The new system includes a "base" directory and the tmpl_uni (as default).. Let me explain the "logic" and the facts of this thing..
1. "base" is in fact the "tmpl_uni" template.
2. "tmpl_uni" just imports everything from the base directory..
WOW till now EVERYTHING is HILARIOUS in terms of logic..
3. to make a new template you have to COPY tmpl_uni folder (which again all is doing is to import the base files)
4. to modify a image (or file) you must copy it from the base/images directory to your tmpl_ANYNAME/images and then Dolphin will load this copied file.. well that's wrong because I tried many times and it never updates.. (even if I disable cache)
5. If they say this is hard-disk space economy then I will tell you that the "BASE" directory only has 1.25 MB, AND probably there is no one here that will consider to upload 1000 skins for their members to use.. that was the only "reasonable" explanation to have this system this way..
Had enough of this NONSENSE?
WHY - yes WHY is the WORD OF THE DAY, why do we need the BASE DIRECTORY ANYWAY???
Can't we have just the tmpl_uni folder and when we want to make a new template we just copy this folder and then modify it??? I THINK THIS SOUNDS (at least) more SIMPLE?
WHY - why we must have two folders instead of ONE? Since when 2 folders mixed are easier to modify than 1?
I will make a ticket and hopefully we will have the BASE directory no more.. I know it takes some time to modify the files but our final purpose is to have a better Dolphin..
Please Boonex consider this important change..
Simpler is ALWAYS better, 2 is two times more complicated than 1, therefore 1 folder is better..