When I click on my site name I see
1 You have manually removed BoonEx footers without paying for the right to. Please, go to BoonEx.com and order the ad free licenses to be able to use your site without BoonEx footers. They will be automatically removed as soon as you register your ad free licenses. Please, put the __boonex_footers__ key back into Dolphin template.
When I look at TMPL_UNI
I see this
<div class="clear_both"></div>
<!-- end of body -->
<div class="bottomCopyright">
<div class="bottomLinks">
<div class="bottomCpr">__copyright__</div>
__includebase _footer.html__
Then when I look at the other TMPL I see this
<div class="clear_both" style="height:1px;"></div>
<div class="clear_both" style="height:1px;"></div>
<!-- end of body -->
<div class="clear_both"></div>
<div class="bottomBlock">
<img class="bodyLowerBlockLeftC" src="__images__bottom_lc.gif" alt="" />
<img class="bodyLowerBlockRightC" src="__images__bottom_lr.gif" alt="" />
<div class="bottomTexts">
<div class="bottomLinks">
<div class="bottomCopyright">__copyright__</div>
<a href="http://www.online4love.com/"><img class="gorpusLink" src="__images__gorpus_link.gif" alt="adult sex" /></a>
<!-- bottom -->
<!-- <div class="bodyLowerBlock"> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- </div> -->
<div class="clear_both"></div>
<!-- end of bottom -->
__includebase _footer.html__
After looking at this in here it looks like I got took for my money on this template. If I did do you know what template this is then?