best!!!
"If Arvixe is refusing to immediately provide a working
RMS for your D7 instlall then move your entire site (along with your
business) to another host who will provide you with proper support. "
Unless you are familiar with any other hosts that do this, we are currently the only host that offers a free RMS with the dolphin installation that works properly.
The key word is works properly. At this point, we host over 1000 dolphin websites dispersed across 100+ servers. We can't possibly just roll out whatever that comes into our hands out into the hands of over 1000 different customers. We needed time to test and re-test RMS on different servers to make sure it worked.
Dolphin 7 stable was released on December 25th. Today, December 30th, only 5 days after a stable release during the holiday season, we are offering free RMS hosting for Dolphin 7 across all of those servers. Once again, we are the only host offering free RMS hosting across all of our accounts and servers.
To answer the author of this post. I'm not completely sure how the chat you've pasted outlines anybody is lieing. Boonex is correct in saying that Arvixe needs to provide the RMS. Arvixe is correct in saying that Boonex is the one that provides the autoinstaller. In either case, it is absolutely unreasonable to assume that either Arvixe and Boonex can provide you with an autoinstaller or free RMS hosting 2 days after the official release.
Some quick facts about Arvixe:
- The only web host offering free RMS Hosting
- Has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Boonex community
- Unlimited space/bandwidth for only $4 per month ($3 a month with Boonex coupon - lowest price offered at Boonex)
- Has trained and continues to train staff members on General boonex issues to cut the burden on Boonex developers for support
- Has written articles and continues to publish articles on common Dolphin issues to assist customers in resolving their problems: http://blog.arvixe.com/category/cpanel/boonex-dolphin/
- Much much more that simply no other host provides
In any case, as Jason mentioned, We are now providing RMS hosting and will provide Dolphin upgrades at a cost. Please contact support to get the RMS information for your domain.
Mr. Arvixe, not trying to step on your toes here, but what you have posted is not 100% accurate in the way that Arvixe is the only hosting company offering RMS with their hosting accounts, that works.
Understandably, RMS 7 has been functional from the beta release, there has nothing changed about the RMS build other than the name as was pointed out to me by md. you tout unlimited bandwidth and unlimited space, and that my friend is a farce in and of itself, there is no such thing as unlimited anything when dealing with servers.
Glad you were finally able to get your clients RMS 7 installed. I think there was some confusion about exactly what was relayed between a support member and one of the unity members in regards to the autoinstaller.
at any rate, glad things are working out for you, and now your clients will be happy for a minute.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
@Arvixe -
Since you offer unlimited BW for $4 per month, could you could host a Dolphin site for me where I have up to 100 always active webcams, each streaming 640 x 480 video @ 25FPS? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
$4 dollars a month is pretty darn tootin cheap for three six domains. It sounds almost too good to be true, especially since you say for that price you also get "unlimited data transfer". How can that be true? You are already less expensive than the discount hosting services. If you have found a way to provide this I really wish you the best with this business model - I will probably sign up soon, but could you explain that "unlimited data transfer" part? |
The thing that they don't mention is cpu resources. I am willing to bet that if your site peeks that cpu beyond a certain threshold, they will suspend your account.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
I'm about to start my own company HL, it will be on a box in my basement. .99 a month for unlimited everything. I'm going to partner with the "how do I install dolphin on my computer" guy. He is going to be my tech support. I'm asking for the 1st 50 years paid upfront to cover my overhead though. Who's in! |
The thing that they don't mention is cpu resources. I am willing to bet that if your site peeks that cpu beyond a certain threshold, they will suspend your account.
That's the catch with "unlimited" web hosts. Though the resources are seemingly limitless, they actually measure you by the CPU usage, and if you go over it, you're done. The issue with this is that some people will get so sucked into the unlimited sales pitch, so they will start utilizing heavy resources and unknowingly go over the CPU allocation.
Unless you read the Terms of Service (why doesn't everyone do this?), you don't typically know of this, either.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I'm about to start my own company HL, it will be on a box in my basement. .99 a month for unlimited everything. I'm going to partner with the "how do I install dolphin on my computer" guy. He is going to be my tech support. I'm asking for the 1st 50 years paid upfront to cover my overhead though. Who's in!
