I am having an issue with uploaded avatars appearing for a brief moment then vanishing, leaving an empty box. It only seems to do this when viewed with a mobile device like phones and tablets. It also only seems to vanish when viewed in simple mode but the avatar re-appears in extended mode.
After further investigation, I noticed that the avatar viewed in simple mode (the one that vanishes) is supposed to have a filename that ends with the letter "a", for example "885a.jpg".
However, the avatar viewed in extended mode (the one that does not vanish) has a filename that does not end with the letter "a", for example "885.jpg".
There was one avatar that did not vanish when all the others did but this was uploaded after the upgrade to 7.2.1.
I went to the directory that stored the avatars
and noticed that the avatars that did have a filename ending with a letter actually all ended with the letter "i", with the exception of the one avatar that was visable even when the others were not. This one did actually end with the letter "a".
Why is the system now using the letter "a" instead of "i" when an avatar is uploaded?
Any why does is the avatar used when viewed on a laptop or desktop, the same for simple and extended mode (that is it doesn't have a filename that ends with a letter)?
Any help in sorting this out would be greatly appreciated.