Windows VS Linux Server

Hi all,


I use windows and Xampp as my development environment. I can run my dolphin app smoothly locally. But when i upload it to my host, which runs on linux, the problem begins to show. It seems that windows is NOT CASE SENSITIVE and linux is.


the table `localizedlanguages` is from the dump file i made from my local mySql database.


the query that the app is trying to run is: SELECT `ID` FROM `LocalizationLanguages` WHERE `NAME` = 'en-us'


my host do not seem to recognize `LocalizationLanguages` even though it has a table named `localizationlanguages`



With that my question is,


Is there a way to turn off case sensitivity in phpMyAdmin?




Is there a way to implement an 'all lower case sql statement' in dolphin?



Please let me know.


Thank you very much



Quote · 8 Jul 2009

Check lower_case_table_names system variable in linux.

Usually in unix like systems it is set to 0 and windows it is set to 1.

Quote · 8 Jul 2009

Thanks okweb. will try that later and keep you posted

Quote · 9 Jul 2009

Windows VS Linux.

No Comparison.

Linux Kicks ASS. And windows............................


It just sucks............................
Quote · 9 Jul 2009
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