Sounds like a done deal for me. :)
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
RE: I'm about to start my own company HL, it will be on a box in my basement. .99 a month for unlimited everything. I'm going to partner with the "how do I install dolphin on my computer" guy. He is going to be my tech support. I'm asking for the 1st 50 years paid upfront to cover my overhead though. Who's in!
I'm in! Where do I send the check?
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I'm about to start my own company ... I'm asking for the 1st 50 years paid upfront to cover my overhead though. Who's in!
Good point Buckmcgoo - the $4 for six domains is if you pay two years upfront, otherwise it is $7 a month - still cheap, but no longer "off the scale". Could be a good place to get started - I would like to know more though.
According to my calculations, you're asking for over $18,000.00 up-front.
Sounds like a fair price, especially if you can ensure that file permissions are too restrictive and that I can only run one cron job per year. Also, I'd like the option for PHP 4 and 5, but have it set so I have to pay extra for PHP 5, only for it to not work. Oh, yeah, safe_mode needs to be on. That's a must.
This is starting to remind me of a certain web host...
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
You know, hooking up with the "How Do I Install Dolphin On My Computer?" guy would be a great idea. We already have him trained up to hitting the snooze button and cuddling back up under his blankie. His next lesson is proper nourishment.
Now as far as this plan for hosting goes. Don't forget to put in an option for them to get cPanel or Plesk. Of course, whichever one they choose they'll have to pay extra for it. And of course, the unlimited bandwidth is a great thing to have, but you must be sure that they don't utilize more the 256Kb of memory in any given week. That will of course cost $19.95 per byte over 256 KB that they use.
And did we forget to mention e-mail. Of course they can have unlimited e-mail accounts with their hosting package for free. But you'll need to charge them 50 cents for every e-mail they receive and $1.50 for eveyone one they send out. Attachments are extra also of course. Will there be an extra fee for any e-mails over 50 bits in size?
RE: According to my calculations, you're asking for over $18,000.00 up-front.
Let's see ......
0.99 per month x 600 months = $18,000
Yes.... that's exactly right.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Does anyone with Arvixe have the information for their RMS? We tried calling them, and they hung-up... BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
The thing that they don't mention is cpu resources. I am willing to bet that if your site peeks that cpu beyond a certain threshold, they will suspend your account.
That's the catch with "unlimited" web hosts. Though the resources are seemingly limitless, they actually measure you by the CPU usage, and if you go over it, you're done. The issue with this is that some people will get so sucked into the unlimited sales pitch, so they will start utilizing heavy resources and unknowingly go over the CPU allocation.
Unless you read the Terms of Service (why doesn't everyone do this?), you don't typically know of this, either.
Good point Magussoft - here is the relevant part of theirs:
System Resource Usage (CPU/Memory/etc.): Per our AUP, abuse of system resources is prohibited. First violations
may or may not cause an account suspension depending on the severity of
the issue. The customer will receive a clear warning. Second or third
violations may result in an immediate termination of your account.
Background Processes: Background processes are not permitted on the PersonalClass level of
services. Please consult the sales department on whether your
application can be handled by your product of choice.
Bandwidth and Disk Usage: Customer agrees that bandwidth and disk usage shall not exceed the
number of megabytes per month for the Services ordered by Customer on
the Order Form. Arvixe will monitor Customer's bandwidth and disk
usage. Arvixe shall have the right to take corrective action if
Customer's bandwidth or disk usage exceeds the Agreed Usage. Such
corrective action may include the assessment of additional charges,
disconnection or discontinuance of any and all Services, or termination
of this Agreement, which actions may be taken is in Arvixe sole and
absolute discretion. If Arvixe takes any corrective action under this
section, Customer shall not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid in
advance prior to such action.
And, they did it again... BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Well if I got a support call in my bedroom at 11pm at night, I would hang up too! (just kidding) |
Well if I got a support call in my bedroom at 11pm at night, I would hang up too! (just kidding)
You have no idea how annoying that is until it happens to you. Several times. Still, I have to remain dedicated, so I put up with it.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Oh I work with international stuff - I speak from experience. Incomprehensible accents at 3am wanting something or other. Arvixe is 23 years old - youth can take that kind of abuse. |
Also something I find interesting is what Arvixe posted here. Keep in mind here Arvixe you have customers that I have referred to you which in turn has put egg on my face in this mess.
