see my website everything is fine except the ocra
when i try to make a new topic its just shows loading .....
and in mozilla it shows lots of html above and below the page
can anyone help me in this or tell me how do i fix that ?
yes install XSLT I have the same problems, but this is what the guys of Boonex say to me today after viewing my server... very strange there I have installed all xslt extensions. 
I hope that it works at your place...
good luck
Kids first |
yes install XSLT I have the same problems, but this is what the guys of Boonex say to me today after viewing my server... very strange there I have installed all xslt extensions. 
I hope that it works at your place...
good luck
is there any alternative of this ocra thing ...i m fed up with this forum script ..i mean how to i replace it with phpbb2 or phpbb3 if i want ?
there is a possibilty to replace it with phpbb2 but you have to pay for that mod.. And I don't think of groups is working with this. Kids first |
so no solution that we can do ourself hmm ? |
If you can programming by yourself maby you can. I can't :( But my provider try's somethings out, but XSLT is patched with te lateaste version and its not working... different browser problem its the same here.... so nothing to do with XSLT! What it is We don't know here.
after installing the leatst xsl patch no news on the front. The same problems. I have write support again, and asked them to rrspond on questions fro my provider :)
Kids first |
i think i must use some other forum script .....phpbb2 how can it be integrated in dolphin with same database ? |
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
my problem was today solved so now I'am happy.....  Kids first |
You got a live demo of that?
I need this too but not have $ 60 
Orca handles the forum for the GROUPS as well. Does this integration take care of that too?? |
This looks promising as I too have the XML problem, it seems, even though my server indicates it meets the requirements of Dolphin / Orca (not ocra - which is a disgusting vegetable).
I too have a couple questions on this mod
1) If we have a free version of Dolphin now but then upgrade to ad free, can we convert the phpbb module over?
2) do you actually give us the module or is this one of those deals where you have to install it due to piracy and we never see the files
3) do your rules allow us to use your mod on any of the dolphin sites we create, not just the first one?
(I am a new user of Dolphin and am a bit disapointed in the module market for this application - some mods are just an email telling you how to modify files, some modes you don't get anything but must allow the developer full access to your server to install it and you have nothing in hand, when you have to move your site. )
David P
It happens in my site too. check this, the forum heading is like this [L[Forums Spy]]
what does this mean?
Also, these are not working:
video upload Boards shout box
Music upload
Chat room
in dolphin..
can anyone help me?
Sorry, I guess a demo would help!! I have it on my own site now at
Oh, about the groups... orca still powers them but it is a whole seperate directory so it isn't effected by this integration. Maybe that will be my next project :-) It won't be easy because of the pictures...
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
What is Invalid date ? - one little bug only
Really good.
Author: rogerbr Forum: Welcome to my forum! Date: 2008-07-04
my problem was today solved so now I'am happy..... 
can you tell me how this problem was resolved please?
something with a wrong permission on a php file into the php server root
You can't do this themselves, or you must have your own linux or windows server. My hoster haved done this, but could remember with file it was.
More I can't say about it. sorry
Kids first |
my problem was today solved so now I'am happy..... 
Other than purchasing the Dolphin 6.1 with PhPbb3 installed, what was the solution - as stated in a previous post, more and more users with this XSLT error again.. LOL
Let me know...
I had the same problem and it was fixed today, you might be interested in this forum post .
I hope this help