Webmaster, this is pretty simple to do, but it is time consuming to do. Here's how you do it:
First to create the overall field such as Looking For
Go to Admin=>Builders=>Field Builders => Join and you will see 3 sections. One is Active, the other 2 are inactive.
From the middle Field "Inactive Blocks" you will see a little block titled "New Block" Drag it up and set it at the top line. The other columns will adjust to make room for it. Now click on the block and fill out the information as you want it to appear.
Next, Go to the bottom field and grab a block titled "New Item" and drag it up under the New Block you just finished placing and naming. Now click on it and set it as you want it to appear on the join form. This is where they will fill in the information when they join.
Now, save the block and click on Edit in the very top column. If you look in the Inactive Blocks Field and the Inactive Items Field you will find these 2 blocks you just made. Drag them into position in the Active Section and click on each and fill out the "Caption" which will be vacant. You will need to do this for the Profile & Search pages also.
Do this for each new block and the items that you want to display and it will take care do it for you.
To place them directly on the pages in the specific location you want them you need to do this:
Go to Admin => Builders =>Page Builders and find the Blocks (not the items, they are contained inside the blocks) and place each in the appropriate column and order you want them to appear in. Then turn them on for Guests & Members by clicking on the associated Check boxes inside each Item Block.
Now, save it. Log out of Admin and go check the join/edit/profile & search pages.
If you end up with this:
_Field_Caption_View on any page or anythiing similiar, it means that block or item for that specific page is missing it's caption and you need to login to Admin =>Builders=>Field Builders=> Associated Page and enter a caption for that box. This process will build the language keys for you and there is no need to go do that after your done.