1. You quoted me and then stated this below it:
Unless you are familiar with any other hosts that do this, we are currently the only host that offers a free RMS with the dolphin installation that works properly.
The above simply breathes of your insinuating that what I stated was untrue. Now we both know that what I stated was in fact 100% true at the time it was posted and we both know that you would give the same advice to anyone who was hosted some place else besides your company if their host was not providing an environment that they could operate their sites in. In the end, your holding off until 5 days after Boonex release D7 fully stable to offer any support for it whatsoever denied your customers the opportunity to fully test D7 for themselves. Don't ever quote me out of context again or use any statement I have made to imply anything other than what I directly stated.
2. You stated in your post that:
The key word is works properly. At this point, we host over 1000 dolphin websites dispersed across 100+ servers. We can't possibly just roll out whatever that comes into our hands out into the hands of over 1000 different customers. We needed time to test and re-test RMS on different servers to make sure it worked.
So your stating that when Boonex releases something you will first test it yourselves and if you approve then your customers can use it. But until then, they must acknowledge that you know best what is good for them and what is bad for them? That's a wonderful concept. My parents gave that one up when I joined the military and went off to war. The military gave that one up when my enlistment was up and I took my honorable discharge. I guess being an adult is not a good enough reason for someone to make a decision in your mind. Of course, being a customer paying you money that they earned is not good enough either. This also implies that no other host has as many dolphin sites running on their servers as Arvixe (Would DD, HFW, Hostgator and a few others like to chime in here on this one)
3. You stated also in your post that:
To answer the author of this post. I'm not completely sure how the chat you've pasted outlines anybody is lieing. Boonex is correct in saying that Arvixe needs to provide the RMS. Arvixe is correct in saying that Boonex is the one that provides the autoinstaller. In either case, it is absolutely unreasonable to assume that either Arvixe and Boonex can provide you with an autoinstaller or free RMS hosting 2 days after the official release.
I'd like to help you out with this one. Last time I checked you did not need Auto Installers for RMS. Your client was clearly stating that he has his site installed so he doesn't need an autoinstaller for D7. With that in mind your representative attempted to put the blame on Boonex and the Auto Installer when the autoinstaller had nothing to do with it. In the section pasted, the client never asks anything in regards to the auto installer for D7, only the RMS.
4. You posted this about your company:
Some quick facts about Arvixe:
- The only web host offering free RMS Hosting
- Has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Boonex community
- Unlimited space/bandwidth for only $4 per month ($3 a month with Boonex coupon - lowest price offered at Boonex)
- Has trained and continues to train staff members on General boonex issues to cut the burden on Boonex developers for support
- Has written articles and continues to publish articles on common Dolphin issues to assist customers in resolving their problems: http://blog.arvixe.com/category/cpanel/boonex-dolphin/
- Much much more that simply no other host provides
While your have your price correct, not sure about the contribution of thousands of dollars to Boonex. You have only an Advanced $5 Membership here, not even a Premium Membership like alot of others have already purchased. You can tell because his posts aren't colored as of my postng this. DD has stated that his company does in fact also offer RMS included in every hosting package, or is yours truly free. Tell ya what, I'd like the settings for your RMS too since you stated it's free, that implies I don't even need a hosting package with your company to have it, I see lots of others would like this Free RMS Hosting also. No, we don't want to host our sites with you, just use your RMS for Free like your offering. As far as your Unlimted Space/bandwidth goes, does that include Unlimited CPU Usage? We'll take your word on the training of your staff, perhaps you would like to train them in Customer service also.
I can keep going here and I can get quite rude/abusive if you'd like. So far I'm going to continue to refrain from completely ripping on you and your company as your own post does a great job of that so far. Perhaps in the future you would like to consider not taking a tone of being right all the time when entering a thread concerning an issue with your hosting packages. Finally, be cautious as to how you quote me and do not take me out of context or create the appearance that I did not know what I was talking about when I made my post.
