is this thing ever gonna work? i tried it on one of the demo sites but mine dont work.... i get the little square box forever in a loop. 7.0.7 is there anyfix for this or ideas about what might be causing it?
yes i searched here long and hard before posting :P

you state you tried this on the demo site. just as an inquiry, what is the full URL of the video you are trying to stream? and when you tried it on the demo site, did you use the same URL, and was that test successful?
AFAIK, there are no issues with youtube embed.
share the full link of your embed video, it can be tested. also you can check your server logs and see if there are any errors on the logs. are you on a VPS or shared hosting? what is your max_execution time setting?
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
I had the same problem until I clicked the "use old style" button at YouTube. Hope this helps -Pattyde |
it dont matter what video or link i use either .com or .be
they all do the same thing. i have tried on different pcs and browsers. I used shared hosting at vexxhosting
i dont know why changing that would do anything to the link as it only changes the imbed code from iframe to object.. it dont change the link.
well i the reason i inquired about the link itself, which has not been shared here, is that sometimes, these video clips are set to private, and that would cause them to fail streaming.
you cannot embed on old-style <object> embed with this uploader on D7. though so not sure what that was in reference to, other than an actual embed into a block, then you would use the <object> embed.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
well i switched to a new host "Arvixe"
and it works now :D so glad... the other 4 host i tried just failed to no end.
glad you were able to get it resolved. it is widely known that not all hosts are compatible with dolphin, and many face issues when venturing off to the $1.99/month hosting solutions. not that you were paying $1.99, its just a cliche'
well i switched to a new host "Arvixe"
and it works now :D so glad... the other 4 host i tried just failed to no end.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
yea i understand about cheap hosting... but i am not going to pay for a vps or dedicated server before i test the script out ;)
thanks for the help
absolutelyl understandable, that you would not get a VPS or Dedicated server, however, what creates many headaches for first time Dolphin users, is getting hosting services from a provider who is not familiar with dolphin, and/or has not configured their servers so that dolphin could run on them.
yea i understand about cheap hosting... but i am not going to pay for a vps or dedicated server before i test the script out ;)
thanks for the help
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |