captcha image not showing

Hi, GUys

Just reinstalled Dolphin 6.1.6 to make sure I had GREEN LIGHT in all install elements and directories..
And the install passed..

I still do not see a CAPTCHA image on my JOIN form.. How can I find out what the issue is?

Regards, Ken

Quote · 21 Dec 2009

Well, I'd ask if your browser was up to date with flash and such, but I've looked at your site and noted that all is well.


Now, since you have green lights that means you have GD Library or Imagick installed and configured correctly.  If I recall correctly, your just getting a red x inside of a box where the captcha goes.  Is that still the way it is?

Quote · 21 Dec 2009

No [x] just an empty space..

I use Capchta in other web sites with no issues..

I am updating to D7 (If I can find where to download it from) anyway and will see if that fixes it..


Quote · 22 Dec 2009

You can download D7 RC3 here


Nothing to see here
Quote · 22 Dec 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.