I was curious about that " tens of thousands of dollars" they donated to the "Boonex community" also. I'm not saying it is not true, but it wasn't explained. What was that for?
I was curious about that " tens of thousands of dollars" they donated to the "Boonex community" also. I'm not saying it is not true, but it wasn't explained. What was that for?
Somehow, I'd imagine that was fabricated on the spot. But, if not, I'd love to see any evidence to support it.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I was curious about that " tens of thousands of dollars" they donated to the "Boonex community" also. I'm not saying it is not true, but it wasn't explained. What was that for?
Well Rob, it's been rumored by some that Boonex charges to be on the list $50 per hosting account that signs up via Boonex if they're on the "Approved Hosting List" that Boonex provides. That would make it $50,000.00 paid to Boonex by Arvixe if it's true. Of course, that wouldn't be a contribution, rather it would be a marketing expense so I'm not sure about this either.
At $3.00 per month it would only take 17 months for them to make $1.00 (of course, that's if they don't pay anyone else like employees, IP Provider, Electric Company and so on). This is a great business model they're implying isn't it. I want in on this deal they've got.
It's sounding more and more like Money Laundering and Less and Less like a hosting company. LOL
Eh, I'm going to look into this more, but this is an annoying issue. BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Which number are you calling? And at what time did you call so I can look it over? I've looked over call logs and I'm not seeing anything alarming as far as abruptly connected calls. Did you actually get to speak to a rep. I do see that there was 1 chat asking for RMS7 details (around the time you posted here)
Please make sure you are calling 1-888-927-8493 (9-ARVIXE) and dialing either 1 or 2.
I can't afford the premium membership right now so I'm forced to color my own backgrounds. You guys like? |
If you go by their standard affiliate program it starts at $70 per account that signs up and goes up to $135 each. So if one received 1000 sign ups you are talking about a lot of money. At the low price they charge for hosting it would take a long time to recoup that.
I sent a number of hosting sign ups that way, and I haven't seen a dime of it.
The price is definitely reasonable and attractive though. I wouldn't expect to use a lot of resources and get a lot of help and support for the price. It would be good to test and check out dolphin, but if your dolphin site grows or takes off one should expect to upgrade.
All you can do is wait for them to upgrade to version 7 compatibility for the price they charge. If you can't wait then think about rms only service, switch to another more costly dolphin host that includes rms, or maybe even get your own vps and do it all yourself. There are other possibilities if you are willing to spend a little more.
DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
My handy hint when calling up Arvixe support line:
If you happen to be calling them from the same country then it's a free number.
If you are not in the same country it can sometimes prove difficult to call a toll-free number or if you can get through, you will probably have to pay, even though it's a free number.
If you use Skype then you can call any toll-free number in the world for free, no matter where you are calling from.
I can't afford the premium membership right now so I'm forced to color my own backgrounds. You guys like?
@ Buckmcgoo: I can't afford a premium account right at the moment either, though I probably will soon. Problem is, I hate that pale yellow color. Can we get a premium account and keep this nice clean plain white color?
@ Gameutopia: But he said over 1000 domains, not 1000 accounts. They charge $4 or $7 a month per account with up to six domains so it would be much less than that. I still would like to know what he meant by those "tens of thousands of dollars" they have contributed to the Boonex community"
I just did some snooping around, and I found something quite interesting. Arvixe doesn't seem to have their own datacenter. I checked out the servers hosting both their own site and their customer's and I found out that Arvixe's servers are actually largely hosted at The Planet, which I'd imagine means they have Co-Location or something similar.
Arvixe claims they have a datacenter, but from what I've seen, they actually have nothing of the sort. I'd be hoping to find out more information on this.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I just finished another round of snooping around and I found out who actually runs Arvixe's supposed second datacenter. Their second datacenter is actually run by SoftLayer Technologies, a Houston-based hosting provider. It would appear they use Co-Location or similar services for all their servers, and that they actually do not own a datacenter.
You can also tell how bored I am to actually be doing this.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
A lot of places don't.
I used to have a datacenter back when T1 lines were enough bandwidth to run websites.
A T1 is a joke for modern websites.
