Why is rememberMe a hidden field?

There is a field in the login form called rememberMe? To me, making this a hidden field that is always on is a security issue.


Has anyone converted this to a checkbox instead?

Quote · 5 Feb 2016

Try top modify the following code in inc/design.inc.php file near ~340 line:

            'rememberme' => array(
                'type' => 'hidden',
                'name' => 'rememberMe',
            	'value' => 'on',


            'rememberme' => array(
                'type' => 'checkbox',
                'name' => 'rememberMe',
                'label' => _t('_Remember password'),
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Quote · 5 Feb 2016

Any chance you'll incorporate this change? I would prefer to avoid custom changes. It makes things harder to maintain.

Quote · 6 Feb 2016

You can implement this modification without modifying the core core, you can catch 'profile' -> 'show_login_form' alert and modify this field since form object is passed as parameter for this 'alert'

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Quote · 6 Feb 2016
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