baaaa dolly the dolphin?

I was wondering... Is it possable to change the database for a dolpin site? As I am looking to clone my dolphin site but use a second database.

Quote · 26 May 2009

Yes, of course.

You can have several databases and switch between its.

Quote · 26 May 2009

Im looking around in the admin menus, am I missing some thing where is the menu to swich database? or do I have to do it by cpannel? are there php or sql files I must change something in?

Quote · 26 May 2009

The database setting is in the /inc/ file...

Look for

$db['host']                = 'localhost';
$db['sock']                = '';
$db['port']                = '';
$db['user']                = 'username';
$db['passwd']              = 'password';
$db['db']                  = 'database';

Quote · 26 May 2009

Right ok Ive done it....

Ive got a cloned dolphin

Ive fixed




and ive changed cmd.php, notifies.php, tags.php (in the periodic folder) Require_once ('[path/to/inc/]')

But, although I have a dolpin clone when I try to login to the cloned admin it instead logs me into the original admin.

What have I got to change to login to the cloned dolphin admin?

Quote · 26 May 2009

Also, I think that I must do something in the file ray/modules/global/js/intergration.js

Change the value of the variable sRayUrl according to your current url

I am not sure how to do this???????

Quote · 26 May 2009

Also, I think that I must do something in the file ray/modules/global/js/intergration.js

Change the value of the variable sRayUrl according to your current url

I am not sure how to do this???????

in the header_inc.php you neet to change the $dir['root'] that should do it.. i think

Quote · 27 May 2009

already done it

Quote · 27 May 2009

I have an idea, there is a php file somewhere that openly shows the admin login and password. where is this?

Quote · 27 May 2009

Basicly I have 2 dolphin sites (one is a clone) dolphin standard & dolphin dating. dating is the clone!

When im on dating and i go to the admin login; it is the correct adress but the login says im logging into dolphin standard.

dolphin dating is still connected to the standard admin.

How can I swap it to the new one?

Quote · 27 May 2009

Okay I think the steps should be the same as moving the site to another server. in which case look at this

Quote · 27 May 2009

I need to transfer my site to another folder/server. What do I need to do? ¶

1) First of all, you need to back up your folders and files and your database tables. It usually results in creation of two archives (.tgz or .zip) which you will have to unpack on your new server/folder; besides, the database tables will have to be imported in your new database.

2) Dolphin 6 has several files which must be changed after transferring to another folder or server:

* inc/ change the values of the following variables according to your current settings:

$site['url'] and $dir['root']

and all the elements of $db array (it's not usually needed if you just move your site to another folder on the same server)

* cmd.php, notifies.php, tags.php files in periodic folder. All of them have lines as follows:

require_once( '[path_to]/inc/' );

where [path_to] must be changed according to the current path to Dolphin folder

* ray/modules/global/inc/

edit the line


the same way as described above

* ray/modules/global/js/integration.js

change the value of the variable sRayUrl according to your current URL.

thats from the FAQ's here

This is what I have originaly looked at before cloning...... I am stuck on * ray/modules/global/js/integration.js

Quote · 27 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.