Bandwidth is costly. And most people now demand redundcy. Backups for everything. Electric and bandwidth from mutipial locations entering the data center from different directions to reduce chances of failure due to fiber cuts.
I costs a boat load of money to run your own datacenter.
I am a ISP. I provide dialup and DSL.
I used to actually bring in flexpath T1 curcuits for the digital end of a 56k modem and rand my own modem banks. I don't do that anymore. I lease ports on modem farms so i can offer local numbers throughout the entire USA. DSL is handeled the same way.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
A lot of places don't.
I used to have a datacenter back when T1 lines were enough bandwidth to run websites.
A T1 is a joke for modern websites.
Bandwidth is costly. And most people now demand redundcy. Backups for everything. Electric and bandwidth from mutipial locations entering the data center from different directions to reduce chances of failure due to fiber cuts.
I costs a boat load of money to run your own datacenter.
I am a ISP. I provide dialup and DSL.
I used to actually bring in flexpath T1 curcuits for the digital end of a 56k modem and rand my own modem banks. I don't do that anymore. I lease ports on modem farms so i can offer local numbers throughout the entire USA. DSL is handeled the same way.
True, true. I'm going to find something more worthwhile to do other than start conspiracy theories now. 
Also, interesting post.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I uploaded D7 yesterday...I have Arvixe and so far RMS is working...i used the info they provided me for D6 and so far video/chat is streaming. Most of the data migrated from D6 (keep in mind I only have 20 something members)...video and music are playing, etc.
Haven't tried the video comment doo-dad or presence (if it's even still available)...but regardless, last RMS info is still working for me.
I uploaded D7 yesterday...I have Arvixe and so far RMS is working...i used the info they provided me for D6 and so far video/chat is streaming. Most of the data migrated from D6 (keep in mind I only have 20 something members)...video and music are playing, etc.
Haven't tried the video comment doo-dad or presence (if it's even still available)...but regardless, last RMS info is still working for me.
Their Dolphin 7 RMS is now available. I suggest you contact their support team and request the information.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Ah, the ring around.
I talked with them 2 days ago, and I have the newest RMS server for my D7 install.. Only problem is (and my partner said its not related to RMS) is that our video uploads don't work.
I'd give you the RMS information if I could find it again.
or they lied and this is still the D6 RMS.
I uploaded D7 yesterday...I have Arvixe and so far RMS is working...i used the info they provided me for D6 and so far video/chat is streaming. Most of the data migrated from D6 (keep in mind I only have 20 something members)...video and music are playing, etc.
Haven't tried the video comment doo-dad or presence (if it's even still available)...but regardless, last RMS info is still working for me.
hey carol,
you dont need RMS for video and music, you need RMS for streaming audio, video comments and such. i think this is where this all started at, but i truly wish this thread would have died quicker than it started.
solidifies my push for better moderator features on this site. there is no reason for arvixe to suffer such slams. loading dolphin 7 RMS is totally up to the hosting service provider.
check your AV chat or video comments, that will tell you if your RMS is working.
what exactly didnt migrate on your site?
so i guess you got your cron jobs nailed if you were able to migrate. video uploads and music uploads i think are dependant on the crons. also check your mass mailer. there has been much discussion on these boards about things not working because of some simplistic settings that surely should not be causing this many problems.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Ah, the ring around.
I talked with them 2 days ago, and I have the newest RMS server for my D7 install.. Only problem is (and my partner said its not related to RMS) is that our video uploads don't work.
I'd give you the RMS information if I could find it again.
or they lied and this is still the D6 RMS.
We've had similar issues, and had to tinker around. First, cron jobs might need some reconfiguring and then some (they are also horribly delayed in running from time to time). Also, make sure no folder permissions are at 777, or files at 666.
As for the RMS information, they need to add you to the list of approved domains, or else you cannot connect.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I got the RMS info from their support chat. |
Does anyone with Arvixe have the information for their RMS? We tried calling them, and they hung-up...
This is when I was with them for D6.. Hope it can help its all I got.
Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL: jennifer.bogan@gmail.com |
It dont matter if you have there rms information. If they dont add you to the .dat file with your domain name its not going to work. https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |